Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1981 Use cumin, pepper and star anise for external application

Little Shilok happily gnawed on the apple, and then proudly rejected Ye Lin's intention to hold hands and follow me. He walked on her delicate and smooth calves, her skirt was fluffy, and her hard-soled shoes made a crisp and rhythmic sound.

"You walk slower!"

I was very dissatisfied and kicked his calf from behind. You are tall now and walk fast. How about you take care of your younger self? I have to take three steps for you to take two steps.

Previously, the giant sky-curtain beast plunged into the sea in an arc of nearly ninety degrees. Believers and residents were thrown away in various ways. The miraculous ancient buildings were also thrown to pieces. Many defenses collapsed. The whole The damage was very severe.

During the Age of Destruction, many capable residents were favored by the GBL cult for taking them in. They enthusiastically participated in the reconstruction work, repaying the kindness and doing their best.

Next to the Temple of the Goddess of Venus, the parrot was very interested. He sighed like a wise man and said confusedly: "A feather dropped by the times is a huge mountain that many people can't bear. It's so miserable. I To avenge them."

After that, I took a bite of the octopus skewer.

After Lotus revived, he was killed by Thousand Shadows. The overall trend was good, and there were no worries anymore. Thousand Shadows' skill of dividing the sea is destined to become a story and legend that will be circulated for a long time.

Also because they were recognized as Lady Naiyali's "god envoys", heroes who appeared in the Dark City, the number of followers of the invincible girls increased again, and the mini-dolls sold like crazy.

Ophelia is envious...(????v_v????:)

On the street, Feng Ying and Xiao Yu were shouting hard, promoting their products: "Good quality and low price, Naiyali small pendant, only 100 yuan a piece! There are also Naiyali plus gold version, crystal version, limited purchase per person one."

Because of their delicate and refined temperament, like fairies made of moonlight and clear water, they naturally became an extremely beautiful scenery. After hearing the news, people came in an endless stream and formed a long queue.

Moreover, it is a token sold by the divine messenger in person. It must have extraordinary aura and can bless you with five blessings, safety and health.

It’s not that I’m short of money, I just enjoy the feeling of having money coming in.

Feng Ying sold the last crystal pendant and informed that the goods were sold out. Those who did not buy it looked disappointed and sighed with regret.

She secretly asked Xiaoyu: "These are all small pendants that were touched by the eldest lady and then consecrated by Yuena reciting a sacred text. They should be more or less European-style."

"Maybe, they just want to buy some psychological comfort after the disaster."

After counting the proceeds from the sales, the total amount was about hundreds of thousands. After all, it was a bunch of hanging ornaments made on the spur of the moment. The quantity was not large, and most of them were the total amount supported by gold and crystals.

The two of them each took a coin and regarded it as the harvest of their hard work. Then they smiled at each other and stuffed the remaining money into the donation box of the GBL cult.

"The pendants of the god Naiyali are sold by the gods, one thousand each!"

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd. Someone was acting as a scalper, selling the goods at ten times the price to make immediate money, with dishonest intentions.

"Hey, gold version, it's easy to make a fortune, but it's a pity that I can only buy one. I covered my face and was recognized the second time I bought it. It's the pendant of God, ugh, I don't believe her,"

Some people are sneaky and get carried away, making a fortune by changing hands, and their pockets are bulging.


He tripped over something, lost his balance and fell down, causing a large piece of skin to break on his elbow, knocking off one of his front teeth, and a big swelling on his forehead.

"This is Naiyali's curse." Xiaoyu clicked her tongue and shook her head. She could see clearly that no one deliberately tripped him, and the ground was flat, but he tripped inexplicably.

The invincible beautiful girl is a serious evil god, who is also omnipresent and omnipotent. Yelin gave Naiyali most of the side effects of being imprinted on the surface of the void, which is equivalent to allowing her to achieve the status of a god again in this universe, across the universe Great throughout the ages.

It can be seen from the fact that he can't do anything to her even if he squints his eyes and lets her wander around in heaven.

He dared to sell her pendant as a scalper's item, so that's it. She proudly showed off that she didn't take his life. Naiyali-sama was already kind-hearted and beautiful.

"It's all your own fault. You just kept quiet about getting rich after making a profit, and you dare to say it..." Feng Ying looked at the guy with pity, lamenting that his front teeth would be almost impossible to grow back as an adult.

"I'm back!"

Ye Lin waved and smiled. Little Sirok next to him was holding a marshmallow and asked him for money to buy it. Few people can refuse sweets.

"Welcome, have you transferred the Demon Realm?" Xiaoyu pointed to the sky. They noticed the spatial fluctuations of the Demon Realm leaving Arad. The two worlds entangled in grudges will no longer have anything to do with each other.

"Well, the Demon Realm is now Terra." Ye Lin nodded and briefly described the current situation in the Demon Realm. The experiment was successful. Held was preparing to restart the Glorious Beyana Project to fill in the foundation of the mirror dimension.

She also does the things that the big coach has done, and she also does the things that the big coach is afraid of.

"She is really brave. If someone secretly spreads her consciousness again, she will be like Master Di~" Feng Ying complained, and whether this would touch the sensitive nerves of the great will and cause additional trouble.

"Probably not, otherwise the first moment she appears, her personal nature of good and evil will be defined." Ye Lin shook his head.

"You're just making up your incomprehensible theories again. Lies are eternal, good and evil are defined...forget it, there's a donation box over there, do you want to express your gratitude?" Xiaoyu pinched little Shilok's cheek. Last time When she came, she went directly to Dark City and did not meet little Sirocco.

This girl is soft and tender, and is gorgeously dressed. The black skirt is fluffy but elegant. Compared with Yin Miwu, she is less sinister and more noble.

"Donate money?" Ye Lin blinked and whispered, "I basically donate privately to the curator every day."

"Hey~ I know the curator loves you and won't refuse you anytime, anywhere, but there are children here."

Xiaoyu smiled and touched little Shilok's head again. It didn't matter. Even if the second-evolved queen came in person, she wouldn't be afraid. She might as well pamper her while she was young.

Reconstruction is never an empty talk. It requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Ye Lin nodded, and then took out a sparkling gold brick in the shocked eyes of the believers...!

"Hey, hey, you learned it from Dwarf Winter Melon, right?" Yuena rushed over and handed him a skewer. Because of the roasting and the ingredients, I couldn't tell what kind of meat it was.

The gold bricks were so heavy that they almost collapsed the donation box. The believers were shocked. They had met the noble master. He really stuffed the gold bricks into it.

"What kind of meat, Mr. Luo? It tastes pretty good." Ye Lin was surprised, feeling like he was eating heavenly fish, but the texture was more elastic, fragrant but not greasy.

"The meat of the giant beast of the sky."

Um? ? ?

It turned out that there were some hidden dangers left by Lotus, which could affect the spiritual energy entangled in life, leaving many wounds on the body surface of the Sky Curtain Beast, some of which turned black and swollen.

Yuena's previous cure had repaired the heart of the Heavenly Curtain Beast, but there were still many unfortunate small wounds left. The popular cure method was to cut off the bad flesh and then apply medicine to protect it.

Sophie's skills are not good, so she will inevitably cut off some normal meat. The giant sky-curtain beast is too big. To it, it is like a mosquito bite, a bump, and a piece of skin that is scratched, which is a drop in the bucket. .

"To treat a disease, we need to remove the root cause!" Sophie was sharpening her knife, her mouth was oily, and she said righteously to a wound: "I suggest digging three feet deep to completely remove the disease, and then apply cumin, chili pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, etc. Precious medicinal materials, hot compress.”

Such a huge sky-curtain beast looks like flying pieces of meat in the eyes of the giant dragon.

They were near the entrance to the Temple of Venus. Affected by the blackening mutation of the Holy Grail, a considerable number of believers and residents turned into ugly yakshas.

In addition, Lotus borrowed the power of the Holy Grail in the ocean and was so powerful that it also infected some residents on the west coast. Now they are all gathered here, waiting for treatment.

"Let Venus solve it by herself. This is her cause and effect." Hiatt suggested after careful consideration.

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