Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1970 Football is a confrontation game

Although Ye Lin has an extraordinary realm, can go to heaven and earth, talk and laugh with gods, there are indeed many things that he has never tried, that is, he simply has no experience.

He thought that if Held became the will of Gu Terra, he would abandon this plump and enchanting body and become a tree spirit similar to the tree of heaven, an energy-based life form.

With icy muscles and jade bones, curved front and back, and a cold and elegant temperament, it can be called the perfect creation of heaven and earth. It would be a pity to throw it away or destroy it. It would be better to give it to him as a favor.

It doesn’t matter if you use it or not, it’s also eye-catching if you put it in your room as a life-size doll.

Held's slender fingers were flying like flowers on the touch screen, and he said calmly: "You can understand me as a representation similar to Lufusun. My consciousness will resonate with the new planet Terra, but I can still maintain my current human posture. , of course, you need to use your Wuxuan as the medium of communication."

She still has a use for this body that perfectly fits her soul. Resonating with the new Terra only requires a part of her mental power. It doesn't mean that she will no longer be a human being and will become a spiritual body.

It is said that all things are born and conserved. When Terra recovers and enters a state of natural law of development, she does not need to interfere with the future process of the world. She can just watch silently as the years pass and the sea changes.

Whether it is the change of dynasties in the world, the change of civilizations, or the death of seas and rocks, it is of little significance to the planet itself.

"So that's it~" Ye Lin regretted slightly, and then said with an eager expression, "Then you will give me a completely similar and very lifelike Held as reward?"

He was sincerely convinced by the skills of bad women in pinching people. Whether they were dignified and elegant bards or wild female devils with fat flesh and thorns, they were all exquisite and capable of bringing down a city and bringing disaster to a country.

Held, who was still busy making preparations, did not turn around and replied: "Don't be greedy, the reward has already been given to you."

"No way!" Ye Lin's eyes widened immediately. Why did this bad woman open her eyes and tell lies? Did she want to shamelessly have sex for free? After coming to the devil world, he obviously didn't get a dime of benefit.

As for rescuing little Sirocco, it was exchanged for Lotus's origin, which was a transaction.

"Why wasn't it given to you? You know the truth about Gu Terra's will, and you will gain valuable experience in the process of reconstructing Terra."

She was using the mirror dimension of the demon world for Ye Lin to practice.

The prophecy on the stone tablet was useless and had no value anymore. After thinking hard for a long time, she realized that she couldn't find a better way, so she made this choice out of desperation.

Alice saw the giant beast in the sky, and it was indeed her intention.

"Huh? This is the reward?"

Ye Lin expressed strong dissatisfaction. Knowing the truth about Gu Terra's will is certainly an unexpected gain, but it is not enough. Besides, the second half of your words are clearly high-sounding and hypocritical, no different from those evil street lamp pendants.

I came all the way to help you and work for you, and then you told me that the reward is to gain a wealth of work experience~ Well~ Ye Lin's eyes quickly turned subtle and disgusting, and the second apostle, the uncrowned queen of the devil world, this I'm so stingy, I should find a rope to hang a street lamp as a pendant.

After being complained about, Held's beautiful face was slightly embarrassed. He realized that the conditions were inappropriate. After all, he still had something to ask for, so he quickly added: "Golden gems from the demon world, pearls, agates, and Terra stones." , you can take whatever you want.”

Yelin: (¬_¬)

That's it...who are you looking down on? The rich woman at home is as rich as anyone in the country, so who cares about your few stones?

Little Shilok, who had been watching the show, blinked his big, bright and clear eyes, and snickered with satisfaction. He didn't expect that bad women can also be embarrassed and embarrassed. It's so interesting.

She is worthy of being a bad woman. Her ability to write bad checks is second to none, and she is full of lies. She, Lotus, Luke... were all deceived by the bad woman with the water of life.

"Ye Lin, come here~" Little Shilok waved to him, with a cute little face, and whispered in his ear what he found, that is, the bad woman has a very strong character, and it seems that she has never been convinced by the other one. A bad woman wants to overwhelm the other person.

"Oh~ I see." Ye Lin nodded in understanding, looked at her and smiled knowingly, which meant he had a bit of a comparison mentality.

What Held in the main dimension can do, she can also do, and she will do it better and more perfectly... unless the era of destruction breaks out.

No wonder she just kept insisting on the topic of Terra's will and scolded the two of them in various ways. There was pride hidden in the depths of her eyes, trying to satisfy her own mental exhaustion from being tortured by the Destruction Epoch for a long time.

"Ahem, Held, the other you also promised me a reward for the corresponding incident. Since we are friends, it is fair to charge you the same price." Yelin suggested with a smile.

"you say."

Held nodded slightly and continued to fiddle with her projection equipment. She wanted to use the high-speed computer in Silent City to define an orbit for Terra to revolve around the sun, without affecting other planets along the way.

This is related to the future of Terra's endless years, one thousand, ten thousand, one million years... It is very important and there cannot be any deviation.

As for the remuneration, she really didn't think carefully about it, so she could only let Yelin speak. For a once desperate woman, what could be more important than recovering Terra, who had been dreaming of her now? ? !

Just take it.

"Well, she promised me that when Tyra recovers, she will marry me and have as many children as a football team. But I have been thinking, football is a fierce confrontation***, if we only have one team , you can't play the game." Ye Lin explained seriously that this was a very important blind spot that had been accidentally ignored before.

Now if the three coaches agree to join and there are two teams in the football match, then it will officially have a good prototype.

The two Herders can duke it out on the court. Who wins and who loses depends on their ability to develop players without harming the harmony.

Seeing that Held continued to turn her back to him, unable to see the expression on her face or making a sound, leaving him with only a graceful, beautiful, and infinitely reverie back view, Ye Lin coughed lightly and whispered:

"The standard number of people in a football team is twenty-three, but we only need to be able to play football, so eleven is enough. Do you have a lifelike clone? If so, we will start working hard now and within five years The team will take shape.”

If you are lucky, the critical hits will be in pairs and the time will be further shortened.

Held turned around, crossed his arms, and inadvertently squeezed out a fuller arc, showing a deep and charming look, and said with slight contempt to him: "Is this the only thing in your mind?"

She has not taken off her mask yet. The only half of her face that is exposed is flawless, her eyes are charming and narrow, her lips are plump and red, and her whole body exudes a mature and enchanting charm.

"I, indeed..." Ye Lin hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily and said, "Everyone is full of brains."

He admitted it very frankly, but Held was shocked and caught off guard. How could there be such a shameless person with no etiquette and elegance at all.

"Besides, Held, I know everything about you and the sadness you have buried deep in your heart. You are like a bottle of poisonous perfume, and you can't help but let people get close to you."

Typical sugar cane quotes ~ If the team members are here, I will definitely give him a row of middle fingers.

"She is her, I am me, her past has nothing to do with me." Held frowned slightly, unwilling to accept the concept of two flowers on a tree. Each has a wonderful future, but she even refused to share the same past.

"So, do you want to deny your past?" Ye Lin suddenly raised her head, her eyes blazing, and her strong attitude made her subconsciously take a half step back, and her heart beat faster.

To deny the past is to deny yourself, which is a statement that goes straight to the bone.

Held's eyes became complicated, but she was not the kind of indecisive character who would hesitate on even the smallest things, and said:

"I promise you that I can marry you afterwards, but let's forget about the football team. I'm not as free as she is."

She probably knew a little bit about her idol-level charm in the demon world, and her beautiful and enchanting appearance and figure, which could satisfy a man's vanity.

Taking relevant information with them, the three people left the underground research institute.

At the door, Ye Lin guessed and asked, "I'm a little curious, have you had any conflicts with your main-dimensional self?"

He didn't think that two women who had never met each other, and who at most had some special feelings for each other, would have a relatively obvious sense of hostility towards each other. Why were he and himself so angry? It was inexplicable.

"Well, a long time ago, Held from your dimension came here, the Demon Realm." Little Sirocco was the first to reply. There was quite a lot of movement across dimensions, and she had some feelings at that time.

Find the prophecy tablet!

Only then did Ye Lin suddenly realize that Held himself in the main dimension had tried to find the complete Holy Book of Ancient Terra, so he used Nyari's hell dimension to travel to various parallel dimensions, including of course the nearest mirror dimension.

No wonder Coach No. 3 always looked unhappy. It was probably at that time that some kind of conflict broke out between the two bad women.

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