Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1588: Don’t be impulsive, keep alive

"Oh, luckily Xiaoyu made an oracle before going to bed, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. You bastard scum should all be thrown into Nastrund and tortured forever."

In the deep darkness in a certain direction, a spear with divine radiance flowing through its body suddenly struck in a flash, like a meteor that appeared and passed away in the dark night, directly nailing a pretender with filthy blood to the ground.

Yuena was very angry, gritted her teeth, strode out of the darkness with a cross in her hand, and suddenly she understood Lucille a little bit.

Some guys should just be wiped out completely.

She wore a sacred armguard on her arm, and the sound of metal boots on the ground was loud. The surging sacred power that filled her body instantly washed away the evil and filth.

Because it was already midnight, Mailu and Sophie had already gone to bed, so only she and Luo Fei came.

Her angelic kindness and gentleness quickly calmed down the frightened children, and they all kept their mouths shut and did not dare to speak.

"High-level priest?" Kelinjie frowned deeply. She chose the orphanage simply because she happened to pass by it an hour ago. There was no deliberate purpose at all. How the other party came here was also a coincidence.

"Go on, kill her!"

The Blood Ones and Black Sheeps roared angrily and completed the transformation into Pretenders one after another. Their strength and speed were increased to a higher level. They were as fast as the wind when killing and were almost undetectable to the naked eye.

"The temptation of sin~"

Like the sound of a demon, an invisible wave swept across the earth. Arrogance, laziness, greed... Luo Fei amplified the "sin" of the pretender hundreds of times, resulting in a "magic phenomenon".

Completely lost in their minds, they couldn't help but want to attack her alone, and then she used the huge scythe in her hand to cut off their heads one by one.

The whole process is smooth and full of unique beauty.

Only a few minutes after Yuena and Luo Fei appeared, more than a dozen pretenders led by Kelinjie died, their dirty blood was purified, and now she was the only one left.

The Dark Order has undergone an astonishing level of evolution, but the Order of the Priests is not completely standing still. The devil is as high as the Dao.

The professional system of the Holy Order has been completely clear for a long time. Each has a clear division of labor and can be matched with each other to double its combat effectiveness.

An experienced team of clerics can easily deal with the siege of dozens of pretenders.

In addition, in terms of attitudes on how to deal with "pretenders", although Lucille and Obers quarreled as soon as they met, one has a cold and murderous character, and the other is kind-hearted, and they are representatives of two typical positions.

But in fact, Obes's kindness is only limited to those who have just been infected with the blood curse. In other words, those people theoretically still have a glimmer of hope of successful rescue.

Obes will hold the concept of "giving them a chance" and oppose Lucille's blind killing.

But those guys who have completely turned into pretenders, sorry, can't be saved, just destroy them.

Yuena naturally has a similar philosophy.

"So strong!"

Kelinjie's cold cheeks with several scars seemed calm, but her pupils had shrunk before she knew it, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat under her bangs.

She remembered that the woman in front of her with such surging holy power was the Seraph from Remedia Cathedral. She was known as one of the believers closest to God and could listen to the teachings of God's words.

If we just talk about functions, Yuena and her are surprisingly similar.

Also, that damn seduction phenomenon...

This woman clearly had the opportunity to become the most powerful pure-blooded person and obtain a more noble Chaos Revelation, but for some reason she chose to refuse and instead kill her "same kind", which is simply unreasonable!

She twisted and struggled desperately, but she couldn't help but take steps in Luo Fei's direction, like a puppet on strings, her body moving uncontrollably.

Luo Fei himself is like a super-powerful magnet. When his ability is activated, he will attract "sins" within a certain range.

However, everyone is guilty, and no one is always good... Luo Fei can drastically increase the burden of sin on the other person, causing a double collapse of body and soul.

In other words, in the same realm, unless they have the magnanimous and pure heart of Bwanga, most people in the same realm will not be Luo Fei's opponent, and they are almost invincible in the same realm.

"It's a bit strange. For the level of a bloodsucker, the sin is so heinous that he shouldn't have such a strong resistance." Luo Fei raised his scythe, which was glowing with a dark luster, and waited for Kelinjie to stretch her head over. .

She has been traveling across the mainland in the past year and has performed similar movements nearly a hundred times. Even Lucille admired her skillful and clean use of the "guillotine".

The only explanation that can be given at the moment is that Kelinjie's sins are not enough to collapse her soul. Of course, it may also be her sheer tenacity of will.

"She is still useful. If you take her back for interrogation, you may be able to get some precious information." Yuena quickly pressed down Luo Fei's scythe, then raised her hand and restrained Kelinjie with a sacred ring.

Although the opponent can directly hear Ozma's voice, his own power is not very powerful, only at the level of an ordinary awakened person. How can he be the opponent of her and Luo Fei.

Of course, for most ordinary people, such as the children in the orphanage and the awakened ones behind them, it is still despair enough.

"Asshole, stop joking!" Kelinjie struggled desperately, her eyes were on fire, a strange green aura began to leak out of her body skin, and her teeth clacked loudly: "You sanctimonious guys are always so self-righteous."


The sacred ring was shattered and turned into bright fluorescent lights, and Kelinjie herself also completed her disguise, and suddenly turned into a huge and ferocious monster, like a brown creature that straightened its waist. Scorpions are very amazing and terrifying.

Her level of strength also temporarily skyrocketed wildly, breaking through the awakened ones all the way, and then slowly stopped until she reached the legendary realm. Her powerful and fierce aura rolled up the fallen leaves all over the ground. Kelinjie bared her teeth and claws, but her face was still intact. Murderous intent.

"Is this the revelation that Ozma gave you? It's really ugly. The aesthetics are open to question." Yuena was not worried. If the other party hadn't been useful, she would have beaten him into a puddle of flesh with a cross. .

However, Yuena didn't expect that her careless words seemed to sting Kelinjie's vitals. The monster twisted weirdly and said in a sharp voice: "You guys who live in the hell of light, why do you deny it with such a condescending attitude?" Everything about others? In my opinion, your revelations are full of hypocrisy and arrogance. You are lucky enough to get a unique honor, but you have a self-righteous face, which is really disgusting!"

"God is always with us. He is kind and merciful, but you dare to slander the reputation of Lord Remedios. I can't spare you." Yuena, who had just advised Luo Fei to hold on, wanted to stay alive, suddenly became murderous. Then in turn, Luo Fei pulled him back, don't be impulsive and stay alive.

"You said God is always with us?" After hearing this sentence, Kelinjie's tone suddenly became weird, and then she laughed so wildly that she shed tears of blood and laughed until the corners of her mouth twitched.

"It's nonsense, so ridiculous! Where was God when I was beaten in the back streets? Where was God when I was robbed of food and hungry and couldn't sleep in the middle of the night? Look at the orphans behind you, all of them With a sallow complexion and a helpless look in his eyes, where is God? Why doesn't He save me?"

Kelinjie was full of resentment. She knew the unique status of Yuena Seraph, and she felt a sense of satisfaction in yelling at Yuena, questioning God.

God loves the world? !

But why are there so many people suffering?

Her huge insect-like body was like a giant elephant, and when she twisted, she dropped extremely corrosive green liquid. Such a weird and terrifying scene frightened many children to the point of chilling their whole bodies.

In an instant, Kelinjie's expression became very obsessed again. She looked at the darkness of nothingness and seemed to be worshiping her. She said with overflowing praise: "It is Lord Ozma who has given me the power of happiness. He is the greatness of my faith." God is the one I worship, and the power of chaos will smooth out all the injustices in this world!"

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