Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1570 Good Guy Card +1

Coolio seemed to be addicted to cigarettes. He often had one in the corner of his mouth. The smoke slightly obscured his weathered face, but he still had a sense of life.

Cheng had a whole pack of cigarettes when they first met, but now there was less than half left. Even when he wasn't lighting it, he was used to stroking it in his hand.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will leave Ghent, the City of Gods. Although I am still a wanted criminal, with my current appearance, even if I bump into my old friend Meili, she may not be able to recognize her, haha..."

Forging a false identity that can travel anywhere in the world is easy for Coolio. He seems not to want to stay in the prosperous and dreamy city of Ghent for a long time, or he may be worried about complicating Gina and others.

No matter what, he is still a wanted criminal.

Ye Lin nodded silently after hearing this, and then declined the cigarette he offered. Whether at home or outside, he could drink a little bit, but he had never been interested in cigarettes, and Celia and the others didn't like the smell of cigarettes.

Cigarettes are a way to relieve worries and relieve fatigue. A small amount of nicotine is used to numb the nerves. People without self-discipline are prone to addiction, but most people still use them as a means of leisure and relaxation.

"General, do you know about dependence?" Coolio suddenly changed the subject. The bustling and gorgeous lights of Ghent, the city of God, could not hide the complex color on his cheeks.

The heaven is so vast that there is almost no place for him, but he has never regretted it.

After going through many vicissitudes of life, Coolio does not seem to be as talented, knowledgeable, mature and steady as others have described him to be...but rather, he looks like a decrepit old man.

But Ye Lin knew that it was probably the reason for Curio's slovenliness. As long as he took care of himself a little, he would look very elegant and masculine.

"Just like the cigarettes in my hand, many people regard them as a necessity of life. Putting a pack in their pocket is like carrying a gun with them in a lawless zone. It has become basic common sense." He smiled faintly. With his hands in the pockets of his trousers and his calm face without a cigarette, he exudes a learned and elegant temperament.

"General, you are becoming a necessity. Whether it is the continent of Arad or the heaven, you are famous and glorious. Everyone regards you as a great hero, an idol, and someone who is absolutely trusted besides family members. "

"Ashamed, that's ridiculous, but what do you mean?" Ye Lin frowned. Similar words were very familiar to him, as if he had heard someone say them to him once.



The goddess of life and wisdom narrowed her eyes and said that she was becoming a dependent.

Curio had white hair, and his eyes were kind. Suddenly, he vaguely saw the shadow of his youth in Ye Lin. He was so young and unruly, he could shock the world, and he had the great ideal of changing the world. He thought he was " truth".

Of course, the difference is that Ye Lin is really strong, strong enough to forcefully turn the world around...

"General, it is terrible to be over-relied on by people. Reliance will make them develop a wasteful and biased mentality. In the long run, you will be covered with flaws. Do you know Rupert's Tears? A round head is perfect and can It can withstand strong pressure, but its tail is fragile and will shatter with just the slightest touch."

After stubbing out the cigarette butt and throwing it into the trash can, Coolio waved his hand and said with a slight smile: "Old man, I was just complaining for a moment. Don't worry about it. I'm very grateful for everything you have done for Heaven. This is what I say from the bottom of my heart."

Taking advantage of a wisp of cool night wind, the once glorious and famous mechanical head of state is now alone, leaving a lonely figure, his shoulders filled with the brilliant light of neon.

He had several opportunities to reappear in front of everyone and be the glorious and bright savior of the heaven, but he still chose to bear the infamy, was put on a wanted notice, and was said to be "selfish and shameless".

I don’t know how many more years it will take before someone suddenly understands it.

Dependence is a habit. A habit becomes natural, and then becomes an addiction, making it impossible to break away.

He went to buy cigarettes... The doctor and others did not have the habit of smoking, and there were no shops near the laboratory in Ghent, so they had to walk a long way, which was quite time-consuming.


Not long after, the little white flower Lindsay slowly walked to Ye Lin, also leaning on the railing. She had a pure appearance, a quiet and delicate temperament, and said, "Thank you for curing Master Curio and concealing his whereabouts."

"You're welcome. I've always been curious about him. He's a man worthy of being wanted by the heavens for more than ten years. He's really full of extraordinary talent."

Ye Lin looked at the neon lights in the distance and was silent for a moment. Suddenly he turned his head and looked at Lindsay's fair and beautiful face, and joked: "What will happen to the heaven if I suddenly disappear?"

"If you mean death, there will probably be people all over the city paying homage to him."

"What about you? Will you be sad for me?"


Xiao Baihua's unusually clean answer really caught Ye Lin off guard. There are three kinds of women who can restrain him... One is Da Ke'er's natural stupidity, the other is Queen Shilok's super sister, and the third... is Lin. Sai is a fair-looking little white flower who treats everything with a scientific and rigorous attitude.

"You are a hero in heaven and also my friend. If you are unfortunate somewhere, I will be sad for a while. It is inevitable." Lindsay said calmly.

"Boy friend?"

"Male friends."

Good guy card +1

After half a minute of speechless silence, Lindsay glanced at him and asked, "Are you going to a dangerous place?"

"Do you care about me?" He was shameless and shameless.

"Well, I think it would be embarrassing if a general in heaven died without a complete body. I can build a tomb for you."

"Cenotaph?" Ye Lin immediately took off his coat and said calmly under Lindsay's shocked gaze: "Well, if you want my clothes, just ask. It's a normal behavior for fans to worship their idols."

Lindsay's cold gaze made Ye Lin feel guilty. He coughed and said awkwardly: "Sorry... I'm narcissistic."

Dr. Gina originally wanted to teach Lindsay some ways to prevent scumbag men, but considering Xiaobaihua's rigorous and straightforward attitude, she felt that it would be okay not to teach her.

At midnight, the laboratory parking lot

Ye Lin was half-lying behind the doctor's luxury car, closing his eyes quietly, falling into some deep thoughts and dependence...

The Mechanical Head of State chose to escape because of everyone's over-reliance. The goddess of narrow eyes also said that if you can achieve perfection by praying to the gods, then human values ​​​​and fighting spirit will be completely destroyed.

In a daze, he seemed to realize that he was being forced to become a "god"!

It is not the realm of God in the beginning, but in the minds of many people, he, the general, the strongest adventurer, is almost omniscient and omnipotent, and he can easily solve even the biggest troubles.

His current image is "perfect", but if something big happens in the future, he will fall from the altar mercilessly, worse than a pig or a dog.

"A good person does ninety-nine good deeds, and when he has to do one bad deed out of necessity, he is criticized as guilty and is covered with rotten eggs. A bad person does ninety-nine bad deeds. When he accidentally does a good deed, he is praised for correcting his evil deeds and is cheered enthusiastically. That's right. Is that so?"

Ye Lin's heart felt like lightning for a moment, but he frowned and said in a difficult voice: "Ya...Ya..."


"What have you been thinking about just now?" Dr. Gina straightened up. The late-night snack was not bad. The key is to have enough to eat.

The doctor's fair shoulders were cut into two shallow marks by the heavy weight. She knew very well what her greatest charm was as a woman, so she held it up with her arms provocatively.

"I'm wondering what over-dependence is... I seem to have been put on the fire without knowing it." Ye Lin expressed his doubts while throwing himself into the arms of Gina's mother, and then personally helped her reduce the weight. .

"The sense of dependence... is your dependence on justice. If one day suddenly all women in the world are mediocre, you will probably die."

In the empty and dark parking lot, the doctor's car shook slightly at a fixed frequency.

After about half an hour, the doctor's cheeks turned red. He opened the window and took a greedy breath of the cold air outside. He dialed a number on his mobile phone and said, "Nairn, um, come down. Ye Lin has something important to do. Don't wake up Xiao Baihua and Xiao Baihua." Mia."


The snow-white fat rippled, and the doctor turned to glare at him after feeling the pain. His eyes were meant to be a serious warning, but they looked extraordinarily charming and enchanting, full of ecstasy.

After Dr. Nairn came down, wearing pajamas and a confused look on his face, he stretched out his hand to open the car door suspiciously, and then took a keen and gentle sniff of the strange smell.

He immediately lowered his head in embarrassment and wanted to run away, but Gina grabbed her and pulled her in.

"Come on, I'll treat you to a supper."

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