Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1913 I am the variable!

"It turns out that Xiao Hina has been sleeping all this time to give us a chance to show off." Feng Ying complained seriously, and then received a unanimous nod of approval.

Everyone only remembers Xiao Hina's cute sleeping appearance and plump and voluptuous figure. They have accidentally forgotten that her favorite and most handy weapon is the mace. In general, in reality, how can any girl use this? .

The weapons of Feng Ying and other Magic Hand patients, including Sophie and Mailu, are all in the shape of swords, focusing on being light, sharp, and winning with skill.

Or maybe the sword is just a cover, like Mavis, who is better at bombarding people with energy.

Guyu is a little more unique in that he uses a short dagger, which is at least a conventional weapon. Most adventurers will carry a dagger with them in case of emergency.

The giant sword Leiwoding wielded by the eldest lady is already a weapon that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. As for the beautiful girl using a mace... They all agreed that Xiaoxiao is more suitable to change to a cross and become a healing saint. knight.

After all, she is of angel blood, and the "Blessing of Courage" panel is one of the largest. One bite will send her soul directly to heaven, and she will live her life in vain.

"Sister-in-law is so powerful." Ye Lin nodded. If all paladins were like Xiaoxiao, there would be less suffering in the world.

Belief in justice is the destination of the soul.

Rafal's battlefield is still going on. Ye Lin twists a wisp of purple-black evil energy on his fingertips. This is the evil energy forced out of Rafal's body. It belongs to the end of the long river of time and can infect the transcendent. It symbolizes The decay of the dimension.

The end that Memet, the ruler of time and space, saw, when billions of stars exploded one after another or were annihilated, was that there was an extremely corrupt force affecting it, and its source and details were unknown.

Xiaodou once speculated that this energy might be the decayed time attribute, the mutation after the death of Time River, but it has not been confirmed by other aspects.

There was a flash of emerald light at his fingertips, and the power of Wuxuan's power had some kind of influence: "Go and find your true carrier. Wherever you come from, you will go."

He restored this ray of energy to its original state and purified the angelic holy power within it.

Immediately, the evil energy dissipated in front of their eyes and turned invisible out of thin air!

Feng Ying and others slowly frowned and noticed something unusual. This situation should not be possible under the gaze.

Even an insignificant wisp of magic or fluctuation cannot escape their perception. The transcendent transcends time and space. Everything in the world has been clearly seen without any omissions.

"I see, I seem to understand." Ye Lin smiled enigmatically, took out a colorful stone, placed it on the spot where the energy mysteriously disappeared, and said: "Feng Ying, use your strongest sword, Slash this stone."

With the tacit understanding and trust cultivated over a long period of time, Feng Ying did not hesitate to praise the moon in the world in her heart. Her heart reflected the bright moon, and thousands of flowers fell. The silver light of a sword in its peak state poured out, like a waterfall falling from the stars, a shock that split the universe. mango.

Her personal temperament is even more refined. She has long gray hair that hangs down like a galaxy, a tall sword outfit, and a sword-like body. She is not like the fireworks of the world.

Raising a sword is also raising a person.

Even Gu Yu and others who were in the same realm couldn't help but narrow their eyes temporarily. The bright sword light was so moving that the Death Star under their feet cracked.

When the light dissipated, Siatt cast a doubtful look at the sugar cane. The stone was nothing special. It was just painted with some paint and had been completely crushed.

"Feng Ying's transcendent sword can achieve the same effect as Xue Ding'e, killing future enemies and cutting off a moment of time." Ye Lin raised a smile, continued to show off his master's demeanor, and said lightly: "If It’s not like I feed Schrödinger often, so I really didn’t notice someone in the future.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the space where the stone was originally was immediately rippled with strong fluctuations. The void was completely shattered and annihilated. A certain peeping existence was forced out by a sword. It has been hiding in the future, looking down at the "past" for it. .

The culprit who caused Belfast to forget its mission and Archangel Raphael's faith to darken came from the end of time, the messenger Crescent Moon.

Its lower body is empty except for a wisp of black smoke. There are four twisted claws on the sides of its granite chest. It is covered in a cloak. There is only a glimmer of wisdom in its head under the hood, surrounded by many lines and Ring, the rich final aura is almost substantial.

Crescent Moon, a name with a meaning as clear as a radiance, but at this moment, Crescent Moon seems to be a twisted object worshiped by a cult, bringing a vicious curse and the decay of time.

It thought it was hiding in the future, looking down at the past, very clever and secretive, but it didn't expect to be noticed by Ye Lin, who often flirted with cats.

"You blasted open the barrier of this dimension?" Ye Lin didn't ask the reason for Rafael's blackening, it was already self-evident.

The messenger of doomsday, as the name suggests, Belfast said, the arrival of the new moon also symbolizes the arrival of the doomsday. It is the herald of the end of time and has weirder and more powerful abilities than ordinary transcendents.

The new moon is supposed to be just a symbol, just like the rooster's crow before the sun rises. It is neither good nor evil. However, because it is the messenger announcing the arrival of the end, it is naturally given the incarnation of evil and annihilation by others.

But later, Xinyue really turned into a malicious person who wanted to invade the dimension.

Its voice echoes faintly in the void space, cold and ruthless, announcing an extinction: "The mirror dimension has become the beginning of decay. No one will change its future. I will announce the arrival of the end, and all stars will be destroyed." One by one they will fade away, and the useless tributaries will dry up.”

"Sure enough...!" Siatt raised an eyebrow in displeasure. Alice's intuition was not wrong. The mirror dimension was indeed suffering from a crisis that was difficult for ordinary people to detect.

In the parallel dimensions that split from the end of the ancient times, some tributaries are about to dry up and lose the value of their continued existence.

In the mirror dimension, the Age of Destruction exploded, almost exterminating Arad. One of the forms of the great will was found and merged into the noble main embodiment, Caroso.

Mirror Kahn was shocked and touched by this, intending to find a stronger immortality. Many apostles have fallen, and the Darkness of the Beginning has been taken away.

Moreover, Kahn still died in the main dimension, and it is almost impossible to reproduce the "variables"!

Just as Alice feels, the mirror dimension has lost some lofty value and meaning. It is like a river that has been fished out of all the fish and shrimps. No one takes a step beyond, jumps out of the water, and causes "changes in the future" variable".

No local transcendent was born, the noble form was taken away, the apostles fell everywhere, the mirror dimension lost its noble value, and its time attribute should be slowly withdrawn and exhausted.

Here, it will become one of the endings that Memit sees.

It's like clearing away weeds, filling in ravines, and then erecting high-rise buildings on the ground. No one cares about the weeds or the ants and crawlers living here.

This is super-level suppression, a kind of natural neglect.

The billions of creatures in the mirror dimension are too insignificant compared to the grandeur of time.

"If this tributary will dry up, then I will continue it!" Ye Lin's loud voice, with unswerving will, shocked half of the chaotic zone, and more special beings cast their eyes.

A long time ago, the fisherman in the underworld demonstrated to him the dimming and relighting of the galaxy, implying that this is what most extraordinary beings are looking for. Only great will can change the future or extend time.

However, the fishing guy only encouraged the behavior at that time and did not mention the future of many tributaries. The birth of the parallel dimension may have been a "mistake" and an unfortunate accident.

However, should the parallel dimension really fade away and die? He disagreed. The mirror dimension will only be the first, not the last.

"Only by merging the tributaries into the mainstream and gathering the power of time can we break through the annihilated future." Xinyue was not moved by his heroic words. At the end of time, there were many heroes and gods who wanted to change the tragedy, and they all failed. end.

"Why do you suddenly act so righteous and upright? Do you think you have no chance of winning against me?" Ye Lin sneered, the Sword of Taichu appeared in his hand, and the aura of power flowed, causing Xinyue to immediately feel fearful fluctuations.

As expected, this guy has no rules or destiny as observed. He is a huge variable that even those who know everything and the rulers of time and space cannot clearly understand!

"I am not the only one who announces the doomsday." The surface of the crescent moon changes, and black holes emerge one after another, deep and lightless, and more life forms carrying the aura of the end emerge from them.


The sword light shocked the sky, shining in all directions, and the chaotic area with strong final aura ushered in "light", tearing apart the most original darkness, with majestic momentum and unparalleled killing intent.

There are no variables in the mirror dimension, so he is the variable!

This sword is already comparable to the weapon of the gods, and has a more unlimited future. Yelin used a trace of elemental power in anger, and the crescent moon and most of the doomsday things it summoned exploded.

But under the influence of some mysterious power, time near the new moon is actually flowing backwards, the broken things are reuniting, and the dead are returning again.

"Sure enough, I knew it." Naiyali suddenly laughed and shook her head: "The cracks in time are more obvious and mottled than before. The reason why the rulers of time and space have not appeared is because the opposite has appeared among them. "

Kabbalah, also known as Bean, says that because there are many parallel dimensions, they can even influence each other, which will lead to long-term disorder of the attribute of time. Three rulers of time and space have been mysteriously contaminated.

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