Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,709 The Glorious Night God

Ye Lin's appearance is that of a normal human being. He is quite impressive, handsome and upright. Even if a strong man of his level deliberately restrains himself, he will still reveal an otherworldly temperament.

The residents of Argyll were very respectful to him, and they all bowed slightly, with an unavoidable look of fear and awe, fearing that something would be an eyesore somewhere, and that the gods would be angry and punished.

On the other side, the three cosmic demons are a little weirder. Ogli's whole body is glowing, and his hair is all crystal clear, like a flawless golden crystal. But because of his beautiful light and beautiful face, he is regarded as a beautiful angel.

Baisi has thick arms and legs, like an iron tower, and his aura is very oppressive. Aisen also transformed into the appearance of a human man, very slender. He is the magic gunner who surrendered to the cosmic demon. Dark.

The address of Argyle City is at the location of Hutton Mar in the main dimension, but due to historical changes, the direction is different, so there is no appearance of the main dimension at all.

The city lord is a very elegant and wise scholar, about fifty years old, with slightly white temples. Although he has only the strength of a professional, he is very prestigious among the people.

On the way into the city, the city lord almost risked his life, and with a trembling voice, he introduced everything about Argyle to Ye Lin, as well as the ups and downs of the Arad continent in the past few hundred years.

Ye Lin could hear his heart beating violently, and he also understood that the city lord was "selling out" and hoped that he would lend a helping hand to help the Arad continent.

"You haven't asked Lord God about your real name yet...?" The city lord asked cautiously. In the future, there must be an exact name for recording the current events in the history books.

It's weird to only address him as a god.

In the central square of Argyll City, a statue of a young saint stands quietly. The carving skills are amazing. The small folds of the clothes, the resolute look on the face, the cross and the holy book are all lifelike.

There are many bouquets placed next to the statue of the saint, including a plastic flower-style hairpin, which should be a little girl's accessory.

Limited by the erosion of the pretender army, material resources are still quite precious in Argyle.

According to the city owner's concise introduction, the Arad continent is now based on the two bright cities of Argyle and Seliti, but there are also scattered small human settlements in some resource-rich places, such as Miranda Plains There, it's just not as safe as the two cities, it's very dangerous.

Although darkness can cover the world, it cannot hide the heart that yearns for light. A purer hope is born in the gaps.

"I'm somewhat interested in your library, or the development of civilization." Ye Lin said, partly because he was interested, and partly because the library director should be more interested.

The city lord immediately understood and ordered someone to submit a detailed map. Everything in Argyle would be open to Ye Lin and others for free.

"Do you have any high-energy substances here?" Bai Si asked directly. Although the cosmic demons came here to fight for fun, since they have helped mankind, it is not too much to ask for something extra.

"Yes, hundreds of years ago in Arad, a strange meteorite fragment suddenly appeared. We call it Chaos Magic Stone. It contains high energy and was originally used to replenish the energy of the barrier." The city lord hurriedly said He nodded, not afraid that Lord God would reach out for something, but afraid that they would suddenly leave.

Ye Lin sighed, and presented a fresh bouquet to the saint who would rather die than retreat, and said: "Ozma has been killed in the starry sky. No more Chaos God will come to Arad."

"Hmm..." The city lord subconsciously nodded in agreement, and then suddenly froze. He raised his head and stared at Ye Lin in disbelief, wondering if he had heard wrong because he was too eager for the light.

"Dear Lord God, please forgive me for looking at me rudely..." The city lord panicked and wanted to kneel down again, but Ye Lin shook his head to signal, and then clearly told Ozma that it had been sent.

If Archangel Michel, who holds the power of purification, can still make the God of Chaos escape, it is estimated that without Ye Lin doing anything, Kahn, the first apostle of the main dimension who has fought against Archangel Michel, will first He ran over and taunted Michelle.

If I were here, I would kill him with all my strength!

The bright city of Argyle was boiling, and the carnival atmosphere exploded in the city like a bomb. Everyone rushed out of their homes, laughing, roaring, and bursting into tears... venting their extremely excited emotions.

There is a god who comes bathed in thunder and lightning, shining brightly and with invincible grace. He turns his hands to make clouds and turns his hands to make rain. He kills the chaos and makes the earth green...

The eyes of the elegant and gentleman city lord beside him were red, and he couldn't help but wipe them with a handkerchief.

Ye Lin didn't speak quietly, but suddenly fell into a very strange state.

His soul seemed to have escaped from his body, and he was at a relatively high place in Argyle, watching the boiling and enthusiastic atmosphere in the city. Those extremely noisy sounds turned into a wisp of breeze blowing past his ears.

The difference between gods and humans is not just the level of power.

"I have walked all the way from this mortal world. I should not abandon my humanity and pursue the cold and ethereal divinity." Ye Lin whispered, and then recalled the past in a trance.

When he first became an adventurer, he started by defeating a few goblins, with the idea of ​​maintaining peace, and then rescued a beautiful and pure girl. Then the girl's business talent was fully enhanced, and she became a rich woman with jewels...

"Uh." Ye Lin twitched his lips helplessly. When he thought of Sai Fu Po, his thinking became a little distorted.

"Oh, by the way, Michelle is not dead yet. He just returned to Remidios' side. He will be back soon."

This is a white lie, because Ye Lin can probably deduce that after Michelle in the main dimension experienced a serious reputation crisis and dealt with Ozma, she should choose to come to the chaos dimension.

Although the God of Chaos, Ozma, was locked in the starry sky for purification by the Archangel Michael, all the Dark Knights perished, and the high-level combat effectiveness of the Pretenders was damaged, the evil Keyas forces have not yet been completely eliminated.

For hundreds of years, the horrific blood curse has polluted every corner of the continent of Arad. The dark forces are deeply rooted, and the light side is only slightly improving now.

It was originally supposed to be the Delos Empire, Belmare, the Stru Mountains... these places that Ye Lin was familiar with were now full of monsters breeding and evil running rampant, and even the awakened ones might not be able to travel far alone.

Of course, in a sense, this is also a perfect opportunity to cultivate adventurers. While hunting monsters, you can also regain lost territory, which is not only fresh but also full of glory.

There may be new stars rising to shine in this era, just like the Four Swordsmen of the main dimension and the "Bantu" of the Bantu tribe.

Since it comes from the mouth of Yetian God, there is absolutely no fraud. The saint is a saint who descends from the sky with light. He is not dead yet, he just returned to God!

Saint Michael is resurrected, and he will come again in the near future to lead the confused mankind, eliminate the forces of Keyas (which can be understood as an advanced version of the Dark Order), and once again move towards the brilliant light.

The city lord's face turned red and he was trembling with excitement. He simply closed his eyes and fell back. He fainted in a state of ecstasy. A frightened follower quickly pinched him hard.

The city lord is really unfortunate. In this situation, he should be happy that he finally saw the light of day. He has no regrets, but he just took a look at it with sadness...

Bai Si chewed the fragments of the Chaos Magic Stone. This trip to the realm of nothingness was quite satisfactory.

Although the Pretender Legion is not as good as the Dragon Legion in terms of quality, it is superior in quantity. They can tear, kill, and crush them to their heart's content. It's very enjoyable.

From the perspective of the residents of Argyll, the warriors of the gods are truly invincible and show no mercy in destroying evil.

It has been proposed that new statues should be cast in their honour, and that they should be erected in the center of Argyll, where they would be admired and remembered throughout the ages.

The city lord who finally woke up looked ashamed. A man of his age could actually have such a problem.

Without the city lord's hesitant words and confused look, Ye Lin knew what he wanted to ask for, which was food, or the environmental issues of the Arad continent.

Previously, his magic trick of regenerating dead trees and regenerating dead trees really shocked the whole city.

Gold, silver, pearls, jade and precious stones are of course of great value, but all of this is based on a necessary premise, which is to have a full stomach.

Food is always the most precious thing.

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