Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1568 The Mechanical Head of State’s request for help

\u003c!--go--\u003e “Is Qianying back? I saw Jie lying down in the yard.” Ye Lin casually hung the windbreaker on the hanger at the door, but he did not see his handsome figure in the living room.

Qianying has a huge hatred for the Delos Empire and has been thinking of ways to do something big. The last time the team went to the mirror dimension, Qianying did not follow him. Instead, he took the initiative to find Natalia. He didn’t know what happened. What did you do?

Ye Lin was also very curious about how big she meant it was.

"Qianying~" In the kitchen, Krach showed his head and said with a smile: "She went out with Natalia and hasn't come back yet. She said she went to buy a pair of sunglasses. Her original ones were broken."

"Oh~ Natalia, the foul-mouthed one, is here too." Ye Lin smiled and grabbed an apple on the table.

With Qianying as the starting point, his thoughts began to diverge. Yelin's movement of biting the apple froze, and he suddenly frowned in surprise and asked: "I remember that Qianying once killed an imperial nobleman. Who do you remember, Krach?" What?"

"Forgot ~ didn't pay attention."

"I think it's Count Mastiff." Siatt, who was passing by, replied casually, and she had an impression.

She was also a noble lady in the empire before, and has a relatively clear understanding of the upper class.

"It's him?!"

Ye Lin's tone was a little playful. It turned out that the nobleman who died in Qianying's hands was also a "mastiff", a guy who was loyal to the emperor.

In the mirror dimension, Mastiff was sent by the empire to test the Kingdom of Vanness.

"By the way, Ye Lin, I have a letter for you. Dr. Gina sent it this morning." Krach pointed to the tea table in the living room.

Because the doctor didn't know exactly when he would come back, and the sky was high and the road was far away from Xu Zu, and there was no mobile phone signal, so he left a letter and told him to give it to him immediately after he came back.

"Okay, thank you, I saw it." Ye Lin nodded, opened the envelope and read it, slowly frowning.

"Krah, I'm going to heaven, and I may not come back for dinner."

"Well, I guessed it a long time ago, so I didn't plan to make your work meal~"


Ghent, Gina’s private laboratory

Flickering projection screens, complex three-dimensional compositions, dazzling scientific equations, parts as detailed as nanometers...

The laboratory is heated, and Dr. Gina is wearing refreshing short-sleeved shirts. A pair of plump and full animal patterns in front of her body hold up the short-sleeved animal patterns into an "abstract painting." Her wheat-colored skin has a very unique charm.

"Nairn, have you made any progress there?" Dr. Gina scratched her messy hair. Her originally beautiful face was now full of fatigue.

"Yes, there is, but it's not enough to support a complete system. With all due respect, Gina, the military has taken too big a step. I'm afraid."

Nairn Sigg, who is relatively introverted and has a bit of a stutter, is now holding up his glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, his face showing a rare seriousness and displeasure, like a black cloud of cold frost.

Next to her, Lindsey Rosen, the little white flower in heaven, was holding a cup of hot coffee and took a slow sip, lost in thought. She had only slept five hours a day for a month, and her body bones were fragile.

Mia, who was "caught" to help, was wrapped in a blanket and fast asleep. She was also very tired.

After becoming a human, Mia naturally has to endure the fatigue common to humans. Unlike before, she could just recharge.

Stardust Sky Project, Waldstein Project, Norwell Project... Since the successful realization of the energy revolution, the New Seven Gods' Elytra, which symbolizes the highest technological level in the heavens, has not been able to get some free time, but has become more and more busy.

The war core workshops, including the Siman Industrial Base, suddenly and inexplicably entered overtime~

"Melvin's side, the Waldstein project has been scrapped thirteen times. He has already started writing an application report, requesting to suspend the project, saying it is a waste of resources." The coffee in Lindsay's hand has bottomed out, and her dinner is probably frozen food again. ,I do not want to eat.

Although the imperial capital delivers a lot of fresh ingredients and has excellent nutritionists, everyone is so busy that they can't even touch the ground. They wish they could be like the big octopus in the ocean with eight hands.

Moreover, they had a lot of confidential documents in the laboratory, and the nutritionist would be "grounded" when he came, like a prison, so he simply let him go within two days.

And science and technology are not other jobs. You can just find some assistants. Certain delicate parts and tasks will be completely messed up and all the previous efforts will be wasted if someone accidentally touches them.

Besides, we are all excellent mechanics, and there are still a few mechanical assistants, so there have always been only the three of them in the laboratory, and occasionally Mia will be brought in to help.

"Girls who are as beautiful as flowers, why do they all have such sad faces? Isn't that beautiful?" Of course, the anti-theft and defense devices in the laboratory could not stop Ye Lin. He rushed to Heaven as soon as he received the letter.

But what surprised Ye Lin was that these three doctors, who were usually full of confidence and had a womanly temperament, were all listless, exuding an aura of "lost, depressed, and sad".

"You're here! Have you had dinner? If not, there are quick-frozen dumplings, glutinous rice balls, self-heating hot pot, etc. in the refrigerator over there. You can get them yourself." Gina reluctantly raised her hand as a greeting.

"General~" Nairn and Lindsay nodded slightly, slightly correcting their lazy and decadent postures. They were both dressed in short-sleeved heating pants, and their beautiful legs were both white and dazzling.

Now there is no need to go to the experimental bench to work, and there is no need to wear special clothes, so the clothing is a little more casual.

"I haven't eaten yet. Do you ladies want me to treat you to dinner?" Ye Lin looked at Lindsay, Nairn, and Gina in turn.

"Do not have time."

"Not hungry yet."

"I can't walk."

Gina didn't continue to chatter nonsense with him, or try to be gentle with her before saying goodbye. She clicked on the projection screen a few times with a pen, opened an email, and said, "Here, take a look."

The email only has a few lines, and the content is simple and clear. The other party wants to see the general in heaven and urgently needs his help. The time and place can be chosen by the general.

Although he did not mention her by name, the former General Jacket is currently in the Lawless Zone, looking for his missing daughter, and most of the people in the Celestial Realm know about it.

If the mysterious person who sent the email wanted to see Jackett, he could go to the Lawless Zone to look for him. Even if he couldn't be found in the yellow sand, he should theoretically go to the military headquarters for help.

But the email was sent to Gina. It can only be said that the other party came for her.

"There is no signature, this person is very strange." Ye Lin touched his chin, secretly suspicious, and his status in the heaven is very respected, ordinary people would not dare to invite him by email.

"Yes." Gina pointed at the end of the email with the pen in her hand, which showed a walking RX-78 Chaser. If she didn't remind him, Ye Lin thought it was a weird little sign.

"This is……?"

"A small symbol used by Master Mercer Coolio." Lindsay replied quietly, but her eyes were very complicated.

"Messer Coolio, two translations. 』

She had studied with Master Coolio for a period of time when she was young, and she knew some of his little preferences, such as the pursuer who would always move forward before reaching the goal. Although it was a basic skill for mechanics, Master Coolio liked its qualities very much. .

"He is looking for me... and I will decide the time and place." Ye Lin looked slightly strange and tapped his finger on the table: "Isn't he worried that I will call the Ghent Guards and catch him?"

The former Elytra of the Seven Gods, Myshel Coolio, is still a wanted criminal in the Seventh Empire. His photo and wanted orders are posted on bulletin boards at key intersections in major cities.

Moreover, the wanted order has been in place for more than ten years, and Lindsay has grown from a little girl to a tall and graceful young lady. The Seventh Empire has not yet revoked the order.

Even though Alizee became the Dragon Emperor and took over all the power, she never considered revoking it.

"Probably, I can trust you as a person." Lindsay said calmly.

When she saw this email, she was a little worried about whether Ye Lin would "call the police", but when she thought about Ye Lin's status, she no longer needed to catch another fugitive to add to her resume, and she slowly felt relieved. .

Dr. Gina continued to click on the screen and said with a confident smile: "I tried to trace the source of the email. Although Sir Curio hid it very cleverly, because I have learned some knowledge about the Silent City and the Mechanical King, so It really made me discover something.”

The email's sending address is surprisingly out of bounds!

Unexpectedly, but naturally, the best place for the mechanical leader, who has been wanted by the entire heaven for more than ten years, to hide is in the lawless zone where network technology is very underdeveloped.

"Not necessarily." Ye Lin shook his head and denied it. Amid the curious eyes, he explained calmly: "If I say the location is in the imperial capital of Ghent, then Coolio must first take the sea train to arrive from the Nowhere Zone. Ruft hangs the port, and then heads to Ghent. At normal human speed, this process will take at least two days."

"General, what do you mean?" Nairn was thoughtful, as if he had noticed something.

"Clio, he's probably already in Ghent."

"He's too dangerous and reckless." Lindsay put down her coffee cup, her eyes full of worry.


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