Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,710 There is a mythical beast named

The city lord informed and requested that Seriti, another bright city, was also trampled by the pretender army. More than half of the fertile farmland turned into soil, causing serious losses.

There is a special means of communication between the two cities. After learning about the many miracles of the birth of Argyle, the city lord of Seliti, a white-haired priest at the peak of the awakened state, hurriedly wanted to witness the birth of the god. Brilliance, praying for God’s mercy.

However, the location of Seliti City is near the original border of Xuzuo. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is far away from Argyle. Without special means, it may not be possible to pass through the middle area where evil thrives in half a month. .

The anxious city lord suffered from high blood pressure.

"I'll make a trip before I leave." Ye Lin nodded and agreed. A good person will do his best to the end, so he doesn't miss this time.

In Arad in the Chaos Dimension, the land has been saturated with filth, and it is almost impossible to grow food crops in the soil outside. The trees Ye Lin saw before are the best proof.

The great Yetian God is really kind and friendly, close to people's livelihood, and all the respectful companions burst into tears and burst into tears.

To Ye Lin, it was a trivial matter, but to everyone in Argyle, it was a glorious miracle, a gift and mercy from God.

"Actually, the magic that restores the vitality of the earth does not come from me." Ye Lin suddenly became serious. He looked serious, and it was clear that he had something to say. Everyone immediately leaned down to listen, saying that they would bear it in their hearts.

"This miraculous magic actually comes from a... mythical beast. Well, it is a mythical beast that symbolizes auspiciousness and luck and can bring a good harvest. Her name is... Liao."

"Lao?" The knowledgeable city lord was also slightly stunned. The past of Seliti City was an ancient country called Xuzu. I heard that there was belief in mythical beasts and that auspiciousness would occasionally come to them.

But Ozma, the god of chaos, is too powerful and terrifying. The letter of one of the saints...

Chapter 1710 There is a mythical beast named "Liao" (page 1/5), click on the next page to continue reading.

Yeah, including the many exorcists in my hometown, it’s hard to compete with him even if they work together.

"Well, Liao is a kind of mythical beast. She is plump and slightly fat, white all over, and has a kind heart. She symbolizes luck and harvest. When she appears..." Ye Lin was talking nonsense seriously, and the people listening respectfully on the side, out of respect, The absolute trust of God, so I kept thinking about it in my mind.

According to the gods, Liao should be a kind of whale-like mythical beast that looks like a miniature sky-curtain beast. It is round and cute, bathes in the sun, and is friends with clouds. It is pure and flawless. Wherever it passes, colorful rays of light bloom, bringing rain and Good harvest.

Afterwards, Ye Lin finished explaining a series of follow-up instructions and disappeared, heading to Seliti, another bright city.

There are also two holy relics in the city of Argyle. One is the cross left by Michel, but it is not the strongest holy light in the sky, but the cross of the saint that Michel usually carries, which is the black earth at that time. , the one who was carried away by Humane.

The other piece is the shield once used by the saint Shapiro.

Seliti City also has a powerful weapon, or a set. There are six spears made from the corpse of the Pretender-turned-Insect King Killing Gu. The power contained in it is very powerful. Only the recognized strong can use it. .

When swung, it can stir up wind and clouds, and easily break rocks with its ability to kill poison.

Ye Lin awakened the vitality of the earth with Wu Xuan's power, and the crops that were crushed with only their root systems grew vigorously again, and brilliant flowers and abundant fruits bloomed in large areas of barren mountains and wild ridges.

Seliti also filled the city with excitement, shouting for the mercy of the gods. After Ye Lin once again left information about the mythical beast "Liao", he lost his extraordinary temperament and became an ordinary person who seemed to be gentle and gentle. The city's libraries record tours.

I took some photos and videos, and tasted some unique delicacies, such as a kind of pretender goblin that was purified by special means and can be eaten. It tasted ordinary and had a dull meat texture.

Due to the lack of resources, several...

Chapter 1710 There is a mythical beast named "Liao" (page 2/5), click on the next page to continue reading.

For hundreds of years, what can be eaten and how can it be eaten in the Arad continent have been thoroughly studied by the two cities.

On the planet Arad in the Chaos Dimension, there will be two new ones every year, both of which are full of commemorative significance and celebrated by the whole world. One of the great festivals is called "The Day the Gods Arrive".

It is to commemorate the day when the god named "Ye Lin" came bathed in thunder and lightning. With his angels and god warriors, he was unstoppable, killing demons and clearing the world.

Ozma, the god of chaos, also fell into the starry sky, and the long night finally saw a ray of morning light.

In the two cities of Argyll and Seliti, statues of Yelin were erected in the cities. They were made of the strongest stone and carefully carved by the most skilled masters.

The latter also has a statue of Ogli. After all, it was she who killed Belias of Destruction and saved the city in time.

Secondly, on the second day of the Light Advent Day, it is the day to make offerings to the mythical beast "Liao" once a year, offering food and wine, and praying to the Liao for blessings, good weather and abundant harvests in the future.

The sky suddenly flashed with thunder, but it ended again after a few breaths, and the residents of the two cities unanimously saluted in the direction of the thunder.

Along with the thunder and lightning, the gods descended to earth, bringing with them awe-inspiring righteousness, defeating the God of Chaos, and bringing the light of dawn.

Although the gods took away some things, they were nothing compared to what he had done.

Demonic world

Held found the "stolen" home, and half of her mask couldn't hide her shocked look. She had only been out for half a month, but the sudden changes were too earth-shaking.

Ozma, the god of chaos, who was not controlled by the prophecy, was suddenly locked deep in the starry sky and was gradually dying. With the supreme power shining, she sensed a very dangerous aura and did not dare to approach.

The huge fragment of Terra suddenly broke away from the planet Arad and became a satellite of the sun. From then on, the four seasons flowed, light and dark alternated, and the ecological environment developed in a good direction.

... ...

Chapter 1710 There is a mythical beast named "Liao" (page 3/5), click the next page to continue reading.

Through a series of investigations, Held finally targeted the continent of Arad. After some disguise, he arrived and learned the news about the gods descending to earth.

"God? Ye Lin?" Chaos Held frowned slightly, why did this name sound strangely familiar.

From the Taichu era to the present, the existence of gods has been orderly and established, with no more and no less. However, there has never been a Taichu god named "Ye Lin".

"He definitely does not exist in this world!" Held knew everything and could conclude that there was no ancient god named "Ye Lin" in the beginning, and "Ye Lin" could not be a resident of the Arad continent.

In the long hundreds of years before, the continent of Arad had never had such a shocking figure. The residents of the two cities of Argyle and Seliti also called him "the god who comes with thunder and lightning." kind of proof.

"Such a powerful and glorious existence may only be the main vein of the long river of time..." She silently looked at the stone tablet she had brought with her and found from the ruins of ancient Terra, and fell into hesitation.


Main Dimension, Bellemare West Coast

As soon as Ye Lin came back, his head felt a little dizzy due to the cross-dimensional boundary, a scream echoed through the sky, scattering the clouds in the sky, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread rapidly.

"What...what's going on?" Ye Lin was slightly shocked. The usually docile and quiet beast of the sky suddenly seemed to be going crazy, swaying around in the sky and roaring continuously.

He looked far away and immediately saw the body of a giant sky-veiled beast half-sunk and half-floating in the ocean. It had an evil aura, and had undergone a certain degree of body mutation, with huge sarcomas and bone spurs breaking through the sky.

"It is a giant beast from the chaotic dimension. It has been infected by the curse of blood for a long time." Riding the enlarged unicorn rice cake, Mailu saw that he had returned safely. After smiling sweetly, she gave him he explained.

In addition to the centipede-like pretender Enbinor, the infected Sky Veil beast also appeared...

Chapter 1710 There is a mythical beast named "Liao" (page 4/5), click on the next page to continue reading.

, it tried to bite the giant sky-curtain beast carrying the headquarters of the GBL cult, but they stopped it in time.

Although the giant sky-curtain beast was not harmed, the sudden sight of the corpses of its kind still made the usually docile beast go a little crazy.

The mutation was so severe that it couldn't even recognize it as another self.

From the original setting and the room background of the dungeon, we can see that there are many Sky-curtain Behemoths and Sky City, but now only one of each is left.

The original setting is that 000 years ago in Arad, there were many white towers connecting the two worlds on the earth. The giant beasts of the sky soared freely in the clouds, carrying a city on their backs.

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