Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1865 The First Ancient Book

"I thought it would be good to die quietly like this, but no, the dirty flesh and blood and painful nerves were reconnected. I thought it would be okay if I could restore my original appearance like this, but no, my limbs, flesh and blood were torn apart. , wandering in various worlds, difficult to gather together.”

In a true sense, you cannot live or die.

Dark Bayana Dirigi roared angrily, her face and facial features twisted, as if she was venting the endless pain of wandering in the dimension. This torture was more bizarre than a nightmare and more terrifying than hell.

When it could barely move, it vowed to inflict this pain on everyone.

The first target is the mastermind behind the transfer phenomenon, the source of its pain, Held, or the demon world she loves so much.

"Whether it's on Terra or now, nothing has changed. I'm always regarded as a malicious person. Why!" Di Ruiji's eyes showed a desperate black light, and the smelly poisonous gas almost spread in substance, destroying everything. vitality.

It was expelled by the apostles to the cold extreme north of Boronx. It was not allowed to cross the border in the future and was left alone.

Sad enough, but not enough!

The transfer phenomenon tore its body apart, and it fell to Lesephin, but that wasn't enough. He manipulated the Trial Blade to defeat its weakened body, and exiled it to another dimension to suffer pain and torture.

In the mysterious memory awakened in its mind, it vaguely saw a bright and majestic figure, scolded it for not satisfying the established reality and committing many evil deeds, and ordered it to give up its body and thoughts and return to the dazzling endless light.

What did it do at that time? It was to be forcibly stripped of its body and intelligence, and turned into an idiot who returned to the beginning.

Di Ruigi did recover part of Gu Terra's memory, but it was hazy and vague and incomplete, with only some scattered fragments.

Because the current Di Ruiji is actually not the complete Darkness of the Beginning.

The first apostle who set out to restore wholeness was Karn the Destiny.

After wandering into the Demon Realm, during the second battle of the Demon Realm Alliance, I occasionally glanced at her for a moment, and instinctively felt that the body of Glorious Biana was very suitable for it.

The original purpose of the construction of the thirteen civilization crystals was to accommodate the darkness of the beginning that lingered in the starry sky. Of course, they would fit perfectly and Wuxuan's power could not be stripped away.

The battle that broke out in the starry sky caused Di Ruiji's state to be extremely depleted, and it was now very difficult to regroup his body.

Although the opponents just now had a lot of consumption and were no longer in peak condition, for example, the dazzling pattern master Niwu, she could no longer carry out the second galactic attack. The ancient war spear had lost its dazzling brilliance and became simple and peaceful. .

But unexpectedly, by chance, Ye Lin, who was forced to fish in the water due to his own mistakes at first, is now still full of vigor and vitality.

Di Ruiji was very afraid. The aura he exuded unintentionally was too terrifying. Just face to face, his condensed body felt like it was about to be torn apart.

It had felt this feeling before. A long time ago, the apostles unanimously decided to expel it to a remote and desolate place. Among them was an apostle with a well-proportioned figure and a fur collar. He brought it the same terrifying pressure as now. .

The guy who had to rely on the strength of others back then has grown to such an astonishing level.

"My torn and broken body will become more complete together here."

Di Rui Ji chanted mysterious words and was calling for something. Its torn body is now incomplete, and a large part of it is wandering in the dimension and has evolved into various life forms.


Every dragon scale of the round braised eggs is glowing with rich oil, and no mosquitoes dare to bite. After eating, dozing on the ground has become Lao Pi's daily habit, and he enjoys it comfortably.

Suddenly, Lao Pi opened a pair of green eyes, the dragon's blood in his body was boiling, and his bones were tingling, as if something wanted to escape from his body.

"It's the virus dissolved in my body that's stirring. Di Ruiji has woken up..." Lao Pi raised his head in confusion and stared in the direction of Silent City. Then he chanted the imperial order in dragon language, suppressed the boiling feeling in his blood, and continued to lie down. Go to sleep with your head down.

The "Source of All Plagues—Heart of Filth" and "Plague Core" belonging to Di Ruigi have long been completely digested by it and absorbed into its own material. It is impossible to call it back again. It has been too long. .

Ghent Gina Institute

In the glass cover, a white gemstone, like some kind of mineral, suddenly sparkled.

It has an extraordinary aura, and the energy it provides during a brief flash is enough to supply half of the city of Ghent.

Dr. Gina pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said curiously: "Meshel, the Bakar's legacy material you brought seems to be able to be summoned by the emperor's order."

"Compared to the energy born from the Black Nightmare, it is more compressed and pure, but it is obviously impossible to apply on a large scale." Dr. Nairn was meticulous, pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. As far as the heavens are concerned, the new energy they created is obviously more suitable for the Seventh Empire. .

"I know, I didn't expect you to make such great progress. The general of the heaven, the legendary adventurer, actually has related research on technology. Is it really like what the world below said, the savior born after a thousand years of calamity?"

The speaker was a lightly dressed woman, her cheeks were full of youthful vitality, her light gray short hair matched her temperament, making her look neat and tidy, with a generous smile.

She had just come back not long ago, and she had been looking for something and traveling around the world.

"He has resigned and is no longer a general." The little white girl Lindsay seems to be very close to her. When she was a child, Michelle was the big sister who took her everywhere "crazy".

"However, Spitz suddenly yelled out the imperial command. Did something happen?" Dr. Gina called in the surveillance cameras near Lao Pi, but found no abnormalities.

Xiao Baihua shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe he ate too much to get fat. He roared twice to show off the majesty of the dragon."


The void fluctuated, and a huge ball of black and red evil blood fell to the ground like a comet. Along with the corrosive purple rain, it set off strong wind pressure along the way, and the fishy stench made people dizzy.

The blood ball turned into a four-legged beast with red air flowing all over its body, and its head and neck were full of eyes, exuding a sinister light.

It was Di Ruigi's blood that was drawn away. When he stepped down, red blood pillars burst out from the ground. When he raised his head, the sky was also dyed red.

Wherever it passes, it causes disasters and then the extinction of life.

Another fragment came back. It had no fixed body, like a piece of purple sludge that was constantly crawling. It had no bones. When it tried to stand up, the sludge-like flesh and blood on the outside kept sliding down, and then turned inside out again, and the cycle continued. .

The two largest pieces of the body have returned, but there are still some things that cannot respond and are completely cut off from the connection with it.

The crystallized body that incorporates more of the apostle's power bursts out with a more powerful aura. The shadows are dense, the world is dim, and the evil wind is like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, which makes people feel frightened and frightened.

Held raised his staff, his face still as cold as frost, and said calmly: "The dirty flesh is torn apart and reunited. A lot of the time you live is meaningless. The moment you fall, the writing of history stops abruptly. "


A huge stone tablet descended from the void and hit Di Ruiji's head hard. It was simple and vicissitudes of life, with countless rough marks on the surface, and its shape did not change as time passed.

The material of the stone stele is very special and hard. It collided with the fused Di Ruji without being damaged. When it fell to the ground, a drop of filthy blood stained the stele. Immediately, the stele erupted with black light, and mysterious ancient characters appeared and glowed slightly.

"Creation..." Azera carefully identified the ancient text on the stone tablet. It was the oldest Terran text. Even in Terra's technological age, only specialized scholars could understand it. It was a product of the mythical age.


Azera was stunned and couldn't believe it. One of the three holy books that disappeared from ancient Terra, where did Held find the first one? According to legend, it was related to the creation of Terra.

"I only found one stone tablet, and it belongs to the end of Chapter 4." Held did not explain in detail. Infected by Derich's filthy blood, more and more ancient writings emerged.

The devil who flows with filthy blood and blows out the fire of life with black breath. One day, your own blood will flow in this sea of ​​blood!

The first paragraph emerged, and the content horrified everyone present. Although Held had been mocking Held for his lack of brains and his firm belief in the inexplicable "Creation Age Prophecy," now the "Fourth Block of Genesis" The stone tablet actually coincided with the apostle Di Ruiji.

"One more thing." The curator also studied some ancient characters and slowly said: "Drinking his blood will make you stronger!"

What does this mean? Do you think everyone is an idiot? Dare to take a bite of Di Ruiji.

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