Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2312 The petrified magic eye goes berserk

Falling from heaven to hell, once on the verge of despair, and then flying from hell to heaven, with hope rising like the sun.

Sarah was still in shock, her charming face was slightly pale, and she was holding the plump and bulging brocade palace dress on her chest. Although she couldn't feel anything with her palms, her heartbeat did become very fast.

It was not as exciting as it was when I entered Dragon City alone. My tense spirit was tied to a thread and could be broken at any time.

"If I have the rest of my life, I just want to live a peaceful life." Sarah said, holding her forehead. She might not even be able to sleep well for some time to come.

When the dragon clan was resurrected by the group, if it weren't for the dragon-slaying mechanical Gaboga still standing like a god, guarding the front, tall and majestic, the entire heaven would have been in despair, and their fighting spirit was completely defeated.

With one thought of hell and another thought of heaven, there seemed to be some kind of irreconcilable conflict within the dragon clan. Two powerful dragon knights turned against each other. One of them they recognized, the dragon knight Eclair.

Of course, although heaven is beautiful, the underworld is actually not that bad.

The Guards and other high-level dragons were pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other. Rosa and the others slowly figured it out. The resurrected dragons seemed to have various problems, and their condition was no longer at its previous peak.

"Could it be all fake~ It's a scheming, ask Ye Lin." Irina's guess was accurate and she wanted to contact Ye Lin.

However, because the energy fluctuations near Dragon City were very violent, the signal was interrupted, calls could not be made, and messages could not be sent.

The battle between Gaibojia and the mad dragon Hess was a great one, with punches to the flesh, which made the people of Celestial Realm extremely excited and devoted themselves to their love for machinery.

Geboga is made of a special alloy and is the proud brainchild of Lati, one of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War.

The Mad Dragon Hess is the most powerful of the four giant dragons. It has a huge body and its limbs stand like mountain peaks. Although it is not as powerful as the peak because it is a replica, it still has about 70% of its strength.

The fierce battle between the two is a pure violent performance, without any glory or blessing, the metal is hard against the scales, simple and unpretentious, and every collision will spatter large dazzling sparks?

The towering city gate buildings and the towering trees of some years have turned into lumps of soil and small green grass under their feet, which are actually so small in comparison.

The cooperation between Michele and Dilligan also produced unexpected and perfect results, and the dimensional movement technology was used to perfection.

Gaboga's huge and heavy body can escape into the space gate at any time, avoiding the furious attacks of the mad dragon Hess, and then appear in many unexpected locations to hit the mad dragon hard.

Coolio, the developer of dimensional mobile technology, is extremely satisfied with Gaibojia's performance.

This was the scene he envisioned at the beginning of the project design, giving the super-giant machinery the flexibility to move in space.


Gaibojia and Mad Dragon Hess were fighting hard with each other, and when they were locked in a stalemate, the firearms warehouse on their shoulders suddenly showed no martial ethics, and several specially made rockets blew off one of the huge dragon horns of Mad Dragon.

"Accumulate energy, nucleus!" Diligon began to disobey the command. The nuclear furnace on Gaborga's chest emitted a dazzling red light, and a thick spiral energy beam hit Hess's chest, opening a large piece of it. flesh.

"Hey, it turns out there is such a trick." Michele raised his eyebrows. It turns out that the nuclear furnace can also be used as a beam weapon.


The mad dragon Hess raised his head in severe pain and burst into a shocking roar. The terrifying sound wave attacks were intertwined layer by layer, like endless waves. The eternal lake and foggy pavilions in the distance exploded one after another, and the frost bloomed. The sky is filled with ice and snow.

Yuena, who was busy purifying Goyeda, was covered in ice shards. She immediately pointed an unhappy finger, and Hess, who was struck by the thunder of golden confession, was confused, and then aimed at Bakar with a loud voice.

Sparks and thick smoke erupted from many gaps in Gaibojia's body, and it staggered back, with some systems malfunctioning.

"No wonder Ye Lin said that there were magicians in the Arad continent who used magic to collect the roars of wild dragons and turned them into a powerful destructive tool." Michele clicked his tongue in surprise, and now he has gained experience.

If it weren't for the special soundproof panel in the cockpit, this frontal dragon's roar would have been enough to shatter her internal organs. Every bone, plasma and blood cells in her blood would have been shaken to pieces.

It doesn't matter if the system is damaged, Diligon's liquid metal properties can quickly repair it.

Gaibojia and the mad dragon Hess continued to fight in hand-to-hand combat, and gradually gained the upper hand. Sophie and Puff beat the high-level dragons wildly, and new chaos appeared behind the dragons.

Berisk's petrified magic eye went berserk.

The broken walls, rubble, and pillars and trees all changed their material structures in the petrified light bursting out from the Demonic Eye, and solidified into a gray-brown body. The demon dragon Berisk who emerged was confused and roared. Like a wild beast on the verge of death.

Wherever the petrified demonic eye stared, whether it was vegetation or dragons, they all turned into rough structures of rocks, changing their original material forms and indiscriminately petrifying attacks.

"Megilia...where are you..." Berisik covered his head that was about to explode. It couldn't control the raging demon eyes and couldn't close them.

The last time the Demonic Eye went on a rampage, it resulted in the annihilation of all men, women, old and young in a town. It was also considered one of the most dangerous dragons by high-level dragons.

In the end, it was His Majesty the Explosive Dragon King who gave him the ability to control the Demonic Eye, and now the power of the Demonic Eye is out of control again.

Bakar, a tall and majestic man, stood on the high altar of the immortal altar. He looked at the berserk Berisk indifferently and had no intention of taking action again because he heard a name he disliked very much.

"Megilia, maybe you are right, but I am stupid and cannot understand the future." Berisk suddenly stood still and coughed out a mouthful of blood. The final consequence of the evil eye's rampage was that it would also Was turned into a stone statue.

"The people of Heaven have proven the power of unity, the nobility of courage, and gentleness..."

From Berisk's feet upward, the cement-colored petrified material was slowly climbing up, and the backlash of the Demonic Eye began.

"The only thing I can do for you is to release this last petrified demon eye." Belisk slowly raised his head, and his eye sockets had begun to petrify. Only his eyes were blue, like a stone cat's eye sockets. To the treasure glazed eyes.

There were several high-level dragons who clamored for the execution of the traitor Megillia, and there were one or two who were truly alive and not the embodiment of materialized magic.


The light of petrification flickered, and the blue ripples went away like water patterns. Even the high-level dragons with superpowers could not block this destructive evil eye. They roared and turned into stone statues, with a particularly ferocious expression on their faces.

"Berisk, how dare you..." Then there was no more sound.

Thunder Stetz appeared next to Berisk and did not participate in the encirclement and suppression of Sophie and Puff. Because the memory he retained happened to be the scene of his own death, Stetz was keenly aware of many unusual things.

And speculated about whose dream he might be, not his real self.

"As expected of the Petrified Demonic Eye, Berisk, when you besieged Fatty Snow, did you really not let him go?" Stetz asked.


"Well, I believe it. That strange dragon knight is really ridiculously strong." Stetz shrugged. Sophie almost killed all the high-level dragons. She didn't even take out her original dragon blade, but swung it. Smashing the half-dead Jinglong all the way, Puff followed behind to finish off the damage, doing his little brother's work.

Although the snowman cover blocked Sophie's face, the voice was still easily identifiable.

"I feel that she is very special, with an indescribable temperament," Stetz frowned and said, "This is the first time that someone doesn't even take Lord Bakar in his eyes, or is a hopeless idiot. Either it’s the Ultimate Dragon of the same level, she’s probably the latter.”

Civil wars among high-level dragons are not that rare. Life-and-death battles have broken out many times in history, for various reasons.

But they all abide by the basic rules and respect Lord Bakar extremely.

This was the first time in my life that I had seen a dragon like Sophie who was beating up high-level dragons while scorning Master Bakar.

"If she hadn't had dragon horns and beautiful appearance, I would have doubted whether she could have been transformed into Kahn. Her actions would be too violent, but I like her temperament." After Stetz finished speaking, he felt that he was also being Sophie could only shake her head regretfully as she was able to do it in seconds.

Stetz analyzed and said: "I just went to a place and found my broken light gun Kratche, so I should have died in the battle, but was briefly recalled by the ancient dragon language magic."

"I am a young dragon born in the heaven, about four hundred years old, so I have never been to Trobot, the planet of dragons. I really want to see the true hometown of our dragon clan." Stetz smiled. , the tempered mind looked down upon life and death, and then the body slowly dissipated.

Belisk was speechless, and his body became increasingly petrified. Half of his face turned into stone, and the solidified rock had climbed up to his chest and was touching his fatal heart.

A human hand suddenly rested on Belisk's shoulder, and his palm surrounded the Holy Spirit rune. The mysterious magic rune was absorbed into his body, which actually prevented the spread of petrification.

What makes Berisk the most incredible is that the opponent is standing in front of it so openly, in the position where the power of the Petrified Demonic Eye is most concentrated, but he is completely unharmed, with no sign of petrification in any corner of his clothes.

"Your body will continue to be sealed, but your heart and soul will live. Two hundred years later, if you still have the desire to survive, the seal will be automatically unlocked." Ye Lin suppressed the rampaging evil eye, and then used elemental power He sealed Belisk and threw it away to the Creeping City where Mejilia was located.



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