Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 152: Using Luo Lian as a breakthrough point

In the backyard of the shop, there were more than a dozen large carriages carrying goods.

Luo Lian covered her lips with her left hand and let out a sleepy yawn. She snapped her fingers with her right hand, and the large box originally filled with goods in the warehouse slowly levitated and moved slowly to the carriage.

The miraculous ability amazed the coachmen again and again. Is this the legendary magic?

"Oh, I'm still on the box. I was just putting a seal on the box."

Reni was lying on a large box, and Luo Lian used magic to transport it there, and landed on a carriage.

"Treat you as a gift and sell it to the dark elves together with the goods. I heard that the dark elves men are very handsome and fit. Don't you like this?" Krach, who was busy counting the goods, turned around and joked.

"No, I heard that the place where they live is full of cliffs. I'm afraid of heights."

Reni shook his head, held the sword at his waist, and jumped down from the box nimbly. He heard that the guy Ye Lin was coming back today, and he would ship it away immediately after signing the contract.

"The first batch of goods is mainly food, including flour, meat, vegetables and fruits, and a small amount of needles, threads, spices and tea leaves. If they come with enough vehicles, they can also put some silk fabrics."

Penosio ticked a few boxes on the product list, and put things like fine wine, porcelain, and potions in the second round.

"Do they want heavy weapons? Let Kelly sell it."

Taylor sat on a box and swung her long legs wrapped in jeans.

That little girl from Xu Zu complained about her every day. As time passed, she actually had the illusion that hot pants were not pants, and started to join the army of long skirts and long pants.

This inevitably makes some people who come to the store feel regretful. Taylor's slender white legs are a beautiful sight.

"Well, as long as the first round goes well, I will immediately join forces with the Skadi and Kanina Chamber of Commerce to supply goods together."

Celia couldn't help but feel a little regretful. The main business of her shop was not daily necessities. If Van Ness only supplied goods by herself, she would obviously not be able to eat this piece of meat.

She was a little unhappy with this behavior of giving money to others.

"I'm back!"

This very familiar shout made them look sideways in surprise, but they immediately turned back, hinting to each other, and then kept expressionless faces.

"What's going on? I'm very hurt by your overly bland reaction! I haven't seen you for more than half a month. Not to mention setting off firecrackers, holding banners and setting up two tables, but at least I should give you a round of applause, right?"

Ye Lin couldn't help scratching his head and complaining, what's going on today, everyone in the store is ignoring him.

Bang bang bang...

Reni quickly clapped his hands and applauded in welcome, and then was glared back by Luo Lian. This stupid girl couldn't read the air.

"Dear Celia, come and hug..."

"I'm busy and don't have time to talk to you. Give me the contract."

Stretching out her hand to hold his chest, Celia asked for the contract without raising her head, and then checked the rules in detail to avoid any text traps.

"Ms. Taylor, it's a waste of time for you to cover up your beautiful legs like this. I have the fifth element below to help you transform them..."

"No need, I like to wear long pants."

Taylor glared at him coldly, and Taylor also looked like he didn't really want to talk to him.

"Krah, your clothes are really nice. They fit your figure very well."

"Oh, thank you, I'm busy."

"Binochio, I have a few questions about fire magic..."

"I'm not free at the moment. Let's talk about it when we get back."


"Don't ask me, I don't know."

Reni waved her hands repeatedly. She was as confused as Ye Lin. Weren't everyone talking and laughing just now? Why did everyone suddenly have a straight face...

"Oh, I'm going to use my special move!"

With a sudden change of heart, he stood directly in front of the yawning Luo Lian, staring at her maliciously.

"Haha, are you looking at me?"

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Luo Lian's mouth. Want to use herself as a breakthrough?

It's really ridiculous, the flower of the west coast is not only about appearance, but also about cultivation and grace.

"You are so beautiful, pure and refined, elegant and decent. You are worthy of being the flower of the West Coast."

Celia and the others' expressions changed slightly, and they secretly focused their worried eyes on Luo Lian. They must hold on, this is the devil's whisper!

"Ah, ha, um... you are talking nonsense. Who on the West Coast doesn't know my beauty."

Pretending not to care, she twisted her golden hair around her fingers, but her eyes began to wander.

"My eyes are like stars, and my red lips are heart-stopping."

"It's useless even if you praise me, I don't care about this..."

"Long legs!"

"Really, it's useless..."

"Willow waist!"

"I won't tell you!"

Celia held her forehead helplessly, this person was obviously at the end of his strength, and with a few more compliments, he would probably go to heaven.

"Your beauty is more pure than Taylor..."

A surefire move!

"Hahahaha, we have discussed it, and I want to give you a cold shoulder on purpose. Who asked you to take in so much business? We are exhausted from busying ourselves with goods these days."

Luo Lian was completely defeated, her face was red, and the fatigue of the past few days seemed to be wiped away, and she looked at Taylor provocatively.

"Ha, innocence is not worth mentioning in front of sexiness."

Taylor folded his arms to support justice. How proud are you?

"Bah, it's all bloated fat, proving that you are a fat man!"

"Tch, you're just jealous. This fat can make people die."


The two people were noisy here, but Reni slowly looked down at his justice and whispered: "It's actually fat inside, I thought it was muscle."

"We thought the trade was the exchange of equipment, potions, silk and other materials, but we didn't expect that Shallan said that we need food now because of the plague problem, because the first batch must be sincere enough, which has taken us a lot of effort in the past few days. That’s when I found these.”

Celia's slightly resentful look made him chatter for a while. Sure enough, the shopkeeper was so happy that he waved his hands away. With just one word from the boss, the employees broke their legs.

"Okay, the contract is over, Luo Lian, Penosio, please give each other a gift."

The contract was in duplicate, signed in Mal's name, and one was handed to Ye Lin for later to be given to the dark elf to take back.

"I'm leaving right now?"

Ye Lin was a little confused as he grasped the contract. When he returned to Hedunmar, his footsteps never stopped. It was like moving bricks in an infinite loop.

"Otherwise, you can't let the two of them go. How can we hand over the goods without anyone we know well?"

He scratched his hair half-heartedly, and then stretched out his little hand excitedly: "Where's the gold? Since you didn't bring any goods, then the first batch of trade Van Ness must have paid for in gold. Show me quickly. look."

"It's just you ghost..."

A box of gold was opened. Celia rubbed the gold nugget with her fingertips intoxicatedly and said righteously: "Tonight, I want to sleep with this box!"

"Well, I'll let you hold the box while you sleep, and I'll take the gold."

Ye Lin nodded disapprovingly. In fact, I have seen through you a long time ago!

"No, this is very pure gold, real gold, not inferior gold coins mixed with other metals. This is the first time I've seen so much."

Celia put the gold behind her and closed the box with satisfaction.

Bad money driving out good money is an extremely harmful behavior that can never be controlled. Therefore, the material used to forge gold coins is not actually pure gold.

"Okay, how about I melt the gold into a golden statue of you and put it in your room?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Okay, you big-headed devil. When you go back tonight, buy some more meat, onions, cabbage, etc., and I'll teach you how to make dumplings."

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