Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2033: It’s all in vain if I give it to you

Nuo Hong, who was more than 20 years old, drank most of the bottle, leaving about a bottle of wine, which Nuo Yu carefully put away.

Master Xilan has been coveting it for many years, and has been thinking about it non-stop. He should leave some of the kindness of raising and teaching him due to emotion and reason.

Poetry and wine have always been a wonderful pairing, but Nuo Yu seldom drinks alcohol, preferring good tea. After drinking a few glasses today, his cheeks are already flushed, his eyes are flowing, and he is extremely beautiful.

Afterwards, the exclusive carriage of the diplomatic envoy Nuo Yu drove slowly towards the outside of Suran City.

On the other side, Yun Mi gave up the Yellow Dragon Conference and the Blue Dragon Conference, and Feng Ying complained that if this girl competed, people would not know where to focus their attention, whether it was her clear and dazzling sword or the unbearable black robe.

All male contestants were killed, which made the female contestants even more angry.

Mo Mei went home for a reunion, and Xiaoyu also went to the Auspicious Valley. Before leaving, Gu Yu glanced at the tall and majestic city gate and muttered: "Like bamboo shoots after rain, Emperor Nian appears one after another, and then one after another. It's all out. To describe it in literary terms is..."

"A scene from a prosperous age," the curator added.

Aska, Wind Chime, and Nina in the Ka realm, Mandarin who was also in the Ka realm after resurrecting, and her apprentice Uzo are also very talented.

"Ah, it suddenly occurred to me that if there is really going to be the world's best martial arts tournament, do we dark elves have anyone who can handle it? My sister's status will be too high. It will be embarrassing if we don't win." Gu Yu I started making small calculations and didn't know what the detailed rules were.

Is it a grand event for the younger generation regardless of age or status? If it is the latter, how should the age of the dark elves be calculated?

For example, Alicia, the genius dark elf swordsman, is just a young girl in the eyes of the dark elf elders, but her actual age is almost one hundred and thirty years old.

And it is very likely that there will be an embarrassing situation. If the tentative time is every four years, the age of the dark elves is reduced by a factor of ten. For example, Alicia participated in the first martial arts conference, and the competitors on the same stage were all heroic. A vigorous young man with strong vitality and bright eyes.

Then at the 10th Martial Arts Tournament, most of the people who originally competed for the championship had wrinkles on their faces, gray hair, and began to be ravaged by time. Then Alicia was still so young and beautiful, and continued to compete... Will it let The first group of people vomited blood.

Even when they couldn't break through the legend, couldn't initially break the shackles of life, and were buried in the grave, Alicia was still actively playing the game, which is quite strange when you think about it.


"Sir, where are we going?" Nuoyu opened the curtain of the corner carriage. There were a dazzling array of shops on both sides of the road. This was one of the busiest streets in Suran City, and it was also the main road at the entrance to the city gate.

The noisy conversations of pedestrians and the shouts of merchants entered the carriage, making Nuoyu feel ashamed and restless.

She is a famous and talented girl from the Xu Ancestor. She is as beautiful as a flower, and her swordsmanship is also quite good. She was named Dong Sunan at the age of nineteen and became the teacher of His Highness Aska. She has many nobles and celebrities, and she has a steady stream of suitors. Absolutely.

The late King Kaiyi also praised her for her stunning appearance in the bright moon, shy flowers in bloom, and her talent and beauty in reciting poems and writing poems, which became a scene frequently mentioned in the palace.

Now, the elegant and polite talented woman is in this carriage, so shameless, with her delicate hands sharpening her spear in battle.

"We'll go to the red jungle, have a picnic, and then come back."

Ye Lin planned the route, going back and forth, and coupled with the influence of time power, he constructed the time in the carriage into an area, with one day outside and half a month inside.

The diplomatic envoy's carriage with the palace emblem and the familiar old horse are already very iconic things in Suran City.

People all know that it was Miss Nou who found the first princess, Her Highness Aska. Rumor has it that the late king was critically ill at the time and left a will when he was dying, asking Aska to succeed to the throne.

But the first prerequisite was to retrieve Aska first. No one among the civil and military officials dared to accept this request. In the end, it was Nuoyu who volunteered and used this carriage to bring back the heir to the throne.

After the funeral, the princess analyzed that it was probably the officials who had no clue when faced with the lively Askar.

In the huge world of Arad, it is too difficult to find someone.

As well as the slightest fear of the outside world, Xuzu has been secluded from the country for hundreds of years. They have never stepped out of the country since they were young. They know nothing about the outside world, so they will naturally be afraid.

It was Nuo Yu who stepped forward. She had the experience of going on adventures with her master Xi Lan when she was a child. She knew a thing or two about the Arad continent and was not that unfamiliar.

So after Nuoyu came back, although he only had one more "diplomatic envoy" in his name, his status had soared and he enjoyed a very high reputation among the people.

Therefore, when pedestrians on the road saw the carriage of a diplomatic envoy, they stepped back and gave way, smiling knowingly. It seemed that Miss Nou had another important diplomatic incident.

The wooden planks of the carriage were not soundproof. As Nuo Yu listened to the praises from the people, he became more and more embarrassed and uneasy. His heart was numb, and he felt a sense of shame from a moral breakthrough.

For Nuo Yu, who has always admired the artistic conception of poetry, her husband's request was really embarrassing... Wait, it's wrong!

It looked like I accidentally knocked over the paste bowl and my hands were sticky.

The carriage slowly drove out of the city gate and parked towards the red jungle where the frost leaves were as red as the February flowers.


Yunmi returned to her sister's wedding supplies store. While they were away, the store could be temporarily left to the Saifupo Chamber of Commerce to take care of it.

When Xiao Su wanted to see the goddess Pushya, Ye Lin told her seriously that the gods are everywhere. If you meditate and practice, the goddess will be by your side...and then received a punch.

"Great goddess of elements Pushia, your loyal believers pray here, hoping for a ray of light from you..." Ye Lin raised his arms and spoke piously, then suddenly changed his voice and said: "Also, Mi Mi Don’t peek at me.”

The goddess bathed in the gorgeous light and rain is unparalleled in her magnificence and beauty. The moment she smiles, everything becomes bright, and the tiny dust also has light.

She gave Xiao Su a staff, which was made from a root of the Tree of Heaven. It was like a metallic luster and had extraordinary magical power. When it was waved, it seemed to affect the whole world.

As for accepting disciples, you don't actually need to care about this title. Gods pay more attention to the other person's talent and moral character.

"Pushya did almost nothing, but this guy's favorability was only reflected in the report." Remi narrowed his signature smile in Tiangong, wrote and drew in a small notebook, and began to hold grudges, which would lead to domestic violence in the future.

But it's not the Book of Order, it's just another ordinary book.

"That's great. I want it too. I just have a Gu-killing spear." Biana was resting on the weekend, leaning on the table and supporting her chin with one hand, her eyes full of envy.

The roots of the strongest World Tree must be considered a treasure if they fall into the demon world.

For example, the leader's staff that was engraved with dark magic inscribed by Douheide in the past, compared with this, can only be said to be... go stir up the ashes at the bottom of the pot.

Wanzi was tinkering with an unknown magic machine, wearing big glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Didn't Niwu say that when you graduate successfully next year, she would give you her original weapon?"

"Your Gu-killing spear is already used as a clothes hanger. If I give you another one, it won't be of much use." Natya said, peeling crabs on her hands. They came here to eat on the weekend.

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