Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2342 It’s too late!

Ye Lin traveled through the years and visited famous people. Among them were emperors who were full of purple energy and ruled the world, some were wandering clouds and wild cranes, hermits who were refined from the world, and there were also generals and adventurers who had experienced hundreds of battles and had high fighting spirit.

It also included some mythical beasts, intelligent ferocious beasts, savage beasts, and even special life forms that took shape in some living planets. He also happily went there.

Among them, Saint Lord Aled's gentleness and charity broke through his confusion. Now that you have begun to sail against the current, you have proven your extraordinary courage and noble will. Remember not to forget your original intention, so that you can always succeed.

He left immortal footprints in the long river of history with the splendid fire of civilization, and talked with the civilization in the fire. Every step he took was firm, and he never took a step back after being washed away.

In Ye Lin's own sight, clusters of blazing fires of civilization illuminate the future, which are his signposts and directions. This journey may be infinitely far away and difficult to count, but his journey will never be the same. lonely.

"If the fire of civilization had not been ignited in the universe, then even if it was all destroyed, it would not be worth regretting, because there would just be some cold stones hanging in the sky, and there would be worthless light and heat. But precisely because the reality is the opposite, Everything is worth cherishing." Ye Lin glanced at the direction where Kahn was washed away, gathered his mood, and went upstream again.

It's really not Kahn's fault. He also just learned about a new path from the elemental goddess Pushya.

Marvel, he is indeed the first apostle Kahn, "rolling" down from the source of nothingness, covered in blood, not even a broken bone is dead, rushing downstream amidst all kinds of bumps and bumps, the speed is so ridiculous that no one can stop him live.

Suddenly, a cluster of warm and bright flames appeared and floated in front of the night forest, like a guiding lantern, illuminating the misty mist and guiding him to more road signs in the civilized world.

If you look closely, you will see that the essence of the lantern flame is an irregular mysterious fragment. It burns with bright firelight and lingers with the aura of the Supreme Beginning.

"The fragment of wisdom and power appeared in the form of the fire of civilization and was attracted to me?" Ye Lin was surprised. His mother-in-law's wisdom and power couldn't bear the supreme power and exploded after calling Caroso after the divine war.

Squinting eyes once split the river of oblivion and found a fragment of wisdom and power. The goddess Pushia, with her peerless grace, also helped Nimer find a fragment. The wisdom and power were almost complete.

What he saw in front of him was probably the last fragment, and it appeared in another form of wisdom, that is, the fire of civilization burning with all living things as firewood.

With the guidance of the fragments of wisdom, Ye Lin's footsteps became much lighter, and the biting chill of the long river of time also dissipated. Clusters of civilizational flames shone and burned, and the dust falling under the flames accumulated the essence of civilization.

"One step beyond is to go out, and the road to the divine realm is to return." Ye Lin's eyes were shining brightly, and his divine body became more and more immortal. Before he reached the starting point, he was already stronger than before he started on the road. He said: "If Skin loses his heart, and Wu What difference does it make between sane beasts.”

He steps towards a planet teeming with life, a place he has never seen before, with a thriving civilization.

The life, race, religion and science here are intertwined, and they use all their resources to build huge statues of gods out of soil and steel, but each one has a strange appearance. There is a standing person with a strange-shaped head, and there are white clouds with flesh and blood hanging down from the spine.

The intelligent races here endow them with lofty significance, and are paranoid about the infusion of the supreme divinity, and even imprison them here.

Because the form of civilization seemed inexplicably familiar, Ye Lin tried to walk into a steel statue that was close to a humanoid and asked it to raise its arms and move around. He also modified some things according to his own aesthetics and waved his hands to create a glow in the sky.

But those researchers fled frantically after being stunned. Ye Gong was very fond of dragons, and it seemed that they could not accept the coming of God.

Then, they blasted Ye Lin's statue with weapons.

A wise man with some old eyes and a horn on his head seemed to be able to see him, and sighed: "They can only accept the gods that exist in their own minds and imaginations, because they can control them at will, and gods are born from the heart. But once you really move When you wake up, you are a devil."

Ye Lin nodded and left, gaining a new understanding of the concept of "god".

God is more than just a title for the realm of cultivation. Perhaps in the eyes of some beings, they are also devils.

Ye Lin continued to walk in the opposite direction. He stopped briefly and looked back. Kahn had completely disappeared. It was a kind of fate to pass him by.

He saw a world in doomsday ruins, where technology was booming, and tall buildings made of steel and cement stood from the ground to the sky. They were so densely packed that the planet seemed to be covered with needles.

After the First World War, everything was reduced to ruins. The remaining humans on the scorched earth went crazy. They abandoned technology indifferently and began to ask for help from non-existent beings, which gave rise to endless illusions and madness. Human wisdom is still there, but human reason is gone.

Ye Lin also discovered many cold embers and dead carbon ash, which represented the complete demise of civilization. No one knew they existed. Only the cold river of time remembered everything.

"Please stay, are you from the future?" Ye Lin suddenly heard a voice of surprise. Looking sideways, he saw a man in golden armor, with a majestic appearance, as if he was standing in a sun. , very dazzling, and the fluctuations of the transcendent level are very powerful.

"I am." Ye Lin nodded and talked to the other party calmly.

I learned that the other party was born in another magical civilization, far away in the depths of the starry sky, separated from Arad by a distant sea of ​​stars. Without mastering the secret of space power, it would be difficult for the transcendent to cross.

"I'm probably dead. What I'm talking to you about is just a trace of reluctance. Even the countercurrent can't save me." The man in the golden armor sighed and said: "Beyond the realm, it is almost unaffected by the encroachment of time, and its vitality is very Unusually, even if the body is exploded or the soul is shattered, it will not die easily, but because of the influence of jumping out of time, we will not be imprinted on ourselves by the universe, which is equivalent to being given up. We can only stick to the path of immortality. "

He told Ye Lin that there was a terrible period in his remaining memory, where the long river of time formed a bottleneck-like passage and was torn apart by terror.

"You should be stronger than me. If you were to go downstream, you should be able to survive that period of time, but you actually chose to go against the current from the future... I'll give you a piece of advice. If you find the path that the Valkyrie took, Maybe there is still a chance, I wish you good luck." The man in golden armor shook his head, expressing his disapproval.

He was also a person who wanted to step into the realm of gods, but he was seriously injured on the surface of the void, and then completely perished at the bottleneck.

He also told that many people who wanted to become gods were buried on the surface of the void. Once, a freak with power rushed over and his bones were shattered, but his body and soul were not destroyed.

Earlier, a stunningly beautiful Valkyrie rushed upstream with a spear in hand, but she seemed to be a god.

Ye Lin thanked him, and Puxia had actually told him what the bottleneck was, which was the Battle of the Ancient Terra Gods.

And the era of mythology earlier than Terra, that is, the era when the name "Biana" shines.


Kahn was still jumping off the building, his face turned black, and he was carried downstream by the mudslide of time at super high speed, unable to stop.

He was like an ancient demon god before, walking into the ocean of nothingness, carving his own mark and struggling to escape. He broke out of the narrow bottleneck and passed through the history of the ancient years, but there was also some luck.

After a fateful meeting just now, a series of questions popped up in Kahn's mind. Ye Lin was definitely not traveling through time and space randomly, so what on earth was he doing.

Ye Lin gave him a small note. After the method of becoming a god was translated, Kahn did not act recklessly. Instead, after constant deliberation and verification, he returned to Greenblad after repeatedly confirming that it was feasible. Take the road to becoming a god.

Kahn continued to analyze calmly. He could now be rushed out of hundreds of years in the blink of an eye. This was definitely not a normal time flow, and should be a special field.

And although he was covered in bruises, he was also undergoing some amazing transformation. He was convinced that he was getting stronger and reborn, and he gradually had a mysterious feeling that the universe was under his control.

However, Ye Lin was clearly in this field before.

It is not difficult to guess that he is doing the same thing as himself.

Could it be said that going upstream is the real calamity of the divine realm.

Kahn's eyes were cold. After deducing the truth, his mind immediately changed and he was about to turn around and return to chase Ye Lin.


Kahn waved his fist, and the power of power bloomed with a grand and immortal light. All things melted, and the special field was trembling. He suddenly wanted to control the power of power to interrupt the flow of time.

However, when he looked back, the same powerful light struck him in the opposite direction.

Kahn was forced to cough up blood and retreat, his breath was cold, it was too late!

His immortal will has been left in the long river of time. If he wants to go against the flow now, it is tantamount to being an enemy of himself in the past time. His traces are still fresh.

Unless he is willing to cut off his realm once and give birth to a brand new body and soul, which is different from the former, he will have a chance.


Kahn was rushed away again, without much time to react...

The last ordeal is to break away from the erosion of time and jump to the real world, otherwise he will be swept all the way to the end, or even be destroyed by time.



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