Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2004 The toad wants to eat swan meat

The ancient capital of Talma, which suddenly appeared in the world, is majestic and scattered with buildings. It is located in the desert. There are no terrain barriers in all directions, so you can drive straight into it.

Some of the powerful and fast ghosts cleverly ran in a long circle, bypassing the most intense fighting area, and rushed into the ancient city from all directions. However, they were all covered in blood. They were all killed from among the thousands of troops. The evil spirit came out.

The iron hoofs trampled through the bustling palace, and the fighting energy shattered the towering towers. Prosperity seemed to be just a dream. The red-eyed ghost clan had no idea of ​​protecting the ancient civilization of Talma, and frantically searched for secrets and weapons in the city. , a treasure of heaven and earth.

For the curator who always values ​​knowledge and likes to study ancient culture, seeing this aggressive scene made him almost cry. These guys are just rude barbarians and a group of bandits.

In a certain direction, Sophie acted like a dragon, suppressing her strength to around the legendary realm, giving the Ghost Shadow Clan a sense that the gatekeeper was very strong, but not unbeatable.

Astra, who was ordered to stop fighting, felt itchy all over and rolled several times in the cold desert. The sand was cooler at night to suppress her boiling and warlike dragon blood.

"Woman, you are very good, I like you very much." A strong man from the Ghost Clan spoke to Sophie with a thick voice. He was as tall as a giant elephant and used a huge blunt-edged sword as a weapon.

Executioner Astanza is the right-hand man of one of the top powerhouses in Aiken, "Sasha the Mercy". He is a close confidant. It is said that his high-level combat power is enough to be called a powerful force.

Astanza's habit that frightens the Shadow Clan the most is that whenever they execute enemies, they like to use knives with deliberately blunt blades, so as to ensure that they can chop the bones with one blow without leaving a large mass of bloody flesh and blood on the spot.

Aszatan enjoys torturing his enemies very much. The painful wails are the beautiful music in his ears, and the smashed bones and blood mud are his intoxicating food.

Now he likes Sophie very much. Not only is she strong enough, but she also has nice horns on her head and pretty wings. Apart from being shorter and not having obvious muscles, she doesn’t have any major shortcomings. Aszatan likes to be so violent. woman.

"You, like me?" Sophie was curious, wiping the blood on her body with a cold look in her eyes.

Being liked by others should be a joyful thing, but for Sophie, it is absolutely not okay, because a small and incompetent low-level creature actually dares to do the following and use dirty thoughts to fantasize about possessing the noble and terrifying original. dragon.

To put it more simply, a toad wants to eat swan meat.

If Sugar Cane hadn't been strong enough, she might have cut off a few sections.

"I will kill the strong ghost-fighters of other tribes in the blood moon tonight to break through to a higher realm and reach the original realm, so surrender to me. It is your honor that I like you." Ah. Szatan raised his huge war blade, and behind him were thousands of Dougui followers, that is, the Ghost Shadow Clan who practiced Dou Qi.

Dougui is a contemptuous term, usually only used to address slaves.

"You said, surrender..." Sophie was slightly startled. She hadn't heard anyone dare to say this word to her for a long time. This was a huge insult and the reverse scale of a dragon.

A bright red and violent dragon blade appeared, and according to Sophie's thoughts, it transformed into a long-edged war spear, leaping into the air, slashing the head, and creating a new world.

"Ant, die!"


The extremely powerful dragon's blood boiled and illuminated the sky. Sophie struck with anger and her evil eyes split the earth for hundreds of miles. The crack was deep and yellow sand filled the sky.

The deep cracks in the ground forced the Aiken tribe to pull back and take a detour. They were horrified by Sophie's blow. Aszatan and the fighting ghosts he raised evaporated completely in one blow, leaving no fighting spirit behind. .

When did Aiken's limited resources gain another strong man at the tribe leader level?

Sophie still restrained her power very well and maintained it at about the middle level of the origin, which is the level of the leader of the Aiken planet.

After all, she is a ghost clan in disguise. Mavis has also deliberately reminded her before that the lady in black dress does not like "mecha deus ex machina", that is, sudden and strong variables that affect regular wars and disturb those established death.

"It's not satisfying. Now that I'm gone, I still have to find a reason to have a fight with Ye Lin." Sophie sighed, her spirits waning.

Deliberately suppressing the battle of one's own realm is like eating barbecue without cumin and salt. It's not that you can't eat it, but it just lacks the right taste.

It's like when he was fighting against the sugar cane bed, he would always spend more time with his sister, saying that his back ached when he was with her, so he had to rest.

On the other side, the "Yaksha" disguised by Xiao Su and You Xia are also regarded as the guardians of ancient ruins. They were born and raised in that ghost place in the devil world, and their ruthless attacks are no worse than those of the ghost clan.

But in the mighty force of thousands of troops, they were just a few insignificant waves. Many pavilions and pavilions collapsed and exploded. The rare green mountains and green waters were trampled into mud and turned into stinking ditches in the blink of an eye.

There are some books and precious ancient historical materials kept in some attics, which were turned into pieces and ashes by the strong wind swept out by the strong ones.

The always gentle and kind-hearted curator couldn't help it anymore, so he fought off some ghosts and returned with a few books.

In the highest palace, there is a central altar densely covered with runes. Sitting quietly is an old man in coarse linen clothes. He has white beard and hair, a double horn on his head, and bone spurs protruding from his arms and shoulders. His unusual physique actually exudes a cold sword. I mean, use your body as a sword.

At the same time, a rusty sword was stuck in his chest at the heart, penetrating from front to back. The tip of the sword was corroded and the blade was blunt and chipped.

"He is dead, but his obsession is unquenchable. He is similar to a ghost, wandering around the world." Mavis said, judging the time of the other person's death to be at least thousands of years ago.

The opponent should be the pinnacle of the empire called "Talma", a glory of an era, a half-step transcendent existence.

However, no one knows about Aiken, and there is no written record about him.

There are some terrible traps left in the ancient royal capital. A giant peak echoes the blood moon, erupting with thousands of bright sword energies, tearing the bloody ground apart.

"The Tao family's moonlight secret technique?!" Yasin was shocked. The Tao family's world-dominated secrets, one hundred moonlight sword techniques and secret techniques, were actually recorded here.

Yasin was shocked. He must not let the enemy tribe take it away.

In the other direction, a streak of crimson blood soared into the sky with such fierce and powerful momentum that the nearby ghost clan was crushed into bloody mud. At the same time, Wuzhu's fighting spirit gathered into a ball of light and exploded again.

"Ghost King Drazan also has the secret method of Ghost King's fighting energy!"

Some of the Ghost Clan shouted in surprise, and at the same time, the secret control technique of Shasha the Mercy also shone brightly. The simple heads of many Ghost Clan began to be confused, and the same tribe also began to kill each other.

In Aiken's thousands-year-old civilization, there are too many precious things left in the past that have been eradicated and lost to future generations.

Casillas and Soderos, the second group of strong men to arrive at the ancient altar, nodded to Ye Lin, not seeing each other for a long time.

"His desperate sword spirit is what we lack, an opportunity." Casillas drank heavily and said in a low voice: "It cannot be denied that after the first defeat, I developed a psychological fear of Kahn. , I need this sword intent to break through."

Things have changed, and the world has changed. Kahn, the number one apostle who once oppressed the demon world, is no longer their eternal enemy.

The violent hunting teams have been disbanded and reorganized, the moderates and hardliners are all yesterday's news, Kahn has also left the parallel dimension, and the predictions of the Helder Stone are dispensable. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter.

But the long-standing obsession, the belief that Kahn is the inevitable enemy, has long been solidified into a towering mountain in their minds, and then became the immortal inner demon in their hearts!

If they don't swing their sword at Kahn again, the two of them will be left with eternal unwillingness in their lives, and it will be difficult to break through. Even if they die, they will never sleep a wink.

There must be a battle, it cannot be avoided.

The old and slender old man opened his eyes, slightly turbid but calm. He ignored the people nearby and sighed to himself: "In the end, nothing has changed, and the passing time has not been able to erase the sins of the Ghost Clan."

"Sin? Old man, your mysterious tone of voice reminds me of an unpleasant woman." Casillas frowned, and Ye Lin mentioned that he wanted to restore a piece of his lost memory.

The person behind the scenes seems to be Held. Is this reliable? Why does it feel weird?

"The sin you are talking about is the most widespread cultivation sect of the Ghost Shadow Clan, Dou Qi... right?" Ye Lin asked, continuing to verify his guess.

"No, the cultivation method of Dou Qi is just a key, a key to open the box of disaster. The real sin is the greed of the Ghost Clan."

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