Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1579: Other people’s food is the best

Humans are afraid of forces beyond their control!

Whether it is the city-destroying weapon quantum blast, or the satellite ray that can accurately lock every corner of the sky, or the Stardust Sky Dome, Waldstein, fission-core railgun, etc. that are in the experimental stage of development.

These are powerful weapons that were born from the hands of wise Celestial scientists and require Celestial people to learn how to operate them in order to exert terrifying and destructive power.

Only by firmly holding the "launch button" of destruction in your hands can you feel a real sense of security in your heart.

If the button is in someone else's hand, even if the other person repeatedly promises not to abuse it at will, it will be like a cantilevered sword, stabbing the person's scalp with numbness and chills in the back.

The Noble of the Sky has turned around and returned to sail, cutting through the waves again. The seventh apostle Antuen finally left the heaven, and the fear of the apostle also quietly dissipated a lot.

Whether it is the Dragon King or Antuen, what the apostle brings to the heaven is the pain of broken fingers and corroded hearts!

Now, due to Ye Lin's powerful expressiveness, perhaps some new bad rumors and undercurrents are slowly growing and spreading.

"Are you okay? Are you too tired?" The voice next to his ears was soft and round. Ye Lin opened his eyes and saw the gentle and virtuous Fei Yan, wearing a palace dress with a silk belt around her waist, and her graceful curves. good.

After Feiyan saw that his expression was a bit off, she thoughtfully brought him a cup of fragrant hot coffee.

He thought he had spent too much energy sending off the apostle and needed to sit down and rest.

"I'm fine!" Ye Lin temporarily swept away the heaviness in his heart. After taking the coffee, he felt refreshed. After taking a sip, he said with a satisfied smile: "With Yan'er's coffee, I feel full of energy and it tastes so delicious."

"Tch~ This is the coffee found on the ship, a cheap product, and you still pawned it as a treasure." Taylor, who showed off a pair of beautiful white legs, curled his lips, and then with flexible movement, he quickly hugged Feiyan's slender waist from behind. , the bright white chin of the melon-shaped face rests on Feiyan's fragrant shoulders.

"What do you know? As long as it's from Yan'er, it's a priceless treasure to me." He praised frankly. Just as he was about to lower his head and take a sip of coffee, the waves outside suddenly became violent and almost splashed him.

As long as the route program is set on the return journey, not many people are needed to guard it, and there is also Raphael watching from the bridge.

After Antoun left, Taylor went to the deck to look at the sea, and then he was accidentally splashed with salty water by the waves.

The dormitory was warm, and she showed off a pair of straight, snow-white legs that she never gets tired of playing with. Her elastic tight vest supported a pair of perfectly plump curves.

Her wavy dazzling blond hair was simply tied with a bow ribbon at the back of her head.

The blond princess is full of pride, has a slim waist, long legs, and a very royal temperament.

Feiyan, who has a demure and dignified temperament, twisted her body helplessly and was unable to break away from her senior sister's strong arm. The conservative-style palace dress on her body was very gentle and subtle, giving her an elegant and classical beauty.

In Feiyan, you can see the soft and delicate side of the heavenly woman, which is very rare among a group of "tigresses".

"Xiao Yan'er, you have such a good figure but you are wrapped up tightly. What a waste of resources. Come on, let me take a look~" Taylor's claws were not honest and he wanted to untie the ribbon around the waist of her palace dress, but was helpless by her beautiful eyes. Feiyan held on tightly.

"You bastard, let go~" Ye Lin flicked the air with his finger and hit Taylor's head hard enough, "You have all Feiyan has, and they are all about the same size, and yet you are so frivolous."

"The food is delicious from other people's houses~ Besides, I can't eat my own four pieces of meat." Taylor retorted calmly, but she didn't continue to move her paws. In fact, she usually talks a lot.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Lin raised his head and asked Feiyan and Taylor seriously: "Are you afraid of me?"

"What, are you crazy?" Taylor looked at him strangely, then quickly took out a revolver from the drawer, hit him in the head and fired the bullet.

The clean attack shows her attitude. I am afraid that you will not be able to kill me.

Ye Lin held his forehead and easily waved away the six bullets stuck in the air. The depression in his heart was relieved a little.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Taylor was quietly filling the revolver with bullets again. This time, it was made of glass made specially by the core workshop, which was enough to support the powerful kinetic energy generated in the instant when the gunpowder was fired.

"The thought of murdering your husband is over, right?" Ye Lin stood up and raised his palm, bang~

The round fat meat hurt. Taylor quickly turned around and put the muzzle of the gun against his head. He gritted his teeth and threatened: "Kneel down and kiss the instep of my feet. Maybe I will forgive you."

However, she soon paid the price for her threats once again, as her energetic hot pants turned into knee pads.

"Yan'er, help me~ He wants to replenish my ammunition, he's riding too much!" Taylor tried his best to squeeze out the sound from between his teeth. Fortunately, the table is embedded in the floor, otherwise the super terrifying attack speed would be less than half It needs to be turned over in minutes.

Beside Feiyan was quiet and gentle, her beautiful cheeks were covered with sunset glow, and her beautiful eyes were like water, as if she didn't hear the call for help.

Senior sister is sometimes too frivolous, so it’s not a bad idea to teach her a lesson like this.


After Ye Lin dealt with the seniors, he thought for a long time and sent a message to Alijie in advance.

Then, contrary to the usual strange whereabouts of the dragon, he returned to the city with a sword in a very high-profile manner in full view of everyone.

With a handsome figure and handsome eyebrows, he walked straight into the palace from the north gate of Ghent in a way that seemed to violate the scientific laws of heaven.

Residents along the way gave him looks of respect, curiosity, and the same... subtle shock.

The person who greeted him was Ma Lin, the chief maid. The two of them talked about ink for more than half an hour in the square at the gate of the palace. It was not until Alijie walked out of the palace that it came to an end.

"Brother, it is exactly what you said. I read some elements of fear from the emotions of the crowd." Alijie was very distressed and did not understand. Her brother is a well-deserved hero in the heaven. For the heaven, his achievements are It is comparable to the great mechanical Seven Gods of War in ancient times.

Why do everyone have such inappropriate thoughts?

"Because the general is not from heaven, and the abilities he uses are not heavenly technology, the feeling of strangeness and unknown is what makes everyone feel this way." Poison maker Ma Lin analyzed.

Alijie's senses were never wrong, but she was also keenly aware of some differences.

Those who fear Ye Lin are "strangers", that is, the people of the heaven who are not familiar with his origins, life, and life. Although Ye Lin is a general to them, he still feels a lot of strangeness.

Ma Lin, Fei Yan, and Jacket, who was hiding in the palace, did not feel "fear" towards Ye Lin.

At the same time, Alijie secretly glanced at Ma Lin, who didn't seem to notice and was helping Ye Lin analyze it calmly and seriously.

One of the mottos of the famous Kishika family is to be calm!

"General, will the fear of ordinary people have a negative impact on you?" Ma Lin pointed out the key point and asked directly.

"This... it won't happen." Ye Lin smiled bitterly, scratched his head, shook his head and said, "It's just that suddenly I seem to have turned into a terrifying monster in your eyes. It feels quite subtle."

After hearing this, Ma Lin nodded clearly and smiled knowingly. That's right. If such a strange situation happened, anyone would be confused.

"General, it's not like you've done anything wrong and feel sorry for the people of Heaven. On the contrary, you can pat your chest with a clear conscience and loudly say that you are a hero in Heaven."

The words were like enlightenment, leaving Ye Lin stunned on the spot. After a long time, he nodded slightly. Yes, fear is a basic human emotion. Since he has a clear conscience, why should he care too much about other people's opinions.

However, in the future, we should restrain ourselves from showing off our extraordinary skills in front of the public.

After understanding this, he felt truly open and cheerful.

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