Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,708 You and I share the same origin

"Michelle, you can't kill me!"

Deep in the universe, Ozma's body completely turned into a dense black-red substance. His resentment, anger, and the strongest malice in many dimensions called this world the "Chaos Dimension."

He is very powerful, his will runs through the ancient and modern times of the Chaos Dimension, he is almost immortal, and he has mastered some of the powers of darkness. He is a very special pseudo-god.

Even though Archangel Michelle and Roche accidentally joined forces to annihilate his body dozens of times, it had no real effect. Ozma shouted: "Crash, turn everything into darkness and zero!"

Roche's body is majestic and tall, already half the size of a planet, surrounded by many brilliant Death Star cores, each with different attributes. He said: "He has incorporated a trace of the true meaning of darkness, and he knows the broken parts of the dimension. Maybe He wants to shatter the dimension and bring us to death together.”

Deep in the universe, terrifying cracks sprouted and spread, chaotic storms swept across and swallowed up all material existence in its path. A huge Death Star exploded, and the firelight was unusually brilliant.

Defeating Ozma is easy, but completely eradicating it is a big problem.

Unable to delay any longer, an equally majestic and tall light appeared behind Archangel Michel. The sacred angel wings seemed to cover the entire galaxy, and the light of all the stars gathered on the wings.

This is the true form of Archangel Michael. He and Michael are already in a different but concentric state. The sublime angelic power once purified Ozma, the chaos of the angelic dimension.

"Ozma, you should have forgotten one thing." Michelle's divine light surged, and dense crystal chains spread out from his wings, containing the power of purification, and they were bound to the God of Chaos in an instant.

Wow~ Many chains were broken by Ozma with his bare hands, making it impossible to get close. The boundless and dazzling starlight dimmed again, and the vast universe fell into deep and quiet darkness.

As far as the eye can see, only Michel and his embodiment are still shining.

Rosh is the embodiment of dark matter. He can perfectly integrate into the universe, is not afraid of dimensional collapse, and is actually paddling.

A huge demonic claw appeared from above the head, and the compressed void collapsed inch by inch. If it wanted to capture Michelle's bright and majestic angelic image, even the planet would not be able to withstand this peak blow.

Michelle seemed to have not seen the black hand above his head, and his expression was calm. He came from the angel dimension and had a handsome and upright adult body. A bit of the delicate appearance of the young Michelle could be seen vaguely. He sighed: "You forgot, you also used to be the same." O Apostle! I am also a part of darkness, you and I are of the same origin."

The holy eyes extinguished and turned into deathly darkness. The bright and holy Michael also quickly turned into breathtaking black wings, like a fallen angel.

Michelle in the angel dimension has passed the most severe multiple tests. Even if she uses the power of the primordial darkness, she will not be rejected by the holy power of Remidios.


The pure black wings spread out countless feathers that looked like obsidian, turning into thousands of chains of power. They shattered the black hand on top of his head with great force, accurately found Ozma's position, and penetrated all four of his bones.

Michelle approaches with darkness. His primordial darkness and Ozma have the same essence. The supreme law that cannot harm each other is destined to make those who have one more power invincible.

"I will lock you deep in the starry sky, not entering the world, and use the power of purification to dissolve your resentment and darkness. Of course, during this period, I cannot leave."

It won't be a quick process, but the ending will be beautiful and bright.

"Michelle!" Ozma's eyes were scarlet as he struggled wildly. The chain was broken inch by inch, and a crack appeared on Michael's concrete brow, but it was quickly repaired by the noble power.

The divine chain that turns purifying power into order firmly locks each other.


Arad continent

Gu Bing

Whether it is the past history or the future that has not continued to develop, for the two bright cities of Argyll and Seriti, it seems like a dream-like scene now.

In other words, because the darkness lasts for too long, many people have never even imagined that one day, a kind and righteous God will come to the earth with thunder, and he will be so powerful that he will shock the past and the present. He killed the Knight of Despair and the Queen of Pain with overwhelming force, and flew into the starry sky with infinite glory to conquer the God of Chaos.

The swords of the angels of light under the command of the gods were sharp and as fast as lightning. They cut through the void and killed the Knight of Destruction ten miles outside the gate of Seliti City.

The soldiers who follow the gods are also very brave, soaring into the sky bravely, rushing to kill the army of pretenders into a no-man's land, and annihilating hundreds of thousands of enemies in one battle. The results are remarkable and impressive...

Ye Lin covered his cheeks and struggled to hold back laughter, and said to Ogli: "You who fight every day, dimensional demons, have you ever thought that one day you will be called the savior?"

"Praise or not, it means nothing to us." Bai Si's voice was rough and loud, wiping the blood on his arm, "We only challenge the powerful, so in the eyes of the humans here, we are righteous."

In other words, if human beings are very powerful, then it is human beings who are knocked on the door today. For the pretenders, the cosmic demons are colleagues and "just".

The truth is true, but when he said it so bluntly, it lost some of its romantic flavor.

Ogli, who had taken off the mask, had a delicate appearance, flawless skin, and gleaming... Her body was really shining all the time. She frowned slightly and glanced at Bai Si.

On the side, Aisen, whose body was changing, tried to find a suitable appearance, but he was not satisfied with it. Finally, Ye Lin pointed at him and said: "Why don't you just change it like me, handsome, handsome, elegant..."

The three cosmic demons took a quick step forward in unison, not wanting to talk to this shameless man, so they simply pretended not to know him.

It is rare to come to the dimension of chaos. In line with the philosophy of come and be a good man, Ye Lin is going to Argyle, the city of light.

The barrier left by the Saint collapsed and was replaced by the barrier constructed by Ye Lin, which was more stable and could withstand several attacks from the Transcendent.

At this moment, outside the city, many Argyle residents and soldiers were patrolling cautiously to prevent future troubles, and at the same time, they were looking at the crop fields incredulously.

They had seen with their own eyes before that the army of pretenders had broken through the barrier, trampling thousands of hectares of farmland into dirt, and almost cutting off the city's food rations. Many people were filled with grief, anger and despair.

But the god just waved his hand, and the crushed crops grew vigorously again, and became stronger and healthier than before. It is roughly estimated that the yield can be increased by at least one-third.

It’s really amazing. It’s nothing less than God’s means. No, it should be said to be a gift!

When Ye Lin and his group of four trampled on the corpses of a group of pretenders and appeared in a certain area outside Argyle, they were immediately noticed by the residents, who came to worship them in surprise and fear.

A man with a dignified appearance and a scholarly temperament hurried over. He was the Lord of Argyll, wise, wise, and very prestigious.

Ye Lin was still thinking about how to invite Ogli for a date to have a cup of coffee, when he saw a dense crowd of city residents coming out, and then poof~ poof, a large number of them knelt down and kowtowed deeply.

"Welcome...the God of Heaven, for coming." The city lord stuttered, his face flushed, his heart pounding, and he couldn't formulate any words of welcome for a while.

The god himself is surprisingly young and handsome.

The arrival of God is Argyle's supreme honor and a milestone moment worth remembering. There will definitely be a highlight in the history books in the future. Argyle is willing to change its name to God.

The main reason is that they don't know Ye Lin's name yet. Someone worshiped "Remidios" before, which is just a guess.

If the identity of the god is really mistaken and the god is angered, it will be a catastrophe.

"There is no need to kneel down, I have always seen your will." Ye Lin sighed. If he didn't have something to explain as a "god", he would sneak into the city and be more free.

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