Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 190 Where there is light, there is an old man

"It suits his style quite well, a shameless person."

Yuena complained, and then looked at the dark blue child in Gu Yu's hand, which was guessed to be the little Charlie who disappeared thirty years ago.

"This kid is quite strong..."

Gu Yu grabbed one of Charlie's arms and shook it vigorously. She felt like she was grabbing a popsicle that would not melt, and her cold palms were red and stinging slightly.

"Nonsense, it has been frozen in the snow for thirty years, and it's just a lump of ice."

Ye Lin took the child over and handed it to Orka, who had a complicated expression. The evidence of the stone crystal necklace and the nearby Snowy Land of Stone meant that the Bantu child must not have escaped.

"I'm wondering whether I should give him to Barrena to see him. After all, he looks so miserable."

Olka was a little hesitant. A child whose heart had been removed was such a miserable situation that the passionate Balena could not bear to see it.

"Give it to her. Auntie, she may have been thinking about it for thirty years." Ye Lin persuaded.

Charlie, who chased Scaça when he was young, became an obstacle in Barrena's heart.


Filling the little heart back into her chest and wrapping it in a thick blanket, Orka hugged Charlie, who had been missing for thirty years, and slowly walked back home.

"I'm a little strange." Isadora looked at the toy fragments on the ground and said in surprise: "Giving toys the ability to move is already a very incredible magic. How did he achieve unlimited summoning of toys? Where is the producer? "

Isadora wanted to pick up the fragments of a toy soldier and take a look, but before her fingers touched the toy's arm, the realistic-looking puppet suddenly disappeared.

There was only pure white snow left on the spot, and there were no shadows of toys anywhere.

"Maybe it's the abundant magic power given by Skatha."

Ye Lin knew the reason himself, but he didn't explain it for the time being because it sounded too weird.

Skatha, the strongest ice dragon among the three dragons, has the ability to turn fantasy into reality!

The toy soldiers that Charlie likes and the ice and snow nursery rhymes passed down orally by the Bantu people have all been materialized by Skatha's almost perverted ability.

"Oh, the deputy chief of the Bantu tribe actually needs help from outsiders. It's really shameful."

On their way back, on the cliff more than ten meters high on the right side of the canyon, a man wearing a devil mask was laughing.

His figure was almost the same as Orka's, but what surprised Siatt and the others was that there was a strong ice tiger lying obediently next to this man.

With its dark blue fangs and sharp claws, and its streamlined and muscular body, there is no doubt that it can kill an adult man with one strike, and a bison can easily disembowel it.


Olka's remaining left eye was slightly focused. The opponent was also a Bantu warrior, but completely opposite to Barrena's hospitality, he extremely hated outsiders.

He lived on the frontline ridge all year round and did not want to come back, so he tamed an ice tiger and named it "Icetooth Savant".

The two are as close as brothers. They go out, eat, and even rest and sleep together, so most Bantu warriors are not willing to provoke him.

In fact, I’m also a little envious secretly. Who doesn’t like tiger skin pillows?

"They are guests recognized by the Bantu people. Don't be rude."

"Bullshit customers are not just businessmen who want to suck all our marrow out, pretending to be nice."

Wisps of black smoke suddenly appeared from the edge of Luwu Ge's evil ghost mask, and his voice became ferocious and terrifying. The ice tiger next to him made a pounce on prey.

Orka's face darkened and he shouted angrily: "Ruug! Because you have done a good job in guarding the ridge, I don't want to embarrass you, so get out of my way!"

"Outsiders be damned."

He touched his belt and found a sharp bone needle in his hand. Taking advantage of his superior position, he suddenly swung it down.

The Bantu people have a very cold climate, and the soil is sometimes as hard as iron. They know how to utilize resources, and naturally they will not let go of bones, a good material that can be polished.

The spearheads of war spears, bone daggers, or used as hidden weapons like Luug, or even buried in the snow as traps to hunt wild ice tigers and snow mandrills.

"Tsk tsk, where there is light, there is the old man."

Ye Lin felt helpless. Mr. Luke was like a sunflower. He would look wherever there was light.

The terrain of the Stru Mountains is relatively high, as is the ridge guarded by Luug. He was obviously tricked and became extremely violent.

But what surprised Ye Lin was that because of Luug's special relationship with the Ice Tiger, he seemed to be immune to the first stage of black nightmare drowsiness, and he still retained some of his sanity.

Luwuge's hidden weapon is also famous among the Bantu tribe. If used smoothly, it can even blind the ice tiger's eyes.

But compared to Mo Mei's Nian Qi Mask, it was still far behind, and it didn't even make any ripples.


A skill that has been forgotten in a corner for a long time as the number of people in the team increases. It can temporarily turn a monster into fighting for itself.

The enemy is currently condescending, and he doesn't want to actually kill the opponent and destroy the harmony with the Bantu tribe.

Savant was originally ready to pounce, and for it, the height of more than ten meters was not much different from going down the stairs.

However, Ye Lin's control worked at this moment. Savant immediately turned against him and slapped down the grinning Luuger with his broad fleshy claws.

Thanks to the deep bond between it and Luug, Ye Lin did not completely control it. Otherwise, instead of slapping it with sharp claws, it would have had fangs biting its neck.

The Bantu people have strong physiques. When teams came from both sides of the canyon, the roads were separated and the thick snow accumulated. Ruwuge was lucky enough to survive after falling in.

Savant was confused. After jumping down, he circled around him like a puppy, humming.

It is a variant of the Ice Tiger, and its mouth full of fangs is its weapon, but now it has become a shackles, unable to pull out the unconscious Luug.

A ray of purple light flew from Isadora's wand into Savant's eyebrows. The ice tiger, as strong as a bull, fell to the ground unconscious and fell into a deep sleep.

"Can it be purified?"

Ye Lin stepped forward and pulled out Luwuge like a carrot, and placed them together with the Ice Tiger, two unlucky guys.

After thinking about it, he stuffed Luwu Ge into the arms of the Ice Tiger, covering his body with two big paws, a real tiger skin pillow.

"It wasn't possible before. Black Nightmare is too strong, but these two are a bit special, and with the fourth hero's purification magic combined with Remedia's traditional holy power, there should be a chance."

Yuena's cross lit up with the holy light. After touching it for about three minutes, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It will be almost done by the time they wake up."

After explaining the black nightmare to Orka again, the latter's expression became even gloomier.

After a long while, he sighed: "I will issue an order to ask the tribesmen to pay attention to suspicious places and try not to go to the highest point of the mountain."

Returning along the original route, they encountered no further obstacles. The crowd headed by Barrena crowded together and stood at the entrance of the canyon, looking eagerly.

When she saw the thick blanket in Orka's arms, tears burst into her eyes, and the crystal necklace in her hand was shaking.

The strong-willed Barrena, considered a warm-hearted aunt by the Bantu people, still showed her fragile side when she saw her missing brother.

She carefully took back the blanket, wiped her tears, and slowly opened it. The scene that had been sealed in her memory resurfaced before her eyes.

Although his body was cold and hairless, she recognized him at a glance. It was really her young brother Charlie!

"I still remember that thirty years ago, the Ice Dragon awakened for the second time. According to the command of Master Gu Gulian, the Bantu tribe was moving south."

"That night, the moon was thin, and my brother woke me up in the tent. He said he saw a beautiful creature and asked me if I wanted to go look for it. I was too sleepy on the road, so I ignored him. "

The more Barrena talked, the more she couldn't stop crying. In the end, she squatted down and hugged Charlie and choked several times.

"Charlie disappeared early the next morning, which caused a stir within the clan."

An older soldier shook the ashes from his pipe and lamented: "We are in a hurry to move. Although the previous patriarch sent people to search briefly, time waits for no one. Little Charlie, who is four or five years old, is still alive. Those who can’t come down will have no choice but to endure the pain and continue going south.”

At that time, the Bantu people took out the peace treaty signed during the First Snow Battle and temporarily rented the Delos Empire city "Shatli" to recuperate until Skatha hibernated again.

What followed was the ambitious Emperor Lyon. After planning for more than a year, he launched the Second Snow Battle with a killer organization and dispatched troops that had been prepared for a long time. Tu Clan was caught off guard.

The Bantu people, who had just settled down, would never have expected that Emperor Lyon would tear up the agreement so quickly and fall out, causing heavy losses.

Even while fighting and retreating as far as the Bantu holy land of Amroth, they were still defeated by the crazy imperial army.

It is said that the imperial army massacred the city, which led to the sharp decline in the number of Bantu people.

The hatred is engraved in their bones and their blood is erupting. Compared to Skatha, the Bantu people hate Delos even more.

As for the lost little Charlie, after the war, who will care about him.

The Bantu people, who live in extremely cold places all year round and have little communication with the outside world, do not know the traditional performing arts of "Delos", which is to turn against others and stab them in the back.

Only two years after the Dark Holy War ended more than 600 years ago, the Emperor of the Peruvian Empire, Farmeria IV, tore up the peace treaty and brazenly attacked Xu Zu, his ally during the Holy War.

At that time, because of the pretenders, the two countries had a cooperative relationship that lasted for ninety years, almost for two or three generations. The relationship between the two countries was so harmonious that they almost couldn't tell each other apart.

In such a relationship, if you give an order and say invasion, you will invade.

Delos, which inherited the name of "Perousian Orthodoxy", naturally also inherited the tradition of its ancestors, and the small peace treaty was simply ridiculous.

With a stabbing sound, it was torn.

"He was controlled by the evil ice giant and wanted to destroy this kind heart. He worked very hard to control himself. He returned home and returned to the embrace of God Kunilai."

Orka gave the team an apologetic look, Charlie was only a few years old, but he was old enough to be treated like a warrior.

Next, the Bantu people will conduct their farewell ceremony, and it is temporarily inconvenient to entertain them.

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