Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2265 It’s all my fault

Sarah Wayne has grown up in this city since she was a child, and her childhood memories are quite good.

But even the Venn family with a long history, forced by the heavy pressure to survive, could only surrender to the Dragon King on the surface, manage the city for the Dragon Clan, and regularly deliver food tributes to the Dragon City.

Although it is sad to think about those days, the Wayne family suffered a lot of infamy, calling them the lackeys of the Dragon Clan and weaklings.

But compared to her current precarious situation, Sarah felt that that period was her happiest and happiest day.

The elders in the clan often told her in private that the Venn family was not a traitor, but was forbearing for a while in exchange for a bright tomorrow.

Bakar's policy of rule does not mean to drive out all the people in the heavens at once. The dead wise dragon Zamir also said that as long as the people in the heavens obey and surrender, the world will be peaceful.

Therefore, for cities that hang the flag of the Dragon Clan and are willing to surrender to the Dragon Clan, Bakar lets these cities stay and provide supplies regularly.

However, the news that the Union Army was hidden in this city was leaked somehow, and an extremely cruel battle broke out between the Union Army and the Dragon Clan. The war raged into the sky and lasted for a long time.

Sarah still remembered that there were as many as five high-level dragons who personally participated in the war, including the golden dragon Renak, one of Bakar's personal guards.

Eternal Light, Black Rose Special Forces, and other coalition forces buried two high-level dragons after paying a heavy price, and covered the survivors' retreat from the secret passage.

To this day, if you look carefully in the ruins with your head down, it is not difficult to find the bullet casings left behind.

The surviving residents gnashed their teeth in hatred, believing that it was the Venn family who leaked the secret, and that it was the head of the family, Sarah Venn, a ruthless and cold executioner.

Sarah knew it wasn't, but no one wanted to believe it.

The high-level dragon Enneki ordered the team to stop and said calmly: "Although most of this city has collapsed, with broken walls and ruins everywhere, and few intact buildings at a glance, it is quite suitable for hiding rebels. Military men, go ahead.”

All the dragons immediately spread rapidly in all directions like a handful of stone beads scattered on the ground, carefully searching for traces of humans in the ruins.

They also carry another kind of hybrid dragon dog with smooth scales. It is as big as a tiger and leopard. It is not only ferocious in nature, but also extremely sensitive to smells.

A cold color flashed from Sarah's eyes. These dragon dogs have been fed with human corpses and blood since childhood, so the first target of their predatory desire is also humans.

A dragon dog pounced directly on Sarah who was nearby, with dark red meat shreds mixed between its fangs... Enneki grabbed the skin on the back of the neck and threw it far away, so others could eat it. Not yet.

"You have the token given by Master Bakar, so you shouldn't pounce on you." Enneki was tall and tapped Sarah's head with his finger. They were just low-level creatures with mixed blood, and they made mistakes occasionally. Not surprisingly.

Sarah looked around at the ruins around her, her tone was very calm, and she analyzed: "The ruined city is indeed very suitable for hiding people, but Lord Renak has inspected it not long ago, so the probability of hiding people is very small."

"That's what you said, but there may be some omissions. Reinak's nose is not that sharp. Come and take a look with me."

Sarah bowed her head respectfully and responded, slightly bending the noble's waist to express her submission.

It wasn't until Enneki was satisfied to go elsewhere that Sarah slowly moved her right foot and crushed a bullet that someone had dropped into the soil.

Sarah sighed as she walked. Every ruin she looked at was once the result of the hard work of people in the human and heavenly realms, but now they were all burned to the ground.

A tall and gorgeous building requires detailed design drawings from designers, and requires many great workers to work hard, day and night, building it brick by brick.

In every seemingly inconspicuous corner, there were workers busy.

However, it may only take a few seconds to destroy the brainchild that lasts for months or even years. The reality is too cruel.

Enneji walked in front, with a human posture, and the two horns on his head were as long as a bison. What grew from the back of his head was not soft hair, but purple-red tentacle whips, like a poisonous snake with the desire to attack, without any traces of it. It changes and dances in the back of the head regularly, which is extremely frightening.

Sarah followed obediently, making some innocuous suggestions at any time. While showing her effectiveness, she tried to attract the other person's attention to the white snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Although we don't know how many people from the organization whose whereabouts were exposed are here, we can be sure that there is definitely a human coalition hiding in the abandoned city, and there is a possibility of being discovered by dragon dogs at any time.

Without a thorough battle plan, if you go head-to-head with high-level dragons, you will pay a heavy price.

High-level dragon Enneki has a total body height of 302cm and a weight of 1207KG. His peak speed can reach five times the conventional speed of sound per second. His fists have a natural grip strength of 10.5 tons. His tough skin can block ordinary bullets and he is immune to a certain degree of laser weapons. .

These data flashed in Sarah's mind, coming from the eternal light.

Two hundred years ago, Stark, the legendary captain of the Eternal Light, paid the price of four large machines Drakconstan, seven small machines Kalt Frozen, and the sacrifice of some of his combat team members, and he was lucky enough to severely injure Enne. Ji, capture him alive.

Through a series of precise experiments, important information on high-level dragons was obtained, laying the foundation for hunting high-level dragons in the future.

But sadly, an unfortunate experimental accident resulted in Enneki killing the guards and escaping.

If you want to kill Enneji, you must have an armor-piercing projectile that exceeds five times the speed of sound, and you must hit its vital point in a sneak attack.

Otherwise, once Enneji's sight is noticed, there will be almost no second chance after taking action.

Just when Sarah was thinking about countermeasures, Enneki, whether intentionally or unintentionally, led her to the collapsed ruins of the mansion and asked, "Sarah, this is your home, right?"

"It should be said that my previous home, I now live in Dragon City." Sarah answered calmly, without missing a beat.

In her heart, she was eager to know why this mansion was destroyed. The last time she met her family, everything in the mansion was obviously still fine.

Where are the family members living here?

"Here, it seems that about two months ago, someone hid members of the resistance, and they were destroyed and killed. If only they were as sensible as you, Sarah."

Enneji shook his thick tail and tutted in regret, perhaps more like a mockery.

She ordered the dragon people to follow. If the dragon dogs couldn't find humans, forget it. They should be hiding in the snow-capped mountains and preparing to head there.

Two months ago, all...killed...

With this news echoing in her mind, Sarah's vision went dark. Her knees suddenly felt as heavy as lead, and she could hardly move. It was as if something in her heart suddenly collapsed, shattered into pieces, and crushed into dust.

His vision began to blur, as if some kind of liquid wanted to come out of his eyes.

She thought she was strong and brave enough, but in the end she was broken at the slightest touch.

The gorgeous and majestic mansion has been in ruins. Every time she comes back, she will warmly welcome her family, as well as the young and innocent children in the family, who have always been her spiritual support.

She was able to persist in Dragon City for several years without wavering because her family still existed. Although they were hostages, at least they were still alive, right? The last warm place in her heart still existed.

The nails in the cuffs were deeply embedded in the palms of her hands, bleeding. Fortunately, Sarah kept lowering her head to show respect, so her abnormal expression was not seen by others.

A few years ago, when she sent Rosa to leave Dragon City, the other party asked her if the Venn family wanted to leave together. Although there was a risk of being discovered and destroyed by the dragon clan, it was worth the risk.

Sarah refused. In order to get more information to help the Union Army and to call Dawn earlier, she became a traitor.

In order to support her decision and gain more trust from the Dragon Clan, her family risked their lives and moved to Dragon City as hostages.

Later, because of Rosa's outstanding ability, she helped the Dragon Clan eliminate several careless organizations that would cause trouble sooner or later. With Ningpa's trust, the Venn family moved back to their original mansion, which was still the territory of the Dragon Clan.

"Does it mean that if I had followed Rosa's advice and fled with her, my family would not have died today. If it weren't for my insistence, they would not have been hostages. It was all because of my bravery. All this is my fault."

The deep sense of powerlessness and guilt almost overwhelmed Sarah. Her delicate body was breathless. She could not even turn back to pay homage to the deceased.

Sarah lowered her head and almost cried. However, in her sight, the shadow on the ground suddenly stopped. Enneki stopped, turned around and asked coldly: "Sarah, what's wrong with you?"

"This is my first time riding the Dragon Ostrich. The speed is too fast, and the cold wind makes my head spin." Sarah raised her head, her face was calm, and there was no sad expression on her face.

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