Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1569 Heavenly Technology VS Blood Curse

Lindsay tapped on her tablet computer, controlled a projection screen, enlarged a photo, and introduced to Ye Lin: "This is what Master Coolio looks like, but it was more than 20 years ago. The Elytra of the Seven Gods It was at the last leisure party.”

The man in the photo looks very elegant, wearing half-frame myopia glasses, his short hair is neatly and meticulously styled, the white engineer uniform on his body is slightly stained with oil, he is smiling slightly, and the wrinkles on his forehead tell the traces of the passage of time. .

There is a kind of cultivated temperament that makes one feel that he is a high-level intellectual at a casual glance.

As a descendant of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, Coolio is now about the same age as Mrs. Meili, over eighty years old.

Nairn, who is introverted and stutters, tried his best to tell a funny joke~ He said that he thought Master Coolio had been taken away by time, but it turns out he is still alive!

It’s cold enough~!

After seeking Ye Lin's opinion, Gina responded to the anonymous email, and the agreed location was outside Ghent.

There will be a reply in half a minute. See you in two hours.

The four of them then drove out of the laboratory without disturbing the sleeping Mia.

Gina mastered the steering wheel very skillfully and raced wildly, with the night wind howling, her tired face cheered up a little, and said: "If Mr. Curio is willing to come back, he will definitely be of great help to our scientific research project. His talents are outstanding. The level is second to none in the heaven."

"It's difficult. After all, Lord Coolio is an important wanted criminal in the Seventh Empire. When he destroyed all his research materials, even the former priest, Lord Beilean, couldn't understand. He was guilty of public outrage." Xiao Baihua Lindsay was succinct and said she was not optimistic.

She was looking forward to meeting her master again after more than ten years, but she was inevitably full of worries.

Lord Mychel Coolio is knowledgeable, wise, and talented. Generally speaking, he only asks for favors from others in a low voice. It is never his turn to ask for help from others.

Now he wants to contact Ye Lin through Lindsay even if he doesn't hesitate to expose his position. There must be something he can't solve on his own... something that even Lord Coolio is helpless to do. It's scary to think about it.

The email was actually for Lindsay, but Xiaobaihua was not familiar with the environment in Arad, so she asked her friend Gina to help.

More than an hour later, outside Ghent

There was no one in the wild, and the bustling lights of Ghent were far away. Dr. Gina stopped the car and turned off the engine, and sent a new email as agreed to inform Curio that General Ye Lin had arrived.

Ye Lin thought it was okay, but the three beautiful doctors all looked excited and couldn't hold it in anymore. If they could embark on the path of mechanics, they would be more or less influenced by some romantic figures who have shone brightly for an era.

For example, Xuzu's swordsmanship flourished last year, but it was heavily influenced by Ye Lin.

Meshel Coolio, the first great figure recognized by the heavens to have surpassed the "Elytra of the Seven Gods", was given the name "Mechanical Head", which metaphorically means the strongest.

His talent and his story have profoundly influenced at least two generations of Celestials!

As close as the three of them are, as far away as they are, decades ago, in Master Coolio's era, he was the most brilliant and famous genius.

To use a metaphor, Coolio's influence more than ten years ago is very similar to Ye Lin's now.

About half an hour later, someone knocked on the car window lightly. Gina opened it and took a look, then took out an automatic pistol and put it against the other person's head, yelling at him to get out.

She drove a luxury car, and it was a feminine pink model. It was in the city at night, and it was easy to suspect that a man and woman were interested in fighting in Cheng Zai's car.

But all women in heaven are tigresses - never think about taking advantage of a single woman, who knows if she will pull out a pistol from somewhere and use her superb shooting skills to open the opponent's head.

"If you three weren't being promoted by the empire all day long, you are the Three Illusion Gods who led the energy revolution... I wouldn't even recognize you." The man with the gun pressed to his forehead chuckled, took a step back, and said generously The windbreaker covered her thin figure.

"This... Lord Curio?!" Lindsay hurriedly opened the car door. It was hard to believe that she had studied with him for a period of time and knew his image best.

Mr. Coolio should be an elegant gentleman with a personable demeanor. His masculine temperament is very similar to Schmidt, the vice-captain of the Skyhawk organization, and he has the unique charm of an adult man.

However, the man in front of him with the muzzle pressed against his forehead was thin and his hair was messy. It was obvious that he had not taken care of it for a long time. This was too different from the other man's usual meticulous taste.

If it weren't for the warm voice and the familiar smile, Lindsay would have just regarded her master as an ordinary passerby, passing by him without paying any attention to him.

"Clio...huh? Uh..." Gina was stunned when she heard this, and then slowly took back the gun, her eyes full of suspicion.

Still can't believe it, the other party is the famous Mechanical Head, the descendant of the Seven Gods' Elytra.

"Actually, it's better if you hold the gun against me. I'm not in a good state lately." Coolio smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his coat, and lit them slowly with a desolate expression. A few sparse sparks were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

They thought it was because Master Curio had been wandering for many years without settling down, and suffered a lot of hardships.

But Ye Lin, who had been silent all this time, narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed Gina's shoulders and dragged her back, saying, "Have you been to the Arad continent?"

Coolio stopped smoking, nodded and smiled: "As expected of a general, he saw my problem at a glance. After the passage between the two worlds was opened, I was very curious about Arad... Is there any help?"

"It's very difficult. You don't have any training foundation at all. It's enough to surprise me that you can persevere like this."

"Confused, what are you talking about?" Gina was dissatisfied. As a mechanic, she has a very delicate mind and hates vague things.

If it hadn't been for Lord Coolio and Xiao Baihua being at the scene, she and Nairn would have teamed up to punish this guy, right here in the city, in the car.

We won’t stop until the car body is shaken apart!

"To put it simply~" Ye Lin spread his hands, shrugged and smiled: "Lord Curio, somewhere in Arad, was infected with the blood curse."

"The blood leukemia?" Dr. Nairn asked innocently.

The three doctors looked at each other, not understanding the meaning at all. As the Elytra of the Seven Gods, they were busy enough with matters in the heavens, and they could not bother to study the history of the Arad continent.

"Pretty much, they are all serious cases. Let's talk about it when we get back."

Ye Lin brought him back to Dr. Gina's laboratory. It was a matter of life and death, and Curio did not show any euphemism. He lay quietly on the experimental table, with gray hair and wrinkles leaving deep marks on his cheeks.

There were several pinpricks on his arm. He only managed to survive until now with powerful sedatives and strong will. Otherwise, with the overbearing ability of the Blood Curse, Coolio would lose all his mind in just one day.

"Lindsay, draw a tube of blood from me, one hundred milliliters." Curio said suddenly with his eyes closed.


Lindsay didn't ask any questions. She had 100% trust in her master and obeyed him.

Because Coolio didn't understand cultivation at all, Ye Lin could only use the most troublesome method... Wuxuan to protect his heart and brain, and then use the purest life force to purify the power of the blood curse.

Coolio is a man who pursues the limits of science. It is completely unrealistic to expect him to resist the blood curse through belief in gods.

Half an hour later, Ye Lin nodded gently and threw a Wuxuan leaf that had lost its effect into the trash can. Curio's blood curse had been solved, which was relatively smooth.

After returning to his normal state, Coolio's complexion improved significantly. He clenched his fists and seemed to be suddenly a few years younger and full of energy.

Dr. Gina, who took the time to study the concept of "blood curse", bit the ballpoint pen holder in her mouth, thought for a while, and gestured: "Can we use our heavenly science to carry out an effective treatment on your blood curse?" What about containment and elimination?”

To explain the blood curse from a scientific point of view, the patient is normal during the day and only reveals his evil fangs at night, which means that the blood curse has a certain latent nature.

Patients will crazily attack everyone around them, including relatives and friends. This characteristic proves that the blood curse will attack the human central nervous system, similar to mad cow disease.

Aeroreno turned into a living hell within a few days, which means that it is highly contagious, but it does not seem to be spread through air and water. It is a physical contact method that bites the skin.

Some patients will develop limb mutations, which have a distorting effect on genes.

"In short, well, this is a poor way of spreading..." Dr. Gina spread her hands and said: "If the blood curse occurs in the heavens, we should be able to curb the spread of the curse without considering Ozma's superior combat power. At most one city will be sacrificed, but at least the entire continent will not be thrown into panic."

Civilizations develop in different directions, and their handling of certain things also have completely different styles and results.

Dr. Gina tapped on the virtual keyboard and said: "Analyze Lord Curio's blood and then send the sample to Silent City. With the scientific level there, maybe some targeted vaccines can be made?"

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