Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2279 Take you to find your mother

Fighting broke out not only in the Dragon Courtyard, but also around the core area of ​​the Heavenly Inns Continent, namely Bakar Palace, raging wars broke out in various places nearby.

The missile explosion symbolized the light of technology, and the dragon's flame breath was the brilliance of magic. The entire Yins continent seemed to be on fire, and the sky also reflected a melancholy fiery red.

Only the Lake of Eternity, which includes the nearby snow-capped mountains with a radius of about one hundred miles, is not stained by any trace of fireworks, and is as peaceful as a fairyland. There are also traces of cold and beautiful snowflakes falling, which is completely opposite to the raging war on the other side. .

This is because this place is temporarily shelved in a strategic sense. The frozen mountains and large lakes bring great difficulties to the march. If missiles are used to melt the snow, who knows what the terrain will be like after the snow melts, with mud and water mixed with deep water. It’s a trap, it’s better to go somewhere else.

Moreover, the Lake of Eternal Stagnation still retains the enchantment domain of the ice dragon Skatha. It has left the heaven less than thirty years ago, and its magic power can be ranked as the second largest existence after Bakar.

Gojeda was ordered by Bakar to be responsible for guarding the defense line in this area, but because this area was strategically shelved by the coalition forces, he unexpectedly found himself in a unique position.

Of course, once the coalition forces broke through to the inner city of Dragon City, she would not be able to stay out of it. Her lips were broken and her teeth were cold. As a member of the Goyeda Dragon Clan, she was destined to stand on the opposite side of the heaven.

This place is known as the Lake of Eternity, and there are some cold pools that never freeze. Goyeda sat on a round ice floe with his knees bent, his cold and delicate face was like a god holding a carving knife, carved with precision, and his eyelashes flickered. But there is a melancholy, which makes people feel distressed and want to care.

The tall and graceful figure has almost perfect curves. The fairy-like fluttering silk ribbon and the tied snow-colored high ponytail are coiled on the ice floe several times. It is indescribably beautiful, ethereal, poetic and picturesque.

The extremely cold low temperature gave birth to many low-level elemental spirits, Iceness, suspended in the water and floating around unconsciously.

As soon as Ye Lincai appeared, the constant temperature belonging to the human body caused ripples in the barrier. Goyeda was keenly aware of it and showed a look of disgust. She hated everything above zero.

"How dare you intrude into the holy territory." Gojeda waved his hand, and an exquisite ice lotus was formed out of thin air. The petals were dispersed and sharp, mixed with the wind and snow, whistling towards the ice lotus, making a faint sound of breaking through the air.

Goyeda didn't think much of the hot-blooded life forms that were not dragons, just bury them here and become part of the ice and snow.

Ye Lin smiled and brushed away the ice shards all over the sky. Immediately, something amazing happened. His constant body temperature began to drop rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it exceeded the range of human hypothermia and was almost below zero.

How to make Gojeda, who is afraid of heat and likes cold, not be annoying, and how to make her with a cold body temperature feel "hot" to the touch? The method is also very simple, just make her even colder than her!

Ye Lin's whole body was exuding a bone-chilling chill. The moment he fell into the lake, a thick layer of ice quickly spread from the cold pool that Goyeda had deliberately kept uncondensed.

Gojeda's delicate and beautiful face couldn't hide her look of surprise. This was the first time she had seen a life form with such excellent low temperature besides her and Skatha's father, and the unconscious flying elemental elves Iceness also Slowly gathering in his direction, purer ice elements emerged.

"The ice dragon Skatha is currently in the Kanak Snow Mountain in the Arad continent." Ye Lin said.

Counting the time, it was now the time of the First Snow Battle. The Bantu were forced to cross the Stru Mountains and launch an invasion against Belmare and the melee vassal states.

Because Ye Lin no longer has that annoying heat in his body, Goyeda's hostility has softened a bit, and he is mostly curious. Few people can get close to the Lake of Eternal Stagnation.

"Gojeda, I can take you to your mother...father? Uh, mother?"

Ye Lin suddenly fell into a deep state of thinking. According to common sense, the ice dragon Skasa created Gojeda with his own horn, so he should be regarded as the mother, but the ice dragon Skasa is a male and should be the father, but in the future Xiaobing is female again.

The complexity of the relationship is somewhat similar to that of Alice, Xiaoyi, Akko and Held.

"Father Skatha ordered me to protect the Dragon City, and how do you know our relationship." Gojeda's voice was cold, and a trace of confusion and worry flashed in her eyes. The outside world was burning fiercely. Although she had control over Some of the ice dragon's abilities, but they seem quite insignificant in comparison.

Also because of the special way Goyeda was born and the environment in which she grew up, she does not have a bloodthirsty and violent personality, and she is not very interested in racial strife, but she hates the proximity of anything warm.

It would be best to solve the Lake of Eternal Stagnation without hurting feelings, so Ye Lin took out a crystal blue dragon scale and said sadly: "It is said in the Arad continent that every giant dragon hides huge wealth. Therefore, it attracts the fascination of countless dragon-slaying warriors. To tell you the truth, your uncle Hess, your second uncle Lao Pi... No, Spitz, one was killed and the other was dismembered. They all ended up miserable. There are already strong people targeting them. Your father, he entrusted me to carry you away, for a part of his power was given to you.”

Gojeda's delicate body trembled slightly, and she stood up with a roar. Her hair and ribbons danced together, and her clear and deep eyes stared at the dragon scales. It was true, the magic power of the scales was the power of her father Skatha.

The magical world under the sea is actually so powerful, and there is a mysterious strong man who can hurt Lord Skatha.

Of course Ye Lin can't say that your father was beaten to death by me and the eldest lady. His body exploded. It was so miserable that it covered half of the mountain range.

Later, Tana reshaped the body of Skatha's remaining dragon spirit and changed its gender.

In normal history, in the year 526 of the Arad calendar, this year, Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, fell due to the mechanical revolution. At the same time, the ice dragon Skatha, which was ravaging the Snowy Land of Ston and driving the Bantu tribe away from home, suddenly fell into hibernation, and its power continued. Significantly attenuated.

From then on, the process of waking up, raging, and hibernating continued.

If Xiaobing was still in his current prime when Ye Lin went to the Snowy Land to slay the dragon, the entire team would probably be wiped out.

Gojeda was very worried about the safety of his father, Skatha, and couldn't wait to go to help his father. However, Lord Explosive Dragon King's order and Skatha's father's instructions before leaving still lingered in his ears.

"Goyeda, please stay in the heaven. The journey here is unpredictable and dangerous."

And she didn't trust Ye Lin 100%. She was extremely smart, so maybe he was the murderer of her father.

The dragon's horns are the most powerful and precious place.

"Geyeda, Dragon King Bakar decided to celebrate with the blood moon and gave you something after fighting against the Celestial Alliance Army?" Ye Lin looked at her cold and beautiful face and accidentally noticed something hidden.

Gojeda was on guard. Master Bakar had indeed given her a powerful energy that made her ice and snow abilities stronger. How did he see it?

"I probably guessed what he was going to do." Yelin nodded. The distortion of history was serious enough, and said: "Gojeda, you are the sacrifice that came to Skatha."


"Well, just wait a moment."

In an instant, the power of time froze the sky. Ye Lin tore open the space and flashed to the side of the bad woman. She hid herself in a space and pricked up her ears to eavesdrop.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, used by all old bookworms.]

The bad woman is smart, astute, and very suspicious. She obviously wants to keep an eye on him until the doubts are solved.

"The traces of our visit have to be wiped away after all. It's not a problem for you to stare at me all the time. I still have a lot of work to do." Ye Lin rubbed his cheek against the bad woman's round and straight thigh, You won’t get tired of playing with it for years to come, and it’s as smooth as silk.

And there was an unexpected discovery that Alice was also looking at the sea of ​​​​the sky at this moment. Her skin was like gelatin, she played the piano elegantly, her ancient charm was long, and her temperament was refined and otherworldly.

On the continent of Arad, the feudal states have been fighting and fighting for decades. There is nothing else but this, and it has nothing to do with the apostles, so it is meaningless.

Although the sexy and voluptuous bad woman and the dignified and elegant bard both have mature and plump bodies, their temperaments are completely opposite.

The bad woman is unparalleled in her coolness and should not be approached by strangers. Alice is kind and gentle, and she is a lady among all the people.

Ye Lin's breathing slowed down, and his surprised eyes went back and forth between the two beautiful faces. In a subtle sense, they were mother and daughter.

I want to have a rice bowl.

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