Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1589 God exists!

Yuena was stunned, her eyes were slightly complicated, she pursed her dry lips, and turned to look behind her at the group of children who were driven together and were in a state of fear and fear.

Although she knew the true meaning of God's greatness and would not be led astray by Kelinjie's rhetoric and thus lose her devout faith, she still felt a little sad and sighed after seeing this scene.

She was once an unfortunate orphan. In order to have enough food, she even stole things that others hung in the yard. She was chased and scolded by others. When the season was cold, she shivered like the children behind her. I wonder when this kind of life would be the end of the world. head.

At that time, she also doubted, does happiness really exist?

Seeing Yuena's momentary hesitation, Kelinjie thought that her idea had an effect, so she continued to mock: If God really exists, why are there still so many misfortunes in the world? If God is truly merciful, why doesn’t He hear us when we pray? If God is truly merciful, why does he allow us to suffer? "

Therefore, the only one we can trust is ourselves, and gods only allow us to escape from our own fantasies... These are the few truths that the noble pureblood Devast once warned her.

But Chaos is different. He actually exists. The coming of revelation does not require personal talent, and he is willing to give everyone the opportunity to become stronger.

If you can collapse the faith in the Seraph in front of you and accept the power of the Chaos Apostle, just like the great Paladin Devast in the past, you will definitely be able to give the hypocritical Holy Order a severe blow.

In the stagnant cold night sky, Yuena sighed and was about to resolutely end this evil ritual. Suddenly, a slightly trembling but brave young voice broke the silence: "You are lying! God exists!"

Who is talking about existence?

Kelinjie's eyes were as cold as a knife, staring at a little girl of eight or nine years old. The clothes on her body were new, but the doll in her arms was old. The family status of the children living in the orphanage was unknown. And metaphor.

"It's ridiculous. Have you prayed to God? Has God answered you? You have suffered human tragedies, but you are still stubborn about the existence of God. He will not give you happiness at all, so there is no point in believing in Him." It may be vague from the other party. Seeing her own shadow, Kelinjie's tone was not too cold, but still full of ridicule and contempt.

The little girl tied a single ponytail with a rubber band. She was originally afraid and cowed at the pretender, but now she retorted seriously, word for word: "God, sent my grandpa and grandma to me. If it weren't for them, I would have been in the wind." It was freezing on a snowy night.”

Her voice was not loud but it was still trembling, but it was full of uplifting spirit. For her, who had placed her hope in God, the grandparents in the orphanage were God's messengers and the incarnation of God.

She firmly believes that is the case!

Even if God does not give her a revelation, she will remember this tenderness forever.

Kelinjie's crazy and mocking expression suddenly froze...!

"I think you must have never met the God who saved you." The little girl was holding her doll. When she was pushed by the pretender just now, her sharp nails were torn, but she still Very cherished.

She took a step forward, leaned against Yuena, then stretched out her dirty little hands to Kelinjie, and said pitifully: "I have also been hungry, and I have also been bullied, but I am luckier than you, I am very lucky. You have met your god a long time ago, you are very pitiful."

A small, thin guy who could be strangled with one hand actually showed mercy to her and called her pitiful... Kelinjie wanted to laugh at this yellow-haired girl who didn't know the heights of the world, but she didn't realize that she His cheeks were twitching and his fingers were trembling.

"I..." Kelinjie actually choked. Her withered heart, which had always admired Ozma so much, was shaken by the little girl's words.

If...if someone had come to help me at that time, help me teach the guys who snatched food, or adopt me who was beaten and scolded by my father...

A drowning person in a desperate situation is eager to encounter even a trivial life-saving straw.

Yuena received a bright revelation from God. The little girl had grandparents who adopted her, but why was she always being bullied, hungry, beaten, with a bruised nose and face, and in a miserable state.

Why? !

Kelinjie shook her head in horror, and her eyes turned to be extremely determined. No, she did meet her god, the great Chaos Apostle. It was he who saved her and freed her from the endless sea of ​​suffering.

It’s not wrong, other gods are fake.

"Damn it!"

There was a weird cooing sound in her throat, and her sharp claws grabbed Yuena's afterimage. She decided not to let Yuena become a pretender, but to tear apart the followers of the false god.

When a person in desperate situation encounters gentleness, she will become gentle; when encountering evil, she will also fall into the devil's path.

"Your emotions are dominated by rage, and rage will devour your reason. Those who cannot suppress themselves will have difficulty ushering in God's redemption." Luo Fei waved his hand and completed the transformation of original sin purification. His figure was as graceful as a natural succubus. The slender horns have a red flexible tail.

She raised her huge scythe high, her body was extremely flexible, and she rushed towards Kelinjie's huge body in an instant... The killing scythe!


A piece of meat dripping with green blood fell, and was immediately ignited by Yuena's supreme holy light, burning away the evil atmosphere.

Kelinjie's transformation was tainted with a strong breath of blood curse. Generally, people in the same realm would inevitably be restrained when facing her, but Luo Fei had accepted a false revelation and drank the blood of the pretender, and his body only emerged later. The seven deadly sins.


Luo Fei transformed into a meat seller at the vegetable market and used a sickle to "disintegrate" the huge insects in the air. No matter how much Kelinjie struggled and resisted, it was useless. Her rage dominated her thoughts and actions, and Luo Fei dominated her rage. .

It didn't take long for the huge insect to be cut open from the abdomen, and Kelinjie, covered in green mucus and completely naked, fell out of it.


The giant scythe cut through the whistling cold wind and lay across Kelinjie's neck. Luo Fei said lightly displeased: "My patience is limited. If I move again, I will kill you."

The opponent is Ozma's microphone, the revelation priest, and the chaos revealer. Even among the high-level blood warriors, they are relatively high-ranking existences and have a certain torture value.

Because the dormitory was set on fire, causing flames to shoot into the sky, a team of patrolling guards and two male paladins hurriedly came to the town.

Seeing that Kelinjie was being "chopping melons and vegetables", Yuena took the initiative to greet the people in the town and said calmly: "I am the Holy Knight of the Great Temple of Remedia. There is a pretender here, but it has already been They have been wiped out. Please take these children to the church in the town to stay temporarily..."


Like a drop of water falling into a calm surface, the translucent ripples spread rapidly in all directions with Kelinjie as the center, creating an invisible force that cannot be detected by the naked eye.

The blazing flames suddenly solidified, and seemed to have a strange entity. The guarded swords in the hands of the guards, the movements of the priests soothing the children, and the drop of green liquid falling from Kelinjie's hair were all motionless, like The freeze button was pressed on the movie screen, and time stopped at this moment!


In the deep darkness, an evil phantom wrapped in a gray robe slowly walked out. The broad hood on his body was hung low, covering his true appearance.

"You are still useful, Kelinjie. You are the only revelation priest, so you cannot die yet."

The voice was low and slow, calm and unhurried. He ignored Luo Fei's huge scythe hanging below, grabbed Kelinjie's body and dragged her away.

The area where she could stop was not very long, only about five seconds based on her own feelings, but it was enough to take Kelinjie away and do something extra.

She raised the sharp dark blade on her arm and was about to slit Luo Fei's throat.

After drinking the blood of the pretender, she gave birth to the mysterious Seven Deadly Sins Stigmata from ancient times. She has a unique and powerful ability to seduce demons. For the pretender, she is more difficult and hateful than a hundred priests combined. .

"Haha, don't you know that the transcendent has begun to be unaffected by time and dimensions?" Yuena slammed the cross on the ground, the holy light condensed in her palm, and the holy spear Brionak, who annihilated the evil, emerged.

At the same time, a tough protective shield of holy light appeared on the surface of Luo Fei's body.

The ability to stop time also ended at this last second. The holy spear was accurately locked and thrown. Astros was slightly startled and had no choice but to retreat and dodge. Seraph's light stung her skin.

Damn it, how could anyone break her newly realized ability? As for the transcendent... what is that~?

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