Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2003 The horn on the top of the head is a good thing

"A sword that is comparable to the transcendent level cut open the moon and is frozen in time. It will be indelible over time and will reappear after a while." Ye Lin looked serious and sighed: "Aiken's empire at its peak of prosperity, The foundation is extraordinary, but the collapse is really sad.”

He believed that the reason why the full moon turned into a blood moon was probably due to the blood of the half-step transcendent person. Although that person did not really take a step beyond the transcendent level, he in a certain state cut off a step that was comparable to the transcendent level. sword.

A strong man of this level is no different from most peak apostles. He can dominate the planet of life and break the shackles of life in a relatively deep way. How did he fall in the first place.

In fact, the scene of the red moon rising and the waning moon falling has appeared hundreds of times in Aiken. Every time, the major tribes frantically chased the landing point, but most of the time they returned in vain.

Because of the collapse of ancient civilizations and the extinguishment of the fire of history, not many historical materials have survived, or the Ghost Shadow Clan does not care about cultural inheritance at all... Instead, the legends about the blood moon's location and the legacy of the ancient royal capital have become more and more mysterious. mystery.

Some people say that the most powerful fighting spirit cultivation secret method is hidden there, which can easily move mountains and seas and change the world. Others speculate that there is a peerless magic weapon hidden there that can cut off the stars and the moon and split the sky.

From the Ghost King Tribe, a ghost tribe about the same size as a Goblin, with a stooped figure and a deformed body, dragged a purple conch that was larger than its body and blew the horn of war.

One of the characteristics of the Ghost Clan is that as long as they can pick up equipment that is beneficial to the war, they are qualified warriors, regardless of gender, old or young, so there are many young children among the charging Ghost Clan, each with a more cruel look in their eyes.

On the way to chase the blood moon's landing point, a tragic battle broke out. Blood was flying into the sky, swords were rising and falling, and screams were endless. Corpses died one after another on the road, trampled into bloody mud by those who came after them, and their bones were crushed. Broken.

Blood flowed like a river, and corpses paved the road, until this section of the road turned into a swamp of flesh and blood, making it difficult for people and horses to walk. They only regretted that they had not mutated and developed wings.

The scale of the blood moon this time was more terrifying than before, and the concept of death filled every corner. Mavis also unexpectedly received some benefits and improved her realm.

There are also people who are constantly verifying Ye Lin's guess. He saw with his own eyes that a ghost clan member of the awakened realm jumped to the high level of the awakened person after frantically killing several enemies of the same realm.

Killing the opponent can swallow the fighting spirit in the opponent's body and obtain the results of the opponent's realm.

"Black skirt... ahem, Lord Usiel hates supernatural forces interfering with the cycle of life, such as the Age of Destruction, the arrival of the peak apostle, or the destruction of the world by the transcendent, etc." Mavis blamed Sugar Cane. It’s all your fault for the look in your eyes, you’re a noble lady every day, you’ve led me astray.

In the wars and civil strife between tribes that come with death, Lord Usiel will watch indifferently and allow them to develop. This is the scope allowed by the power of death.

"Whenever the dead are born, I can always hear the last cries and emotions in their souls, nostalgia, anger, relief, regret..." Mavis stretched out her hand, her smoky face showing a look of surprise. Expression, said: "But most of the deaths of the ghost clan are only anger and unwillingness."

To put it more elegantly, it is a smoky eye, but to put it more bluntly, Mavis looks like she has not woken up every day, with heavy dark circles under her eyes.

From the perspective of the Arad continent, this race is hopeless.

"Very good, the blood is flowing like a river." Sophie was very satisfied, her blood was boiling, and Mailu covered her eyes. It wasn't that she was soft-hearted and compassionate, but she just felt a little sick.

This is the ghost clan's own choice and no one else can interfere.

The strongest member of the Ghost King Tribe, Ghost King Drazan, the Patriarch of the Boao Family, Shasha of Mercy, and the Tao Family, Yasin, all pursued the target to the place where the waning moon fell, without directly fighting to the death.

Casillas and Soderos also left. The transcendent sword intention was precious enough, but what moved them even more was the unwillingness and despair contained in this sword. It was a fatal and brilliant sword, and it was also brilliant. The last sword in life.

This sword contains the blood and soul of that strong man. It can cut through the years, remain forever, and kill enemies across realms!

Even Ye Lin didn't have this desperate feeling of despairing of death or hysterical madness, because he still had care and tenderness in his heart.

"Beloved concubines, wait until I fight on the battlefield and become famous before we discuss the reproduction of future generations." The heroic Qiyou, with a solemn face and shining hands, finally found an opportunity to escape.

If he really couldn't find a way to leave Aiken, he would rather find a small place to hide for the rest of his life. Under the influence of Master Mohan's soul, he originally wanted to make do with it... but the weight of several hundred kilograms could break his waist. .

Ye Lin took the lead in arriving at the setting point of the waning moon. The vast desert stretched as far as the eye could see, with an ominous red light glowing among the gravels.

"It's a space barrier, it's about to be broken."

A group of people arrived ahead of the ghost clan. In the past, when the blood moon fell, there was often nothing at the end, and there was little harvest. But now there are real buildings listed, which appear in the world after the barrier is broken.

A dilapidated building complex, but still majestic and majestic. The city walls are like walls hanging from the sky. The style of the giant palaces is very wild and rough, like ferocious beasts and weapons, as if they are trying to compete with the heaven and earth. , to see who is more domineering.

There is no life in the broken city, but there are many breaths of death hovering, which are the last obsessions of the souls of the dead.

The strongest aura among them surprisingly still has the peak power of its origin.

At the half-broken city gate, they saw a plaque inlaid with gold and a broken corner... "Talma", this may be the name of that ancient empire.

"The reason for Ai Ming's collapse may be hidden here." Ye Lin set off, preparing to talk directly to the strongest aura of the dead to obtain information on the collapse of the ancient dynasty.

Sophie touched her head, and then a pair of dragon wings appeared on her back, and she walked out of the city aggressively.

"Sophie! What are you doing?"

"Sister, look at my wings and horns, I'm a ghost clan now."

Sophie's dragon eyes were cold, her dragon wings were soaring into the sky, and her power was surging. When she landed, the ground shook, and cracks like spider webs spread densely. The strong ghost clan men who rushed in front were all blocked by the momentum, and some people were injured when they met her.

"Her dragon blood is boiling, and she suppressed her realm to torture others." Hiatt shrugged. Sophie transcended the limitations of her bloodline, but the dragon's strong fighting passion did not calm down.

Xiao Su and You Xia also wanted to make a move, but it didn't seem right to intervene in the civil war of the Ghost Clan for no reason. It was considered as nosy.

They still respect the conqueror Casillas.

Ye Lin proposed to use chubby snowman clothes, but the weather in Aiken was very hot and he was sweating all over.

"Hey, disguise doll." Yin Miwu made great achievements and used the cursed water of Venus to create a stand-in disguise doll that can change the appearance at the visual level.

The doll takes the place of Xiao Su and changes appearance, and becomes shrouded outside the body.

With a slim and well-proportioned figure and a pure and pretty appearance, to the naked eye, they look like two ugly yakshas.

"Hey, if someone is cursed and turns into a yaksha, will you still love me?" Yin Miwu hugged the Bad Bunny and cooed, winking and looking cute.

"But aren't you specialized in curses?" Ye Lin solved the problem from the root.

"Damn it, they are just testing you, there is no romantic atmosphere at all."

Ye Lin nodded, then mysteriously leaned over and whispered in Yin Miwu's ear: "You are not Yaksha, you are Yezhan."

"Rogue! Crazy bear, bite him."

"There are such beautiful horns, damn it!" A strong man from the Ghost Clan was shocked and angry. In his opinion, Sophie's horn was an item that must be broken.

Yaka, a member of the Ghost Clan, encountered an unbeatable enemy on the battlefield as a child and had both of his horns broken off. For the Ghost Clan, who valued physical characteristics, this was a great humiliation.

From then on, Yaka trained hard and kept getting stronger. And because he had no horns, he began to hate all ghosts with horns and wanted to break them.

What I don’t have, I’m not allowed to have.

Jacques rushed towards Sophie...'s horn with murderous intent. It was so perfect, so perfect that he had to break it and destroy it!


Sophie interrupted the opponent's attacking arm with a fist, and then kicked him away. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead... Corners and other things, whether it is sleeping or washing hair, are actually not very convenient.

Of course, Sugarcane likes it very much and it is suitable for holding it, but it will make her throat feel uncomfortable.

Tana persuaded her to hide the horns with magic and hide them in her blood, but Sophie declined. A dragon is a dragon. If it doesn't have dragon characteristics, it's still called a dragon.

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