Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1982 Si Jihua

Yaksha has a stooped body shape, his limbs are prostrate on the ground, and there are many blade-like protruding bones on his arms and back. He has an ugly face and a violent personality.

Ordinary people have never seen Yaksha at all, and are not aware of the existence of this kind of creature. They regard it as a rumored creature.

They are only described in very old books, saying that they are greedy creatures that are cursed and their souls will suffer for a lifetime without recovery.

"Obviously the appearance of the cursed Yaksha is really ugly." Mo Mei looked into the depths of the Temple of the Goddess of Venus, and gestured gloomily: "But compared with the mutation caused by Lotus, it doesn't seem to be the same. So ugly.”

At least Yasha still looks like a human being, with well-developed limbs. He can run as fast as a cheetah, and his steel-like claws can easily disembowel a person and break bones.

Those eight-clawed octopus squirming on the ground not only lost their human shape, but also clung to the lake. They were fishy and smelly, and the taste was not one ten thousandth of that of Mr. Luo, and Astra could barely eat it. , chewed as meatballs.

"Different races have different aesthetics. For example, the Yemu of the Gremlin race, maybe in the eyes of the dominatrix, they are still handsome young men?" Yuena teased, which made some sense.

The main hall and auxiliary hall of the Temple of the Goddess have been sealed by the barrier. The remaining Yaksha inside is a major hidden danger to the GBL Cult. The girl leader sincerely asks them to lend a helping hand to solve the GBL Cult's worries.


Ye Lin, Xiaoyu and the others rushed over together, stepped forward and asked shamelessly: "Am I handsome?"

Already accustomed to this guy's shamelessness, Yuena pushed his face, not to get too close, and there were outsiders, and said casually: "Handsome, not bad, he can see through it, and he can catch my eye. "

Ye Lin was satisfied with the answer, and raised the corner of his mouth with a little bit of a smile, which quickly made Yuena realize that something was wrong.

"Oh, you are so brave, you dare to hint that I am a dominatrix!"

After realizing it in hindsight, Yue Na's beautiful eyes turned cold, and she quickly took out the holy light Brionak. The characteristics of sure neutralization and piercing shone brightly on the gun body. She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "If you are a man, don't run away. I am a witch. You are so heartbroken."

The Holy Grail of Venus that Feng Ying caught while fishing was temporarily sealed by layers of secret techniques and under strict guard. Not even half a minute after she took it out, there was a fierce commotion from the Temple of the Goddess.

Smoke and dust rolled up, and dozens of gray, red, and black Yakshas of different colors rushed towards them.

Their faces were twisted and ferocious, and they were clawing and biting each other as they ran. The competition was fierce and they wanted to kill each other.

Their eyes were scarlet and violent, and they were staring at the Holy Grail even during the biting process. Their hysterical madness made the team who was used to big scenes feel uneasy.

Ophelia quickly asked Sister Fengying to put away the Holy Grail, and then the Yashas stopped biting and paced around restlessly.

The young leader's face darkened, she sighed, and said: "About half a year after the Destruction Era, the goddess' favor mutated, and the entire temple was shrouded in an ominous atmosphere."

May you receive the favor of Venus ~ It used to be a blessing for many young girls, but now it has changed and has the meaning of a curse.

Favor is equivalent to becoming a Yaksha!

Although there have been rumors that the skin color of the dark elves is related to the curse of Venus, before the Age of Destruction, humans and dark elves were hostile to each other. Humans mocked the dark elves as a race with dirty blood, so they were cursed by the noble and beautiful Venus. curse.

Therefore, Venus, who is named the goddess of beauty, has always been quite popular and believed in human society, especially among young girls.

Until the disaster of Dark City broke out~

Almost no one knows, and the believers are also at a loss. The Temple of Venus in the Sky Veil Beast houses a Holy Grail with her powerful divine power. According to legend, it is the water cup that Venus uses daily. Its blessing can make people look younger.

"Not only after the Age of Destruction, but also before, there were rumors about the birth of Yasha." The second curator is gentle and elegant, with a mature body, and every inch of the curve exudes charming charm.

The curator also took off his own mask. The explanation for the extremely similar appearance and figure between the two was, well, distant relatives ~ long-lost sisters.

"There is such a saying, but I didn't know about it." The girl leader was surprised when she heard this. It turned out that the mutation was born a long time ago.

"At that time, you were..." The second curator pointed at little Shilok who was licking chocolate ice cream with Mailu. You were only that old at the time. Later, the Temple of the Goddess was sealed. Of course you didn't understand.

It is said that not only the grace of the God of Beauty later mutated severely, but also anyone who greedily wants to monopolize the power of the God of Beauty will be cursed by evil.

After all, it is an item of God, and everything connected with it is full of mystery. It may be able to touch the power of God. It is not surprising that some people are greedy.

"Women, they are really scary." Fangelis, who was passing by, was quite upright and shook his head and complained.

After the Dark City incident, the old story about Venus was once again mentioned and brought to the surface. The story of the love-hate relationship between the goddess of beauty has evolved in dozens of storytellers. It is lifelike and widely circulated. .

A woman who cannot love but is jealous is ten thousand times more terrifying than a twisted Yaksha.

Yuena's pretty face was rosy. She couldn't catch up with the sugar cane. She panted and said bitterly: "You should be cut into pieces. Shouldn't you thank us for our great mercy and grace of not killing?"

Immediately nodding heavily, Ye Lin bowed, almost bursting into tears, "I can survive until now only because of your charity. I am very grateful. I will do my best and work hard in the future."

"Don't be poor, let's go in." Xiaoyu raised her hand as if holding a flower, and dozens of talismans flew out, solidifying the bodies of the yakshas, ​​and then said with a smile: "You are not young."

There are many statues of Venus inside the Temple of the Goddess, as well as related murals. However, the craftsmanship is worrying. Although the statues have a sense of majesty of a god, they do not show the characteristics of Venus as the most beautiful goddess at all.

It is said that the craftsmen in ancient times were amazed by the beauty of Venus and were ashamed of their crude skills. They believed that only the creation of heaven and earth could depict the beauty of the goddess, so they modeled the detailed facial features of the statue.

It may also be related to Venus's own talent. The concept of "most beautiful" in everyone's eyes is different, so Venus's appearance will also be different in the eyes of others, matching everyone's mind when they see her. The most beautiful image.

Hiatt suddenly stopped in his steps, pinched Xiaoyu's slender and graceful waist, and said suspiciously: "Witch, did you drive again just now?!"

"No, miss, what are you thinking about? I didn't think about that kind of thing." Xiaoyu still wanted to quibble, but everyone who came to their senses after being reminded had a slight blush on their cheeks.

This filthy girl is almost lawless. She obviously has a pure and refined appearance. When she dances the oracle dance, she is even more like a fairy. Her eyes are as clear as water. In fact, the degree of Si Ji transformation is embarrassing.

The Holy Grail was taken out again. Yasha was obviously restless, but was suppressed by the spell and found it difficult to move. There was a low roar in his throat.

"Actually, I don't know how to summon Venus, so I can only give it a try." Ye Lin held the cup. After the last time Little Venus appeared, she lived in the manor for a while and was very favored. Later, she ran back to her mother-in-law. Niemeier went.

"Venus, the goddess of beauty, is she still alive?" The second curator was confused and turned to look at the first curator, who was now his nominal sister.

Because the goddess of beauty fell in the Dark City, and she took advantage of the situation to become the most holy Naiyali.

She thought it was Yuena who was going to purify the black water in the Holy Grail and turn it into the water of youth again.

"No, the beauty of Taichu was reborn as a goddess with everyone's help, purifying her own curse." The curator smiled.

Ye Lin raised the Holy Grail high and muttered something. First, he filled the sense of solemnity with the ritual, then he read a book.

Chanted: "O Holy Grail that hides beautiful power, show your true power in front of me! Now in the name of your master, Venus, I order you to lift the seal!"

As soon as he finished reciting the spell, Ye Lin felt a strong sense of shame coming over him, and his face turned red and hot, as if he was about to transform into a gorgeous magical girl next moment. He should let Mailu do the recitation, because she would really transform. body.

But I didn't expect that his talk would actually be useful.

From the depths of the temple, which was obviously tightly covered and impenetrable to light, suddenly a beam of pure white and holy light fell from the dome. In the dazzling light, a tall and graceful figure was taking shape.

Then... the figure quickly shrunk, and after a moment, the beam of light disappeared, and a pretty and cute little Venus with two wing-like hairpins on her hair appeared.


Little Shilok, who was nibbling on the fruit, frowned. This girl seemed to be the exact opposite of him.

She is wearing a gorgeous and elegant little black dress, while the other is wearing a fluttering white dress. Her skin color is dark purple, and the little Venus is as fair and delicate as a doll made of snow.

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