Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2332: Lack of something in the stomach

Palace, side hall, a study room

The corridors outside the side hall and the ornately decorated doors were all cleaned and spotless.

But in the study room of the side hall, it was completely the opposite. A layer of dust visible to the naked eye had fallen. For a palace that always pays attention to etiquette and has high requirements for the quality of its servants, it is inevitable that it is a bit incredible.

"This is the place where my father worked during his lifetime. I have preserved it intact. No one will come in."

Askar's tone was nostalgic, and even his steps were light. The books on the bookshelf, the pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the table, and the Xuzu map hanging on the wall had not changed at all compared to a few years ago.

The princess once advised her to remove these things and store them in some brocade and silk wooden boxes. If she misses them, she can open them and take a look.

Because this side hall was the office space of successive monarchs after the Xuzu Palace was built, it has been a tradition for new monarchs to replace old ones when they ascend the throne. This is the case for the previous kings, the previous kings of the previous kings... they all did.

And seeing things and thinking about people, too much concern will inevitably affect the future.

But Aska insisted on keeping this side hall and found another study room to work in, in order to leave more traces of his father.

"King Xian'an - Sunan Kaiyi, according to popular reviews, he governed the country based on the principle of "righteousness and virtue". He was a wise monarch. During his tenure, the people were stabilized, the world was peaceful, and life was prosperous." Ye Linqing Thinking about the other party's good reputation was something Feng Chime and Mo Mei's parents had talked about, and it was not something he used to coax Aska.

Although the other party did not have the astonishing courage to "open the country", he was fair and strict, employed people on their merits, and kept Xu Ancestor in order in the era of seclusion.

As a monarch of a country, one does not necessarily need to be as talented and powerful as the late Emperor Heron Baden of Dros, with extraordinary military force and the ability to resolve troubled times.

Keeping peace in the world, peace and prosperity for the country and the people, and also taking the monarch's talents into consideration.

Aska rubbed his fingertips on the table. Unless the room was completely sealed and leak-proof, some dust would inevitably fall.

"Ye Lin, I want you to help me pack things here. Ling needs a study of his own, and this side hall is very suitable."

The ink in the inkstone has long dried up, the high-quality langhao pen is rough and jerky because it was not properly kept, and the soft rice paper has fallen dust, and the wind cannot clean it.

It’s only been three or four years…

Aska knew that as time went by, a house that was not popular would begin to smell more and more like decay.

Nowadays, Xu's motherland is peaceful and the people are at peace, and her decision to open the country has been proved to be a good decision. King Xu'an Askar has completely established his feet and become a king praised by everyone.

Askar rolled up the sleeves of his white dress and carefully put away his father's pen, ink, paper and inkstone, as well as the books he liked to read during his lifetime, and he also liked to write his own understanding and annotations in the books. He should not continue to read them. There is dust here, but we should learn from it and continue to shine.

Outside the side hall, the princess held her breath silently. After hearing the sound of packing things, she smiled knowingly, walked slowly and prepared to leave, when she met Nuo Yu at the corner.

"Aska has always regretted it. He sneaked out of the country when he was twelve years old. He came back only a handful of times in the past five years, until Kai Yi..." The princess sighed, her eyes blurred. To put it mildly, Aska was lively and cheerful. , unfettered, and fortunately she is gifted and has outstanding strength.

It's a bit ugly. When Aska returned to China, many people criticized her for not knowing etiquette, not respecting filial piety, and being an insult to the royal family.

"Now she has proven herself and has new support." Nuoyu smiled, very pleased that she had watched Aska grow up.

Speaking of which, her fate with the First Princess Aska is quite interesting.

Xu Ancestor has always been as kind as Heaven in teaching. Even noble members of the royal family should respect and bow to their teachers.

Aska is talented and can learn quickly, but he hates the rigid and serious old teachers, so he strongly rejects the arrangement of the royal family and recommends Nuoyu, a beautiful and talented woman whom he accidentally met at Xilan Dojo.

That year, Nuoyu herself was only nineteen years old, which meant she was about the same age as Aska now, a beautiful and refined girl.

Naturally, it caused an uproar in the royal family, and Askar's off-line behavior was even criticized by the ministers.

How could a girl who was only nineteen years old be qualified to become the teacher of the first princess of the royal family?

The combined age of the two of you is only thirty, and anyone you pick up on the street is older than you.

But Aska insisted on this. Who wants to study with a serious old man? The beautiful sister is eye-catching.

Nuo Yu also showed his talent in knowing astronomy and geography, and being familiar with all kinds of history books and economics, and won the respect of everyone.

Then in the second year, Aska ran away on his own, sneaked out of Xu Zu, and started his own adventurous life. Only Nuo Yu was left in the palace, who was full of helplessness.

It can be said that Aska before the age of seventeen was really no different from Biana. She was lively and active, skipped school and took risks. The only difference was that she no longer bet on horses.

"After Her Highness Aska returned to the country, I asked her three questions: What is a country, what is a king, and what are people?"

Thinking of the girl's confusion at that time, Nuoyu smiled heartily. Aska quickly answered the first two questions, but didn't know the answer to the last question.

The country is the virtual ancestor, and the king is the backbone of the country. He must be a wise and far-sighted leader.

The people... are human beings who are led and are the foundation of Xu Ancestor. All answers could not satisfy Nuo Yu. The princess was also present at the time and she didn't know the answer, but she later understood.

The people are the existence that the monarch should fear. The monarch's policies, words and deeds are all seen by the people. Whether it is good or bad, history will have its own comment.

Nuoyu's hint was not to tell Aska to be cautious about her words and deeds and to be afraid of people's comments, but to tell her that life is full of different situations and opinions are different. No matter how good you are, you will not be able to satisfy everyone. There are different opinions, and there are still a few bad guys.

So while understanding and listening to the people, boldly display your grand ambitions. This country with a history of more than two thousand years needs a young monarch.

"Your Highness, I'm going to ask the servants to help." Nuo Yu smiled gracefully. Although the study was not big, it had a lot of things. It would take at least half a day for the two of them to clean it up.

And mopping the floor, cleaning windows, etc., should be left to the servants.

Wipe away the dusty books, lay a layer of soft cushions on the floor, make the decorations more childlike, create a brand new study, and even have a giant beast pillow, which is a new room for the spirit.

"Ling, do you like it? You can write, study and play here from now on." Aska brought his younger sister Ling, and Della, who had kunai hidden weapons clasped around her waist, calves, and wrists.

The palace intends to train this talented ninja to become a loyal subordinate of the royal family.


"Well, you play for now, sister, I'm going to change clothes."

Aska flicked the dust off his clothes. Even his sleeves and apron were inevitably covered in dust as he took a shower and changed clothes.

"You go and wash up too. Then, I have something to tell you." Nuo Yu seemed to feel that the weather was still hot, so she tugged on the neckline of the lotus tube top, and the slightly exposed collarbone was extremely charming.

On Nuoyu's tea table, there was a jar that was covered with hard yellow mud and had not yet been cleaned. It was about the size of two basketballs. After carefully cleaning away the attachments, it turned out to be a jar of fine wine.

"My daughter is red." Ye Lin knew that according to Xuzu's traditional custom, the daughter's first cry when she fell to the ground would bury three jars of good wine.

It is taken out when the daughter gets married. The wine is fragrant, fragrant and mellow, which is a special feature.

"Well, Nuo Yu has been wandering around since she was a child. Later, with her master's adventure, there is only one daughter left."

Nuo Yu opened the seal by himself, and as expected, the aroma of wine overflowed, and his mouth, which didn't drink very often, was aroused by his greed.

With a jade bowl and fine wine in her hand, Nuo Yu took out her daughter's red wine, which was of great significance to her.

One cup satisfies her cravings, two cups make her drunk. No need for Nuo Yu to remind her, Ye Lin gently put his arms around Xiang's shoulders, placed it on her flat and soft belly, and said, "There is something missing here."

Nuo Yu had an idea very early on, and he actually took action on it and made a lot of sacrifices... But unlike Held's accident, Nuo Yu never made any move.

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