Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2266 Hypocrite

"Sarah, sometimes I think you are more like a dragon than us, cold enough."

Enneji's eyeballs have no pupils, and the purple-red glaze is like two perfectly fired porcelains. They are beautiful but also cold, and they do not conceal an extremely breathtaking coercion.

There are many tentacles as smooth as poisonous snakes growing on the back of her head. One of them holds up Sarah's beautiful white cheek and carefully rubs her delicate lips and nose. A tear mole embellishes her natural charming temperament, which is heart-warming. An incredible beauty.

There was also a tentacle that penetrated along the collar of Sarah's corset. Her heartbeat was a little faster than a normal human heart. Maybe it was because she was being jolted by a dragon ostrich as she said.

"When you make a choice, you have to bear the corresponding consequences and costs. Everyone should be aware of it. Obviously they can't bear it." Sarah waited until the tentacles left her body, then took the initiative to ride on the dragon ostrich and said: "Snow Mountain The low temperature and cold wind will greatly reduce the sense of smell of hounds, caves and dense forests are also suitable for hiding, and they also have restraint on dragons, so you should be careful."

Enneki frowned and looked at the mountainous snow-capped mountains. The blood in the dragon's body was burning, and they didn't like places with low temperatures. That's why Skatha and Gojeda would go to such a ghost place.

Moreover, the range of the mountains is much larger than that of the city, and Enneki has no desire to run to that cold ghost place.

Just when Enneji was helplessly preparing to leave, he suddenly raised his head and stared into the air. At some point, a crystal blue crack suddenly appeared above his head, exuding extremely powerful magic power.

The mysterious crack is like the tight lips of a mythical beast, slowly opening, the clouds are lingering in the mouth, the seven-color light is sacred, and a handsome figure emerges with the mist, the clothes are gorgeous, and the indifferent eyes are full of arrogance.


Enneji was slightly solemn and fearful. Reinak could control the flow of light and had a certain ability to travel through space. He came from other regions across borders, and his strength far exceeded that of ordinary high-level dragons.

For example, Stretz of Thunder, a high-level dragon who knows three styles of spear skills, respects Renak very much and regards himself as Renak's subordinate.

"At least one of the rebels is hiding in the abandoned city." Reinak had a cat-and-mouse expression on his face and said, "Hidden underground, and after being cut off with a special potion, it's normal for the dragon dog to not find the scent."

His extraordinarily handsome face showed a cruel smile at this moment. Reinak held a constantly rotating golden cube in his palm, with a smaller cube in the center. It was as beautiful as an astronomical work of art.

Renak pointed his finger, and tall and solid golden walls rose up from the ground, rumbling, and surrounded the ruined city in less than half a moment, like a huge golden barrier prison.

"The barrier is two hundred meters deep underground. Unless the rats can dig two hundred meters to escape, without supplies, they will either crawl to the surface to face me, or wait to die underground."

Reinak's faint smile suddenly turned cold. A dragon man was crushed by the barrier that appeared out of thin air. "You are too close to me, you dirty bug."

He always uses etiquette as a standard to differentiate between himself and others. He will treat reckless and rude people as insignificant and kill them without mercy. It seems that he has the inherent right to decide the life and death of others.

"Enneki, you go to the Winged Eagle's arsenal. I hope to see a grand fireworks display soon. Sarah, please stay. I have a few questions to ask you."

Since this place was left to Renak, Enneki nodded and led a group of dragons to the target point. More dragons had already gathered there to destroy their arsenal.

"Sarah, do you think that when we nobles face those untouchables who don't know what they are called, how should we better punish them for their impoliteness in an elegant manner?"

Sure enough... Sarah suddenly wanted to laugh in her heart. The golden dragon Renak was very interested in the etiquette of the heavenly nobles, and even learned it to highlight the nobility of his status and contrast with the vulgarity of others.

He even moved out of Dragon City on the grounds that "it needs to suit his own identity and taste" and occupied a mansion of a heavenly noble, so that he could enjoy the crystallization of art as a matter of course.

Sarah Vane comes from a long-established aristocratic family and has been taught noble etiquette since she was a child. Reinak believes that there will never be another person in heaven who understands etiquette better than Sarah.

"Remain patient and have a calm demeanor. Your noble etiquette will naturally be in sharp contrast to those who are rude and vulgar." Sarah replied, dealing with Reinak's questions while thinking about ways to escape.

"But some bugs are really annoying and confusing..." Reinak looked at the coalition forces crawling out of the ground indifferently, because they were aware of it and could not escape from the encirclement of the light barrier.

The leader was a strong man, holding a cigarette in his mouth and sneered loudly: "Reinak, the traitor Sarah Wayne is a rare visitor."

There were five hundred people in the special operations team hiding in the city. The others sensed something was wrong and fled towards the Snow Mountains.

In other words, they are delaying and delaying their death.

"What a bunch of ungrateful bugs. They broke into the Dragon Clan's territory and their tone was so rude."

Many golden light pillars turned into sharp cones, condensing together like sea urchins. Renak's attack method, which prided himself on etiquette, was not very elegant. The heavy golden sea urchins rolled towards him, pricking the corpses of the people in the heavens, and howling loudly. The abandoned city blends into the lonely cold wind and drifts away.

The flames of the bullets poured out almost useless destructive power. Several air combat machines were crushed and exploded by Renak just as they took off. Only a few rockets landed on Renak's side, and the explosion flames blackened part of his white skin. Robes.

"So rude!" Reinak instantly lost his gentle mask.

Sarah looked at a certain dying person, and the other person's glaring eyes were filled with irresolvable resentment, as thick as black blood. He must have thought that he was the one who snitched and leaked his whereabouts.

The smell of blood all over the ground made Reinak frown. He waved his hand and the glow flashed, taking Sarah to teleport to the windward direction.

"What a bunch of wanton guys." Reinak stroked his robe displeasedly, making the smoky black spots look new and tidy again.

"It would be great if all the celestial beings were as polite as you, Sarah."

Sara couldn't bear to feel the appreciation for this gift, so she said a few words in a respectful manner.

Reinak continued to ask questions about aristocratic etiquette, acting very humble and studious. With his extraordinary handsome appearance, it would be difficult to make people feel bad...if the corpses hadn't cooled down yet.

A word suddenly popped into Sarah's mind, hypocrite.

Didi, didi, didi...

The communicator placed on the waist of the leader man rang. His chest was pierced by several golden light beams. He was still holding the gun before he died, unable to close his angry eyes.

Reinak beckoned for the communicator and signaled it to Sarah. You can pick it up and find out the specific locations of the remaining people.

Just as Sarah was about to take the communicator, Reinak shook his head again: "No, your voice is completely different from theirs, and it will be exposed as soon as you speak."

Immediately, something happened that shocked Sarah. Reinak cleared his throat, and his gentle voice suddenly became powerful, exactly the same as the leader's voice just now.

The communicator was connected, and Reinak said hurriedly: "We were pursued by the dragons. We were severely damaged and almost lost our combat effectiveness. We were hiding underground. Most of the dragons went to the arsenal, and there are still dragons searching for us."

Renak picked up the two military cards, took a look at them, and continued to say sadly: "Grel, Quamili, they have all..."

Immediately after a burst of uncontrollable sobs, Sarah's calm and indifferent face changed slightly, and endless turmoil arose in her heart.

On the surface, the golden dragon is polite and has noble taste. Not only is he ruthless in killing people, but he also has poisonous schemes like snakes and scorpions.

"Moreover, the traitor Sarah Wayne is also here. She led the high-level dragons to find us. This damn traitor must kill her." Reinak continued to perform.

An angry voice came from the other end of the communicator. He intended to ask for some details, but his heartstrings were caught by Renak's fake cry, saying that someone would be sent to pick you up immediately.

There is no need for reinforcements to arrive in the abandoned city. As long as they show up within a certain range, they will be sensed by Renak and then completely destroyed.

Sarah's mind flashed fiercely, and she had to think of a way to stop Renak from waiting. Then, she saw a broadsword mine that had not yet been activated.

As long as it is within the detection range, the broadsword mine will burst out a terrifying attack in a fan shape.

The angle was now very subtle, the broadsword mine was facing the pile of bones, Renak's back was facing him, and there was a bloody phalange under her foot.

As long as he gently kicks his knuckles into the detonation range of the broadsword mine, the splash of blood and broken corpses will definitely expose the flaws of the mysophobic Reinak.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, do you think I didn't see your little move?" Reinak turned his head and said with regret: "I have always admired you. You are different from those lowly people, but You have disappointed me now."

If you upgrade the monster illustration in the game to the highest star, which should be five, it will unlock some hidden plots. This is not even included on the DFU website of the Korean server. (If you are interested, you can collect it. You have to spend some money to buy the fragments)

Reinak's hidden plot: "In Reinak's eyes, the Celestials believe that etiquette is very important and treat people with courtesy, which is completely different from the law of power that the dragons believe." Reinak found the respect of the dragons and other celestial beings distasteful, and wanted to have it. 』

It's a bit hard to pronounce, but the respect from other heavenly people must be referring to those traitors.

Reinak's personal story also mentions that he uses etiquette as a standard to distinguish between noble and frivolous people, and will kill the other party if he thinks they are rude.

So it can be roughly understood that Reinak has a hypocrite character. He wants everyone to be as polite as him, but he also enjoys the pleasure of being flattered by others and bowing respectfully to him.

Then refer to the dragon planet and the demon world, there are no polite dragons. The heavenly world and the dragons are also perpetrators, so Renak's signature line "From now on, I will treat each other with courtesy", his Etiquette should be learned from the celestial beings.


The Betrayer's Mansion, which is also the map of the Golden Dragon, according to the description, once belonged to the Venn family. (In the setting, the territory of the Venn family is not in the center of the heaven, but slightly remote, and the Jurgen family is in the center)

Later, the mansion was occupied by Reinak, and it became what we saw in the game. The Union Army broke into the mansion and was sealed by the barrier.

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