Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2311 Our dragon knights are so strong

Bakar's materialization magic is mainly focused on attacking the mind, and destructiveness is secondary, which is not very important.

The memories of the manifested high-level dragons are incomplete and missing in various ways, but they still possess part of the combat power of the original deity. Just standing there are impressive and full of fierce power.

The magic of "resurrection from the dead" was about to defeat the hope and faith that Heaven had held for more than five hundred years in an instant. Rosa, who was known for her calmness, was about to despair.

If the Dragon Clan could be resurrected continuously, wouldn't their efforts and sacrifices all along become a big joke and a mockery of fate.

From the Forest of Death to the Dragon City, there were piles of corpses and countless heroic souls. Many organizations were defeated or destroyed, and the fluttering flags also fell tragically in the fire. Unimaginable prices were paid along the way, but in the end the Dragon Clan was intact. No problem.

"I now hope that Ye Lin comes from the future." Sarah's heart seemed to be tugged, and her naturally charming face was now filled with bitterness, and she said, "In this case, he must know what our ending will be."

"It's not that simple. Bakar is ready to kill two birds with one stone. His scheming is very deep." Ye Lin's eyes were deep, taking in everything in the heaven. He said: "None of the high-level dragons who have materialized are in a complete state, and they are not Gaibojia." The opponent, and besides, Sophia is also there. After attacking the heart, the dragons who die again will become part of the catastrophe of ascending the throne."

In other words, Bakar uses the resurrected dragon clan as a transfer station to integrate the huge magic power accumulated in the Sky Sea as soon as possible and become the energy for his own transformation and evolution. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone and has a profound plan.

"If you don't come over, I will." Sophie's face is fair and beautiful, and her temperament is heroic. The color of the battle suit that fits her curvy figure is as bright as fire, and her arms and knees are covered with gold. dragon pattern armor.

"You're just a dragon knight, you have to learn from Mejilia and disobey Master Bakar?" A certain high-level dragon clan shouted angrily and walked out on his own initiative to clean up the house.

His memory was incomplete and he forgot the scene of his death, but he happened to remember Mejilia providing information to humans and being punished by Lord Bakar.


Sophie carefully pondered the meaning of this word, then shook her head, and said calmly and loudly: "No, no, I'm not rebellious, I just don't like him at all. Who is he, can he control me? I can't even say what my mother said. Sometimes I don’t even listen.”


The high-level dragon clan is angry. You dare to despise His majesty, and you will definitely pay the price with your blood.

The speed exceeded the speed of sound, and the whole body was surrounded by the substantial wind. The sharp claws directly hit Sophie's head, trying to cool down the fearless dragon knight's head.

Sophie grabbed the opponent's neck accurately in the raging wind, twisted it off with a "click", and threw it away rather casually.

A fake is a fake, even if it is 90% genuine, it is still a fake.

Even if it is me, it can only be taken away with a slap.

"Next, no, the four of you, come together, hurry up." Sophie was disdainful, and then raised her fingers at the golden dragon Reinak and the other three bodyguards, whose expressions were uncertain.

She especially hates dragons who show off their power and take pleasure in bullying the weak, and most of all, she hates hypocrites.

Golden Dragon Reinak frowned. His memory happened to preserve the humiliating scene of being beaten wildly by Ye Lin and being rubbed on the ground.

His body is still in the heaven, relatively intact, and was recalled by Bakar using magic, so it retains more memories.

He couldn't understand his current situation at all, such as why he couldn't remember how he escaped from the man who beat him wildly.

And what happened suddenly in Dragon City? Why did a raging fire burn, burning the whole city, leaving traces of shrapnel and shells all over the ground.

The mad dragon Hess and the ice dragon Skatha, aren't they coming to the Arad continent?

Is all this a dream in my mind or what is going on.

There were so many unanswered questions that his head was about to explode, but the reckless dragon knight actually provoked him. This made Renak's anger surge in his chest and he continued to sneer.

"Rude guy, it seems that you don't understand the gap between us." The golden dragon Reinak floated with elegant demeanor and bright clothes. There was ridicule on his handsome face and said: "Let me teach you. What is etiquette, what is nobility, what is..."


Sophie spat disdainfully, and immediately rushed into the resurrected dragon camp alone. As fast as lightning, she slapped Renak's head with a slap, and half of his cheeks were visibly swollen.

"Someone can change from being polite to being shameless, but they can be frank and express their feelings, instead of being a stubborn duck like you who talks back and thinks that he is noble and outstanding after learning some etiquette and is out of the mud."

Bang, bang, bang, bang~ Sophie smashed the golden crystal built by Reinak with several beautiful dragon fists, then specifically greeted the opponent's face, and gave Reinak a comprehensive education from mind to body, and kicked him. Kick away the attacking real dragon.

Ye Lin, who had no choice but to lay down his gun, was speechless and asked Siatt and the others: "Am I really not a gentle and elegant gentleman?"

"Occasionally, you are quite graceful when you are polite." The eldest lady nodded, and instead of continuing to argue with him, she praised him.

Ye Lin was moved and said, "Thanks to the great love of the eldest lady, I am willing to repay you with my life."

"That means that the right to use your body belongs to me." Siatt picked up his chin with her green fingers, which were delicate and white, not like a hand that often used a sword, and said with a smile: "Then three times a day after returning home You take care of mopping the floor, taking out the trash, washing the dishes, pruning the garden, buying groceries and cooking, and bringing us water to wash our feet every night.”

"The last item is not good. I feel like it's a reward for him. There are many of us and he doesn't have enough saliva." Yimi Wu also showed concern for him.

Most of the physical replicas do not have the full combat power of the original, their thinking and memory are incomplete, and their combat awareness is not sharp enough.

Puff, who was happily fishing, suddenly saw Mo Mei winking at her. Now is your chance to gain Sophie's favor. Go and help. Your combat cooperation with Little Toni is definitely considered among the high-level dragons after resurrection. It's top notch.

At the same time, the voice message told me that Sophie spared your life many times because she saw a shadow of her past in you, mostly out of pity, not like.

Although she treats you as a little brother now, she doesn't completely trust you yet. For example, Sophie is not willing to share beef thighs with you.

"Sir Sophie, has she experienced anything sad before?" Puff was curious. She didn't know much about Sophie. She only knew that she was very strong and was suspected to be the original dragon in the legend of Dragon Planet.

"Well, the monarch to whom she once devoted infinite loyalty, in turn, joined forces with the enemy to design a trap to kill her." Mo Mei explained briefly and lightly, but it was enough to make Puff shiver all over.

Although Lord Bakar has been watching with a cold eye, he has never placed any restrictions on them, and has even held a blood moon ceremony to enhance their strength. At least this is impeccable.

The failure of the race war was mostly due to the Dragon Clan's own arrogance and contempt. The Celestials were more patient and patient, thus making them famous.

"Let's go, little Toni, we finally met an opponent worth fighting." Puff was ready to take advantage of the situation.

Little Toni raised his head, chewing a fragrant fried chicken leg in his mouth. The kind-hearted Mailu gave it to him. Making beef thighs takes a lot of effort, so fried chicken drumsticks are more convenient.

Mi Gao is still asking Little Toni if ​​she wants to drink~~

After swallowing the fried chicken legs in one gulp, Little Toni's small body burst out with dense red thunder, and suddenly transformed into a slender, four-clawed black dragon that circled and roared in the sky, calling for wind and rain, and breathing out terrifying red lightning.

Little Toni's body is closer to the Azure Dragon, one of Xuzu's mythical beasts. It is a hundred meters long, with black and gray as the main tone of the skin. There is a red mane on the back from head to tail. It does not have the sacred charm of the Azure Dragon, and its aura is more violent. .

"Eclair, do you know what you are doing? You are also going to betray Lord Bakar!" Zamier, the wise dragon, shouted angrily, condensing several blades and trying to split the attack of the electric dragon.

"I am providing more energy to Mr. Bakar." Bakar has accumulated power in the Dragon Clan for many years. Puff shrank his neck and did not dare to challenge the Dragon King directly, so he made an excuse.


The electric dragon raised its head to accumulate power, and a red breath caused a series of explosions in the resurrected dragon group. The wails, shouts, and curses were mixed together, and they yelled whether Eclair was crazy.

On the other side, Sophie pushed the guards to the ground again and rubbed them until they were reduced to ashes. The expressions of the high-level dragons changed wildly.

"We dragon knights are so strong." Puff said proudly.

"Geboga, let's start the war!"

The giant machine that was originally designed to benchmark the Dragon King's body moved forward with its heavy legs, like a giant chasing the sun, with unparalleled strength, and the earth rumbled.

"Dimensional movement!" Diligern waved his hand, and a space door suddenly opened on the path Gaboga was running. Immediately, the tall machine sank into the door, and the whole thing disappeared.

A few seconds later, another space door suddenly appeared on the side of the mad dragon Hess. The icy-colored Gai Bojia suddenly appeared, a steam of propulsion power erupted from his elbow, and a mechanical punch was struck at the mad dragon Hess. 's head.

A simple and domineering punch of pure power, knocking out several teeth in the mouth of the mad dragon Hess, hammering the mad dragon to the ground and punching him fiercely.



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