Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1912: Hammer God Xiaoqi!

"Rafael, where did you see the end of time?"

Yuena wanted to get close to and comfort Raphael. He was an angel of healing and wisdom. He spread the power of the goddess and promoted her lofty wisdom and majesty. He was an archangel with very pious beliefs.

And importantly, the ability to span from this moment to the end of time, to count the infinite universes and parallel dimensions, can only be achieved by a handful of supreme beings, such as Memet of the End of Days among the rulers of time and space.

The rulers of time and space each perform their own duties and are in charge of different time periods. They have no functional connection or conflict with Remidios. Theoretically, it is impossible to deliberately blackmail an archangel who symbolizes healing and wisdom.

Someone must be playing the role of the mastermind behind the scenes. Belfast is a proof and Rafael is another clear evidence.

"Saphire, there is nothing we can do. I have seen the end of hundreds of timelines. Lord Remedios has repeatedly taken action, but he cannot stop the stopping and collapse of time!"

Rafael shook his head bitterly, seeing no hope, nothing.

Her warm and beautiful golden hair has a kind of black-purple pollution climbing up from the tips. The speed of change is astonishing. The holy name of the healing angel "Raphael" is being blackened by the pollution.

"Raphael! We have changed the future of the main line of time, and the God of Wisdom has confirmed it, so believe us, there are still many opportunities."

"A glass of water can only moisten the throat, but it cannot save the car." Rafael's attitude was very pessimistic, and his sadness was palpable, saying: "There are still so many lovely and beautiful worlds, and billions of kind and gentle lives will all be buried together. In the final moment.”

Raphael is the kindest and most benevolent of the seven archangels, symbolizing healing and blessing. He is the spreader of divine will and the first ray of divine light to come to the world of other faiths.

Among the seven archangels, if Michael, the strongest, symbolizes God's fire and judgment, then Raphael is the other side of God's mercy and gentleness.

"Rafal, the future can be changed. All futures depend on this moment..." Yuena repeated Ye Lin's words while approaching Rafal carefully, spreading a pair of broad golden wings behind her. , the feathers shine brilliantly, and when gently waved, they shed a little light rain, and the breath is peaceful and pure.

The rank of angels in heaven does not depend on the number of wings to determine their strength. Most of the archangels have six wings, except for her and Xiaoxiao. She has two wings and Xiaoxiao has eight wings.

The light belonging to Archangel Saphire should be able to effectively prevent Rafael's blackened state, and then bring her to Lord Remedios, and there will definitely be a solution.

All the future depends on this moment!

"Saphire, leave quickly." Rafael frowned tightly and spoke in a hurry.

"Huh?" Yuena subconsciously took a step back, but was still within the attack range.

"Yue Na, be careful!"

Mo Mei exclaimed anxiously and quickly built a defense around Yuena. On the surface of the mental energy shield, there were roaring beasts and dragons and phoenixes dancing.

But Yuena and Rafael were too close, and after they learned that Rafael was a healing angel, they relaxed their vigilance slightly, but no one expected that Rafael's personal iconic weapon , is an angel sword burning with holy flames.

Two lifelike angels formed the hilt of the sword, hugging each other intimately, with soft faces, and in the embrace, a holy sword burning with light flames emerged.

White and pure feathers flew and fell, the sacred power flowed into the void, and traces of blood splashed red. Yuena fell to the bottom of the cliff and valley, like a kite that accidentally broke its string.


Astra quickly showed the heroic appearance of the original dragon, with shiny black scales and boiling blood. After catching Yuena, a pair of huge and cold dragon eyes did not hide its murderous intent.

Like the wings of a Saphir angel made of pure light, the left wing was coldly pierced by the holy sword. After a few flashes, it completely collapsed and turned into dots of fluorescence.

"Thank you, it doesn't matter to me." Yuena's face turned pale. She was slightly injured and said, "Rafal's heart has been infected. This is a process from the inside out. Her crying is the last remaining tenderness. .”

Raphael's sacred white six wings are now all polluted into gray-black, as if the despair in the hearts of countless creatures at the moment before the world withers away, without any hope or light in sight.

"Safir, we can't save everyone. We have been letting down the piety of the believers. We are incompetent angels. The essence of the world is a false firework. It is brilliant for a moment and ends in an instant. We are the insignificance born in that moment. .”

The holy sword burning with light flames in her hand also turned into black flames in just a moment. Rafael now has a kind of evil beauty, his exquisite and beautiful face is indifferent and cold, and his thin lips seem to be smeared Painted with ink and oil paint, it is a fallen angel who fell from heaven to hell.

In the time that should have lasted infinitely, she saw the "limited" end, and her mind was in a trance, and the enemy found an opportunity to take advantage of her.

Yuena held her hand in the void, and the penetrating gun Brionak appeared in a flash, and said solemnly: "I don't agree with your point of view. I believe that everything in the future depends on the present, and the real Raphael is to spread healing and divine light. The angel of salvation, she has always been gentle and compassionate, and she will never turn into this look of giving up everything and feeling desolate."

She must bring the fallen Rafael to Lord Remedios.

"Open your eyes and wake up, Safiir. The world was originally a darkness of nothingness, and light is the latecomer!"

There is no point in talking anymore. Rafael, who possesses the power of a transcendent, cannot simply wake up by letting Sugar Cane nag and talk. She has been infected by an unknown force.

"Mo Mei, help me subdue Rafael and wake up Xiaoqing."

If it were pure killing, the team would swarm up and be able to kill him cleanly without Ye Lin taking action. Rafael's combat effectiveness was relatively weak among the seven archangels.

But now we need to suppress Rafael as much as possible without harming her life, and bring her to Lord Remedios. We need the help of Mo Mei, who is good at defense.

"And why is Rafael here? Could it be that the City of Angels in the Angel Dimension had a problem after the strongest Michael left?" Yuena had many doubts, but she kept them in her heart for the time being, waving her holy spear to greet him. Got on Rafael.

Sophie quickly rolled up her sleeves, preparing to give Xiaoxiao a "gentle" touch from her sister. As Archangel Metanzo, one of your wings of divine light was given to you by Rafael. Now it's time to repay it. It's time for a favor.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this." Mai Lu stopped her. Although Xiao Chu was very resistant to being beaten and could hit meteorites with her body without any damage, when others saw her, there might be a misunderstanding that they were not harmonious between sisters.

Moreover, Xiao Hina has grown so big, so it is really not appropriate to continue to use violent methods.

After clearing her throat, Mailu suddenly said loudly and in surprise: "Oh, Sir Michelle! Why are you here!"

"Ah? Master Michelle!"

Wrapped in the battle flag of Mars, the little chick who slept soundly and sweetly suddenly opened her eyes with excitement. The hair on her head was straightened. She jumped off the rice cake in a panic and looked around.

Her current angel rank is the same as Michelle's, but the kindness she received from her will never be forgotten. Xiaoxia, who grew up in the angel dimension, still respects her immediate boss.

"Wake up, go and help."

Mailu pinched her soft and smooth face. Yuena and Momei were tied up and found it difficult to use. You have an angel wing given by Rafael, which may resonate deepest in the other person's heart.


Xiao Hina reluctantly cheered up, wearing a heroic battle armor, and in her hand appeared a golden giant hammer that was completely inconsistent with her beautiful girlish temperament. The hammer head was bigger than her head, and there were many finger-length protrusions on the surface. , strongly embodying a flavor of violence and destruction.

The Wings of Metanzo gave Hina a speed no less than that of Prey. She turned into a terrifying golden stream of light and crashed straight into Rafael, raising the heavy Hammer of Metanzo in her hand.


The golden war hammer burst out with endless thunder and divine light, and the mighty and sacred angelic power surged out like roaring waves, violently hitting the holy sword raised towards Rafael in a defensive posture.

Rafael stared closely at one of the wings behind Xiaoqi, as if he was recalling something, but his frosty cheek suddenly changed color, and the irresistible brute force bent the holy sword. The light and darkness between the two caused a great deal of confusion. The explosion left a deep chasm thousands of miles deep on the Death Star's surface.

Yuena and Mo Mei were dumbfounded. Xiaoxia seemed to be... angry about getting out of bed? !

A little silly and a little silly, but now he has transformed into a killing angel, the furious Hammer God. He beat Rafael away with a hammer, and then chased him in a daze and beat him hard. Yuena's face was stiff and the corners of her mouth twitched.

But I never expected that some weird purple-black smoke would be forced out, as if the angel's energy was at work.

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