Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 189: Being handsome is a lifelong matter

"But why did Charlie become an ice giant? And he also has a unique summoning magic."

Bantu warriors are talking a lot that the monster that has disturbed the tribe for more than a month may actually be little Charlie who died thirty years ago.

Olka rubbed the stone crystal necklace with her palm, handed it to the warrior behind her, and said: "You all go back, give the necklace to Barrena, and ask her about the details of what happened back then."

"Chief, I will go with you. My fist can shatter the ice."

Rabina was full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

"By the time you catch up, the snow in these thousand-year-old snow-capped mountains will have melted."

The Bantu warriors blushed when they heard this. They boasted that they were powerful and full of fighting spirit, but their speed was obviously too slow to keep up.

The toy soldiers broken into two parts all over the ground clearly showed that this team is really powerful.

"Let me see what you're capable of."

Olka's eyes were blazing. He couldn't sleep last night, and all he could think about was "Skasa's weak period"!

He had to admit that he was really moved. The Emperor of the Delos Empire was extremely ambitious and could not tolerate the Bantu people approaching him.

Belmare has become a semi-puppet country again, and asking them for help is not the best option.

Even if there was only one in 10,000 chance of killing the ice dragon, he still wanted to give it a try.

But it's not feasible to use the strength of the whole clan to fight, that will put the Bantu clan into a situation of annihilation, so he needs elites!

"It will not let you down."

The corner of Ye Lin's mouth raised. Sure enough, Orka couldn't help it. This young patriarch who devoted all his efforts to his people also had a passion that had never cooled down.

"Come with me."

The team took Olka and followed Ye Lin towards a canyon at high speed.

He and Isadora used magic to quickly open up the blocked ice and snow, leaving some traces of water remaining on their boots.

"It's strange, why did Charlie run away? The boss obviously attacked him, so he is so cowardly."

"I don't understand either." Yuena paused and continued: "His summoning magic is very special."

Gu Yu relied on her racial and professional advantages to move around like a ghost, but she was free...

"Hey, Bingnes?"

The dagger danced on the tip of his toe, crushing an Ice Ness that sneaked up from the snow.

Orka raised his head and looked around at the ice and snow cliffs on both sides, and said solemnly: "This canyon is covered with snow all year round, and we Bantu people rarely come here."


The sudden drink made them perk up, and they took out their weapons and stopped.

Ahead, hundreds of densely packed Ice Ness floated unconsciously in the air, and the sharp angular ice spikes were densely packed in the snow like harvested wheat stubble.

"Why are there so many low-level elemental elves?"

Orka stamped her feet. If she wanted to walk over such ice spikes, she would probably need a pair of iron shoes.

"Look, there are actually several ice crystal-like trees producing ice elements?"

Isadura was greatly surprised. In certain places with abundant elemental power, such as lava caves and the Snowy Land of Stone, low-level elemental elves can be born in a few months.

But this was the first time she had seen the method of producing ice elements like fruit on a tree.

GBL teaches new knowledge!

"Charlie seems to be on a rampage in there, leave them alone."

Deep in the canyon, there was a crashing sound mixed with crying and sobbing, and it was still the same sentence: "Mom... I want to go home..."

The soil on the ground was turned over, and all the ice spikes were covered under the ground. The entire canyon seemed to have been plowed by an iron plow.

The low-level ice elf Bingnais is not even their enemy.

Running through the land into the depths, they were shocked by what they saw.

The ice giant seemed to be going crazy and rolled around on the ground. Occasionally it stood up and wanted to punch a pillar erected in the middle of the ice and snow.

On top of that strange icicle, there is actually a beating, ice-blue heart!

Charlie punched his heart, then forcibly stopped it the next moment.

He summoned a dense crowd of toy soldiers, which were smashed to pieces by his own hands the next moment.

In the belly of the ice giant, curled up was a little boy who had obviously frozen to death but was still crying.

"Strange, I actually feel a little warmth from this ice-blue heart."

Yuena carefully approached the heart. There were no blood vessels connected, and no blood was flowing in. But it was beating on its own, as if it had majestic vitality.

"Protect this heart, let's...send Charlie home." Ye Lin took out his lightsaber and sighed.

The mind shield was raised, and Mo Mei firmly protected the beating heart, and studied the heart with Yuena.

"I want to go down the mountain..."

"My beloved toys..."

When the mind mask was raised, Charlie seemed to have entered a violent state. The toy soldiers rushed out crazily, and he also raised his ice fist and swung it at Siatt.


The exquisitely controlled instant three-jutsu cut off one of the Frost Giant's arms, and the additional flame energy melted the ice at the break, causing it to drip into water.

"There seems to be a mysterious pull on this heart that restricts the ice giant."

Isadora frowned, then suddenly raised his head to look at the child wrapped in ice on the giant's belly.

Sure enough, the heart position is empty!

"The giant is a child's cage. It locks the child there, more like an armor that increases its power, but its evil nature."

Yuena's palms shone with soft holy light, which blended perfectly with her heart. Unlike the ice giant, she couldn't feel the slightest bit of evil.

"The ice giant that controls him is evil, but his heart is kind." Yuena quickly expressed her speculation, "If the heart is destroyed, he will completely become a monster that only knows destruction and will summon endless Toy soldiers attack Bantu tribesmen, but he struggles to control them."

The arm destroyed by Siatt actually grew back in just a few breaths.

"Gu Yu, is there a way to get the child back?" Siatge blocked the punch, and the huge force made her take a step back.

"The child is locked in the ice. Although my speed is fast enough, I may break my arms and legs. Do you want to try?"

As expected of a killer who came from the Death Ball, these words sounded a bit scary, but they were calm and calm.

"Forget it, you little parrot, I'll do it."

The lightsaber naturally sticks to his back to block Gu Yu's sneak attack. Because of his strong blocking ability, Gu Yu has been using him as a target for sneak attack training recently.

In Olka's surprised eyes, Ye Lin walked towards the ice giant carelessly, without any armor or weapons.

What is he going to do? Hard fight?

This was Olka's question, but he soon got the answer.

The ice giant punched, and the casserole-like fist carried strong wind, even blowing his collar and hair.


Yelin smiled sadly and looked at the child in the ice giant's belly. The child was still trying to resist even though he was controlled by Skatha, even though his real age was only four or five years old.

"Charlie, it's been thirty years. It's time to go down the mountain and go home. Your sister is waiting for you."


Just when the fist was only a few centimeters away from his face, the huge body exploded into pieces that filled the sky. A small child fell into the broken ice and was held in the arms of a ghostly figure.

"To be honest, I think the boss should learn the ability of the mage. With such a strong talent, why does he prefer Sword Soul?"

Mo Mei's eyebrows jumped and she couldn't help but start to complain. Needless to say, this was also the boss's ability that was so weird that even Tana couldn't figure it out.


Yuena wrapped her heart in a piece of cotton and shrugged, "I don't know either."

Mailu felt the sleeping unicorn between Zhengyi and whispered: "Mi Gao told me what Ye Lin said in private... Being handsome is a lifetime thing."

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