Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1969: If you don’t want your body, can you give it to me?

The coach of the No. 3 football team came to him not to fight, but to seek help to restore Terra to her original appearance, which really surprised Ye Lin.

However, there is no deep hatred between them. One is a "loser" and the other is a blade that does not belong to this world.

Mirror Karn and the Age of Destruction have mixed everything up, and the "same" part of the past in the two dimensions has completely reached a branching point.

The shining projection screen behind Held contained information about the appearance of the ancient Terran stars, which could be zoomed in or out at will. Mountains, rivers, forests, lakes, and even modern buildings all had relevant detailed annotations.

Obviously, this is a super hard job for him. Party A is very picky about the project, and he doesn't know whether he intends to pay him afterwards.

"So, where is Guterra's will?" Seeing that Held had no intention of continuing to speak, Ye Lin had no choice but to follow the words and ask.

No matter which dimension, this bad woman enjoys this sense of control that others don't know but she is familiar with, which can bring a subtle pleasure.

Held always had the image of a wise person who was indifferent, calm and strategizing, and she did use her brains to make all the apostles fall into all kinds of misery.

Although he later asked about the solution to the will of planetary life from Mi Miyan, he was really curious about where the original will was. Now he could only let Held pretend.

"Why, she doesn't know about the other me who claims to be in the main dimension? Is she stupid because she's pregnant?" Held raised the corner of his mouth with sarcasm and continued to talk about it. Little Shilok, who was drinking "Wahaha", could hear it. He looked up in surprise at the contempt and hostility.

It seems that the two Helds may not be able to deal with each other very well.

Think about it, they are both extremely arrogant and arrogant masters. They are also planning to kill all the apostles and revive Terra. Their strong female styles are destined to be difficult to get along with.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, especially a tigress whose heart is as high as the sky.

Little Sirocco tilted his head slightly. This bad woman's face was cold and full of ridicule. She must be hiding her envy and jealousy.

In a sense, the bad woman has accomplished nothing except taking the demon world away from the whirlpool of Terra's explosion. She did not kill the apostle and did not cultivate an excellent trial blade. It was a failure and embarrassing.

Even if there are still some trial blades that have been pushed to the forefront by the big hand of fate, they are still growing silently, but compared to Ye Lin in the main dimension, they are like fireflies competing for the glory of the sun, and they are not on the same level at all.

Invisibly, there is a sense of difference that I am not as good as the other person.

So when the bad woman from the mirror dimension gained an advantage, which was the location of Terragu's will, she unintentionally behaved like a child who got a treasure and then showed off.

Suddenly feeling a little pitiful about the bad woman, little Sirocco's anger disappeared a lot. He sipped his straw and dangled his soft and slender legs, leisurely and contentedly.

Suck... sizzle...


Little Sirocco raised the bottle in his hand, and then burped with satisfaction. He had finished drinking it, it was empty, and he still wanted it.

Because of this small portion of the life energy of the Heavenly Tree, her size and appearance grew by about a year.

Her appearance was still bright and pink, gorgeous and noble, but Ye Lin suddenly felt a little reluctant to let go. The little girl was so cute and lovable.

When she grows up, she will hold his chin and look down at him to speak with her tall figure and provocative eyes.

"It's hard to absorb if you drink too much at one time." Ye Lin made up a lie and said there was only one bottle today.

Held glanced at little Shilok. It was ridiculous. The noble and cold Queen Zhuyalopa was reduced to begging for water from others. She was as soft as a milk cat.

But she didn't want to think about who was the culprit...

"Wuxuan is the beginning of plants. In a sense, it is also the beginning of life. It's just that she doesn't know. You don't feel it either?"

Ye Lin was speechless after hearing this, embarrassed and speechless. It seemed that the bad woman was addicted to superiority.

First, he mocked the big coach and the second coach, and then came over to scold him as the team's sponsor and financial provider.

Life planets born from the fire of wisdom all have a mysterious will, such as the Supreme Spiritual Body Eclipse Lord who mutated from the Demon Moon Delalion, and Lufusong, the Mother of Blue Flame, one of the wills of the golden planet Tabors. .

When Shilok took root in Zhuyalopa, the planet erupted with screams and heat waves in panic. When Agulanda was approaching its terminal collapse, the will of the world left Antun the last piece of land it could set foot on and let it run away.

But Ye Lin really didn't know where Terra's ancient will was. The solution he gave with his eyes was that the demon world was so broken anyway, and the pitiful eight-sided structure was much more fragile than a complete living planet. Almost worthless.

Therefore, we can find a life planet with budding consciousness and integrate it with the demon world to replace the empty demon world consciousness.

For example, the planet where Sirok evolved and bloomed for the first time was also the place where he formally proposed to Celia, and the star of life was named "Yudya" by the rich woman.

But if the original Terragu will can be found, it will naturally be the most suitable and perfect one.

Held tapped his finger on the screen, magnifying the structure of the planet Terra ten times, and said: "You are all confused, each one is stupider than the other. The beginning of Ancient Terra's path to destruction was the Twelve Glorious Beyana. Release the thirteenth darkness that lies underground.”

Held in the main dimension has a more complicated attitude towards technological civilization. She was able to use the pseudonym Hayid to help the heavens create Gaboga. She also showed resistance when facing the ancient artificial intelligence "Tera", with the intention of destroying it. Behavior.

But the bad woman in front of her was calm and skillful in operation. This underground laboratory was dismantled from the Silent City and reused. The permanent passage has collapsed and no longer exists.

In other words, there is no physical passage between Arad and the Demon Realm.

"Apart from the fact that the absorption device was very strong and easily collapsed the earth's core, the other reason is that the darkness that fell deep into Terra is Terra's will." Held took a deep breath, obviously for her It was also very unsettling.

"You mean..." Ye Lin was stunned and said in surprise: "The ancient will of Terra is that darkness? That's you!"

This was indeed beyond his expectation.

"Haha..." Held looked at a fool and said calmly: "Every apostle is recognized by the life planet. Although Zhuyalopa exhausted her glory in advance because of Shilok, she The arrival of the world will shorten the icy years of hundreds of millions of years and bring them forward."

In other words, an apostle can be considered a planet.

"What about Arad? Arad has two apostles." Ye Lin wondered deeply. The bad woman still has real materials and knows some secrets that he and the second coach, the big coach, don't know.

"Ozma was born to an ominous father and mother. He was raised by the elves since he was a child. He has a unique understanding and affinity for magic and has outstanding talents... He was once a hero in the continent of Arad." Held said, After understanding the entry point of thought, it is easy to have a new understanding.

Ozma was the most brilliant star of that era. He was humble, elegant, knowledgeable, and the savior of the world. At first, he was recognized by the kind will of the world.

But fate plays tricks on people, and the seeds of jealousy in the old lion's heart have planted the seeds of future disaster.

"The planet Arad is very special, and its heritage is no less than that of Terra. It is the starting point of everything. He chose the second spokesperson of destiny... Celia Crumin."

The news was very shocking. After Ye Lin understood it clearly, he came back to his senses and frowned and asked: "So, you are going to fill the empty land of the demon world with your own consciousness? Are you sure? Will there be any problems? You If this body is abandoned, can you give it to me?"

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