Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1866: Fusion Technique!

The rough and simple blue-gray stone tablet is about three feet high. The material is very hard. It was not damaged even after being hit by Diruji. There are many ancient words shining on the front.

Fortunately, Held and the curator were familiar with these texts and had done professional research, so they were able to identify them immediately, and then translated a short Genesis. The content was very horrifying, strongly indicating the death of the black devil.

Held didn't know where she found the holy book stone tablet. It was of great significance, but if she didn't want to explain it personally, others wouldn't be able to read her mind.

"Held, you are being mysterious again." Di Ruigi's body underwent earth-shaking changes after fusing his own fragments and the composition of Glorious Biana.

It still maintains a human appearance, but there are layers of purple lines covering the whole body, as if the nutrients in the flesh and blood have been exhausted, and the skin is wrapped with obviously bulging bones, which is extremely scary.

It doesn't believe in the ghost prophecies in the holy book. Neither the transfer phenomenon nor the dimensional crushing can kill it. Just a broken stone tablet and some ridiculous words are the most useless things.

Di Ruigi himself didn't know that there was anything that could kill him completely. Even if it was thrown into the deepest part of the blazing sun, its flesh and blood would not be burned away and would remain active.

Di Ruigi's revenge began. Red air burst violently from the ground, carrying poison that could rot all things. Drops of horrific blood rain fell from the sky, and a fierce fishy wind roared.

At the moment of Lesephine's death, it remembered many faces and engraved them in the deepest part of its flesh and soul, never forgetting them, and vowed to give everyone the pain of being broken into pieces.

"It's over."

Ye Lin covered his face in pain. Now his heart aches and his body aches. Looking at Master Di like this, it is really impossible to save the body of Glorious Biana, and it has been completely infected by the virus and turned into a mutant. First URL m.luoqiuww

Although the physical strength of the civilization crystal is comparable to that of God, in the end it is just an empty body, and Master Di is not a complete "darkness", it is just one of many parallel dimensions.

The power of a sword in the hands of a professional is definitely very different from that of a sword master. The difference will be obvious.

Currently, only the first apostle Kahn is setting out to collect his share of "darkness", and has a chance to truly return to the state of Twelve Biana. Then, with the blessing of power and power, he will be even more powerful than in ancient times.

"I don't mind verifying the prophecy again." Held's staff fell to the ground, and the brilliance of the Holy Spirit's posture bloomed in the only exposed eyes. The sea of ​​fire, thunder, and the ball of nothingness were as majestic as a tsunami.

Creation is destruction, destruction is rebirth.

Held couldn't wait to verify whether the death of the devil with evil blood could bring a new breath of peace to the devil world. This is why she took the initiative to find Ye Lin even if she didn't hesitate to expose her return. .

There are only a handful of strong men who can completely kill this evil-blooded demon, and Ye Lin and Mo Mei both have this power.

If killing Di Rui Ji can rejuvenate the demon world, it will prove that she was right all along, and the prophecy of the stone tablet is also correct. This is a belief that Held has long adhered to.

Emperor Nian spins the sky and breaks the sky!

The all-pervading subtle thoughts attached to every virus that spread crazily, and then burned the power of the primordial flame element. At the same time, mixed with wisps of lightning, the heaven and earth were cleared, and there was a smell of burning air.

The flames and electric sparks of thought energy were overwhelming, and the flickering light reflected endless horror in the depths of Di Ruiji's eyes. His body had been shattered once, and his condition was indeed very depressed.

Even if the two largest split fragments were recalled, only about half of them were restored.

As for the Eye of Darkness that Curator Monica had previously injected for the experiment, it was completely unable to meet his strong needs for Di Ruigi. It was like a sea that was about to dry up completely. The concept of "infinite magic" was just a surging river. .

The water of the river is indeed majestic, but when will it be able to fill an entire empty ocean?

"Reading Qi to return to the origin? The illusion of reading seal is broken!"

Mo Mei's flawless and beautiful face was solemn and solemn, her soft and white arms moved gently in some mysterious trajectory, and a lotus flower slowly bloomed under the clean short boots. One person and one lotus, like a beautiful pair of flowers. The painting is so holy that it is almost unreal.

A blue divine dragon filled with thunder and lightning was born from the lotus, spread along the skin, and formed a beast pattern on her left arm that symbolized the vast sky. Then another yellow dragon also appeared, forming on Mo Mei's right arm. The patterns of mind beasts that symbolize the earth’s weight are both lifelike and spiritual.


The Explosive Golden Tiger, which was about the same size as a domestic cat, jumped out. It quickly grew in size, and its body was filled with terrifying flames. It was full of majesty, and its aura was innately incompatible with evil.

The lucky three-tailed cat, who habitually licked its paws, was startled. The whiskers on its soft and cute cat face trembled. What race did this flame cat belong to? It was really big.

"Mo Mei, let me help you!"

Xiaoyu's simple and elegant dress danced like an oracle. She took off the dragon hairpin from her hair and threw it into the sky. Immediately, there was a thunderous wind and thunder. In the gray clouds, the dragon opened its eyes as blue as the abyss.

The team has always cooperated with each other, resulting in miraculous reactions that exceeded their own limits. For example, Ye Lin's sword energy resonated with Siatt and Feng Ying's, making their sword energy even sharper.

Mavis's shadow power and the will and power inherited from Hades Usiel can also amplify Gu Yu's murderous intention and create his own hell, as if the underworld and reality are truly blended.

As Xiaoyu, who has withstood the test of assimilation and has now surpassed the first-generation shrine maiden in strength and upholds the true meaning of the divine dragon, can make the blue divine dragon in the form of Mo Mei's energy become even more majestic and destructive to deter evil spirits.

There is also Ye Lin's elemental power, which is very helpful for junior sister Niwu's transformation and fighting. If he were present in the battle in the starry sky and used his power to assist Niwu, it is estimated that Glorious Beyana would explode into dust.

The origin of the Wuxuan Holy Tree in his body can also make Mailu's weapon "Great Nature" glow with stronger divine power.

Feng Ying gave this very wonderful phenomenon a very appropriate and vulgar name... Fusion Technique.

The three phantom beasts exuded terrifying majesty and power. Some caused landslides and ground cracks, some were surrounded by thunder, and endless waves of flames burned the sky and boiled the sea. Mo Mei closed her eyes and concentrated. All things had already passed through her mind. Qi is clearly detected in the heart.

Even a tiny virus is still under control.


The beasts of thought energy rushed to Di Ruiji's position in three directions. In an instant, a raging colorful mushroom cloud rose up, burning and annihilating. It seemed illusory and gorgeous, but it was extremely real. Every virus and bacteria could not escape.

Di Ruiji struggled to resist, and the black light of plague erupted. His body melted like ice and snow, shrinking rapidly. He shrunk by more than half in a short period of time. He could not maintain Biana's state, and turned into a thin black dog with tongue hanging out again. appearance.

At the fatal moment, it broke through the siege of thoughts and escaped into the earth with difficulty, uu read the book

When he reappeared, he was already dozens of miles away, and there were other Demon Realm people nearby who were looking for "gem fragments".

"Apostle, Di Ruiji!" Someone was so frightened that he ran away like crazy. Didn't this guy disappear a few years ago, leaving a restricted area empty?

While escaping for his life, he did not forget to greet Void Mage Ron and his family. The damn old man had openly lamented not long ago that the era of demon apostles had passed. He was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead, he was dead. .

But now Di Ruiji is back. It is clearly still the terrifying disaster primordial body that no one dares to touch. It is still an apostle, one of the strongest people who can suppress the people in the demon world.

"The physical characteristics are really tough." Xiaoyu lamented. If it were a strong man of the same level, his ashes would probably be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

"It should use all the material of Glorious Bayana to resist Mo Mei's attack. In other words, Apostle Di Ruigi is just Di Ruigi now." Aizela explained that although her realm was very low, But the experience of thousands of years is rich enough.

Aizela is soft and gentle, and her speech and behavior have the beautiful temperament of a lady, like a caring and gentle sister next door.

But as one of the survivors of Gu Terra, the group leader was actually eighteen years old and who knows how many months old.

Arad's crooked savior

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