Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,578 Sending the Big Turtle Away

As the communication between the Arad continent and the heaven becomes more and more frequent, the two worlds are no longer the strangers who were "legends to each other" as they were many years ago.

Heavenly Realm knows that Arad's training system is complex and complex, and in terms of style, he pursues the ultimate personal combat effectiveness. Those at the peak level can defeat an entire city with one person, which is very terrifying.

The extraordinary skills of General Ye Lin are still rare in Arad.

The Arad continent also learned that the civilization in the heaven is called "technology" and has created many weapons with extremely high applicability, allowing ordinary people to have extremely terrifying destructive power.

Since Ye Lin has been wary of the emergence of the "Heavenly Forbidden", the exchanges between the two worlds are peaceful and cautious. If you want to go to each other, you need layers of review from both the Seventh Empire and Belmare to obtain a visa.

Moreover, the loopholes in the great magic circle have also been blocked. If anyone tries to jump into the sea and sneak into Arad again, the only outcome will be to be fed to fish.

Antuun raised his head as huge as a mountain and roared excitedly, his mouth full of flames mixed with magma spittle, which raised the temperature of the surrounding seawater, and countless fish died in an instant...

It slowly spread its limbs, setting off huge waves and tsunamis, and slowly walked ten miles at a time towards the huge crack in space.

Rather than just standing around in the sea and dozing out of boredom, it certainly yearns for a complete planet with abundant resources.

And with Luke's "Black Nightmare" attached, it can obtain part of the energy for survival from light, and it is no longer just a greedy big eater.

Moreover, only one of the once-prosperous Odin race is left. Instead of the large group of race foodies that used to eat all day long, they ate up all the Cloncula... The golden planet Tabors can completely accommodate this. Guy.

The Noble of the Sky was violently hit by wind and waves, shaking violently. The well-trained soldiers on the deck were a little overwhelmed and retreated to the bridge early in the morning.

"By the way, my husband~" Raphael cried out sadly and rushed back to the dormitory in a hurry. Her husband was still alone on the bed in the dormitory. What if they bumped into each other.

Fortunately, Raphael's new husband was very heavy and boxy in shape, so he placed it at the end of the bed and swayed with the Sky Noble, but did not fall down and hit him.

The ultimate weapon: Pandora! (Pesticide sprayer)

Antoun's huge legs pushed up the turbulent tsunami, and the rapids rolled up deep whirlpools behind the legs. There was a muffled thunderous roar when he walked, which was the powerful beating of his heart.

The sound of blood flowing was like a flood constantly scouring a levee. Antoun's awakening caused the temperature of the volcano to boil even more, sending out black smoke and sparks.

Although Antuen walks awkwardly and slowly, like a turtle twisting its butt, the distance covered by each step is astonishing because of its huge size!

It looked impatient to leave, and the people of Tianjie who watched the scene closely through the official media live broadcast quietly let out a long breath invisibly.

It seems that there is a heavy weight on my heart, some kind of haze, that is about to dissipate.

Before entering the space passage, Antuen looked back once. Its impression of the heaven was slightly better than that of the devil, but this was also based on the premise of eating other people's energy bases.

Near the black volcano, Agnes and Medil bowed to Ye Lin, the new nominal leader of the Tartan tribe, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, full of joy and gratitude.

They were also taking a big gamble by investing in one Cloncula's Wuxuan seed.

But today they achieved very fruitful results, and the other party did not break their promise.

Half of Antuen's body had already penetrated into Tabors. The Eagle Brother, who was hovering in mid-air, looked at his "kind" calmly and completed a communication at the level of mental fluctuations.

He allowed Antoun to settle in Taybols, not because of a moment of sympathy, but because the huge heat energy generated by Antuun had certain benign benefits for Taybols.

Whenever the polar king Gadraken exhausts his energy and falls into a long sleep, Tybors will be swept by the cold current, and everything will wither. Everyone can only curl up and survive, struggling, praying for Gadraken to wake up soon. .

Prey was not proficient in the ability of fire, and the power of light was not enough to warm the entire planet. He could only watch the golden planet slowly turn into an ice planet, and countless people perished.

And now with the existence of Antun, it will undoubtedly greatly slow down the occurrence of this extreme phenomenon.

"This sword light must be from Ye Lin, where is the heaven." Her beautiful and refined little face was full of joy. Alexandra danced her beautiful lavender wings and wanted to rush past along the crack, but was blocked by the waves. The queen stopped it in time.

"It's too dangerous, Alexandra. If you want to go to Arad, you can activate the sacred tree Zema Kure. There is a teleportation array there." Bosem warned gently, saying there is a safer way to get there.

Miya, who could not fly, sat carefully in the clouds of the big fool's rain and muttered: "I don't know how Messer is doing. Arad's day must be celebrating the New Year."

"New Year, what is that?" Gan Lin came over and asked curiously.

"Well, it is a way for us humans to commemorate the cycle of the four seasons and the passage of time. Our Arad is different from Tabols. The sunlight in Arad comes from a star ~ every time it rotates around the star... "

Although Miya spoke very hard and carefully, and the big idiot Gan Lin listened very seriously, after a long time, Gan Lin frowned and asked: "Miya, if the stars turn, won't you get dizzy?"



As Antuun's huge mountain-like figure slowly disappeared at the end of the sky and walked into the mysterious void rift, the turbulent sea gradually calmed down.

"That huge mountain" disappeared, and now the sea is endless and empty, and suddenly there is a subtle discomfort.

After a long period of silence from all over the heaven, huge cheers erupted. The seventh apostle Antuen finally left the heaven.

There is such a terrifying existence that has been standing in the ocean. To be honest, its size alone can bring fear to countless people.

The merits and demerits, likes and fears, now accompanied by the apostle's complete departure, will also turn into a wave in the sea.

Perhaps, I don’t know how many years later, when someone mentions the Apostle Antuun again, they may have a sense of accomplishment similar to that of defeating the Dragon King Bakar. It was a golden history in the heaven.

Glory will be remembered!

After fulfilling his promise, Ye Lin felt relieved and felt refreshed, and his realm seemed to have improved.

He seemed to be one step closer to becoming the most powerful God.

The Noble of the Sky slowed down and stopped rocking, and Ye Lin's figure fell gracefully on the deck. It was over now, and it was okay to be lazy on the way back.

However, for a moment, Ye Lin was stunned on the spot.

Many people have already come up on the deck, including the brave soldiers of the ship, as well as some accompanying reporters, scientists, etc.

The look they looked at him was strange. It was a mixture of respect, gratitude, and awe, but it seemed that there was also some fear in it, which was very complicated and difficult to understand.

When Ye Lin glanced at the eyes of several soldiers, they all subconsciously shrank their shoulders, then stood at attention and saluted.

In terms of military rank, he is now the tallest person in heaven.

A tavern in a remote neighborhood of Ghent

Mechanical Head of State Coolio sat in an inconspicuous corner, holding a glass of cheap beer, calmly watching the live broadcast of the Sky Noble.

The terrible apostle Antuen was sent away, and the general Ye Lin once again completed an incredibly shocking move, which was admired and praised by countless people.

"Humanity's greatest fear comes from the unknown. Ye Lin, you are becoming the unknown of the heavenly people. You are too powerful, so powerful that it is beyond the acceptance of technological civilization." Curio sighed silently, with the same complicated eyes.

The more one relies on the power of the general, the more serious the fear of "using the unknown" becomes.

It would be better if we were in the magical civilization of Arad, but the civilization in the heavens is ultimately a science made up of mathematical formulas.

Today's smartest scientists cannot use mathematical formulas to deduce Ye Lin's peak combat power and destructive power... He is beyond the scope of scientific calculations at the current stage of the heaven, and it brings people not only awe, but also There is fear.

Antuen has brought such a terrible disaster to the heaven. What if one day, the general turns into a devil~

At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly understood how Mercer felt. He had become a "superpower" in the heaven.

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