Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2280 Repair methods common around the world

Ye Lin sent away the bad woman who had been staring at him. Don't keep following him, otherwise his body will be overwhelmed and he will always want to do something to her.

The pure and delicate beautiful girl is a strawberry dessert that embellishes the taste, and the plump and mature lady is the dinner that satisfies the needs.

On the other side, the dragon girl Gojeda, as cold as frost, melancholic and confused, played with an ice lotus with her long white fingertips. She didn’t know what happened in the stagnant time process. From her perspective, Ye Lin suddenly Appear, suddenly disappear, and suddenly come back.

Ye Lin lowered his body temperature back to the level of eternal ice. The remaining water molecules in the air condensed into fine ice cream, which actually made Gojeda feel cold and couldn't help but shiver.

She wore very few clothes, including beautiful lace silk underwear, a pair of black stockings on her left leg, and a few decorative ribbons. The overall look was very sexy and cool. The other pair of socks might have been lost accidentally. .

The true identity of the human being in front of me, what happened to the scales containing my father's power, and the Dragon King's sacrifice he mentioned were also unpredictable.

Goyeda is very smart, and she is vaguely aware that this war is superficially a racial war, but there seems to be an undercurrent behind it that she cannot see.

"Goyeda, what do you think of Dragon King Bakar?"

"Of course he is the unique Dragon King."

The answer was straightforward and admiring, and she was convinced that all dragons thought the same.

"Then what are your expectations for him?" Ye Lin is like a sage who has seen through the vicissitudes of the world, with great wisdom and great calmness.

He seems to be enigmatic and inscrutable. When teaching others, he will not give direct instructions, but will use some questions to provide side guidance.

In other words, the rice bowl effect of the bad woman and the bard is too strong, and it is a bit like the sage mode.

Gojeda frowned slightly. The slender, snow-white eyebrows of the guy in front of him were very annoying. He spoke like an onion, hiding one layer after another.

If it weren't for his body temperature being so low that she was moved by it, and the scales of her father, she would have driven him away long ago.

Goyeda's eyes lit up with a cold blue light, and pure and cold ice lotuses condensed in the air and bloomed slowly. Each one was beautiful and cold. He said calmly: "Master Bakar will completely defeat you." The ridiculous resistance of the Broken Heaven Realm, the Dragon Dynasty will also be immortal, so if you are on the side of the Heaven Realm, then I will not be polite to you."

She was still more cautious and didn't think Ye Lin had a deep friendship with Skatha's father just because he brought a dragon scale here. Maybe he was the murderer.

Compared to this mysterious outsider, the heroic King of Dragons is certainly more trustworthy.

In the distance, there are towering snow-capped mountains, all of the same color. There is a low whimpering sound, and the rapid wind is mixed with broken snow and hail.

The wind and snow are misty, the sky and the earth are like a lake, Skatha's phantom appears majestically, the huge body is as high as the mountain, and the power of the dragon is breathtaking.

The barrier left by Skatha, the magical power is indeed extraordinary. No wonder the only defense line of Lake of Eternity is Gojeda.

If the coalition forces rush in rashly, they will receive a full blow from Skatha.

Ye Lin shook his head, not planning to mess with Goyada too much. The main reason was that the other party showed a lack of hostility and doubted his identity.

"You can't be a sacrifice. You will understand that all dragons are chess pieces and whetstones. The King of Dragons is the King of Dragons that you place your hope on, hoping that he can lead you to greatness, but he doesn't care about the Dragon Throne. "Ye Lin stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Goyeda's body softened instantly. He lay down and closed his eyes and fell asleep. His long plain hair was spread out in circles on the round ice cap.

Counting the dragon horns on top of his head, Gojeda's height is almost the same as Queen Shilok's, and even slimmer. Far superior to the Celestials who are famous for their tall stature. The extra height is almost all in the willow waist and long legs. .

Ye Lin's fingertips gently traced her absolutely beautiful face, including cherry lips, a beautiful nose, and starry eyes and brows. They were so delicate that no flaws could be found, as if they were carved by the hands of the God of Beauty, unparalleled in the world.

Sure enough, as long as her body temperature is cold enough, the dragon girl who controls the ice and snow will also be hot.

He sank Goyada to the bottom of a cold pool so that it would not wake up for the time being. Then he took out the communicator and said: "Yin Liena, I defeated the high-level dragons in the Lake of Eternity, but the ice and snow environment is really difficult." It was so bad that it was almost impossible to march.”

Ye Lin sent back actual photos of the environment, which were clearly visible and not even a patch of soil the size of a palm could be seen.

"Thank you so much. How are you? Are you injured?"

"I'll talk about it when we get back..." Ye Lin had a flash of inspiration, then made several cuts on his arms like ice knives, and returned to the temporary command post.

Yuena, who was still playing cards in the Forest of Death, took one look and knew what the hell he was thinking, and said: "Tsk, tsk, Sugar Cane is going to use a bitter trick again to make the kind girl sympathize."

A flash of holy light healed the wound across a long distance.

In the command post, Yin Liena clasped her hands and prayed, hoping that the Union Army would not use it until the Snow Mountain of Eternal Lake, otherwise it would mean that the Dragon Courtyard would not be able to gnaw down, and the Union Army's offensive would be greatly frustrated.

Dragon's Garden

Flo patted the communicator hard and frowned: "Due to the high temperature, the communication system seems to have been interrupted. We cannot receive information from the headquarters."

"So for such a serious problem, do you think it can be fixed by just tapping it?" Oscar said with disdain, the communicator could no longer be used normally.

"Pat and knock, isn't this how everyone repairs electrical appliances."

"Can this be the same?"

They were teasing each other, and the atmosphere seemed quite relaxed, but everyone's heartstrings were stretched to the limit and on the verge of breaking out.

All communication systems were out of order, which meant that Eternal Light's mechanical support was difficult to reach and there was almost no backup.

They must use their strength and wisdom to penetrate the high-level dragons and the Dragon Court.

The land in front of us was dry and barren, and the soil showed a burnt dark red color. Many rocks exposed on the surface looked like the backs of fish, a very standard wind-eroded landform.

The rolling heat wave is like an iron plate, and the United Army is like fresh meat grilled on the iron plate.

If you look closely, you can see that the ground is densely covered with regular and disordered footprints of two toes, three toes, and four toes. It seems that most of the dragon people gathered from here, but they fought fierce battles with the coalition forces in various places.

Oscar held a Gatling gun and said cautiously: "It's strange, why are they all running away without a dragon guard?"

The Dragon Courtyard should be covered with a mysterious energy field. Not only is the communication system broken, but the drone used to detect intelligence also has various malfunctions. If it is at most five hundred meters away, it will not be able to receive the picture, and it will completely turn into a snowflake screen.

"Oscar, there are two pieces of news, one good and one bad. Which one do you want to hear first?" Flo pressed the cold bullet into the magazine. The ice attribute would be miraculous in this hot environment.

"I hate this kind of multiple-choice question and would rather not listen."

"The good news is that the dragon army and dragons should have spread their radiation to all parts of the heaven. There should not be many enemies in the Dragon Courtyard."

"We'd feel pretty lucky if you didn't break the bad news."

Of course this is impossible, bad news deserves more attention than good news.

Flo took a deep breath, the air was scorching hot, scalding his trachea, and said: "The bad news is that according to the experience of Yinze in the Forest of Death, powerful high-level dragons like to be alone. Eskur in the Dragon Courtyard Very powerful.”

The steaming high temperature distorted the light, forming a strange scene of mirage. It was obviously still a long way away from Bakar Palace, but in the distortion of the light, it seemed that they were already at the city gate.

Gradually, in the direction of the city gate, a figure that seemed to be burning came from the distant dark red soil. It had long, unruly red hair, half-naked upper body muscles and beautiful lines, and had a wild flavor all over its body.

"Here comes a group of arrogant guys. It should be a bit fun to fight." The fire dragon Eskur stopped and waved, and a group of dragonmen took the lead and rushed to test the water.

"Don't fall down too quickly."

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