Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2343 Terra Valkyrie

Along the way, my head was bruised and bleeding, and I was dizzy and dizzy. Even as strong as the first apostle, I only had half a breath left.

Mainly because of the chance encounter, I felt terrible!

And because he has left his own immortal traces in the past and is in the same realm as Ye Lin, if he looks back at the past with all his strength at this moment, he can still see the back of Ye Lin walking leisurely like Huhu.

Anyone who can reach this field has extraordinary knowledge, and Kahn immediately deduced that his and Ye Lin's methods were different.

One is jumping off the building, the other is climbing up the stairs. Who enjoys more the scenery along the way? !

Power and authority can bloom with supreme majesty. Although it cannot shake the general trend flowing down the river, Kahn is indeed unparalleled in his bravery, tearing open a gap and descending into the real world.

His aura was much stronger than before, and the world seemed to be born and destroyed in his cold eyes. His power and power surged wildly and became indestructible. The silent planet couldn't bear the pressure and burst into pieces.

When the injured body heals, the blood and bones are reshaped, and the fighting spirit is cocooned and transformed, he will be the true god, immortal, throughout the ages, and will have his majestic place in the future!

However, Kahn, who had always been indifferent, was overwhelmed with emotion at this moment. He held his breath and his eyes were about to bleed.

Unless he cuts himself off and rebuilds his blood soul, he will never be able to swim against the current.

"New God... It's a pity. You should have drifted all the way to the end and then stopped. Why bother to remember the world that is no longer saved? Tell us how about it. The Lord of the End appreciates you." A voice suddenly came from nowhere. , sounded in the depths of the starry sky, carrying a strong final encroaching power.

Kahn turned his head indifferently and looked directly at the source with cold eyes. He was already in a bad mood. He was not interested in the end or the collapse of dimensions.

Invincibility is the ultimate goal he has always pursued.

Then, dragging his seriously injured body, he pulled out the hidden messenger and blew it up, killing him.

I don’t need your guidance on how I should go and whether I am wrong.


Ye Lin is still guided by the fire of civilization evolved from the fragments of wisdom and power, climbing up the stairs. Rather than leaving traces in nowhere, every step he takes has a history to be found, and he steps on the foundation of civilization. The edge of fire.

His deeds have truly spread all over the universe, and he has gained a lot, which is far beyond what Kahn can compare to by simply jumping off a building.

Arad, Demon World, Tabols... are just a corner of the infinite starry sky. There are still many worlds that have not been recorded in ancient libraries, such as Yunmi's hometown of Wuling Continent, and those worlds where colossi are built, and the scorched earth of doomsday. Civilization and so on.

The years that have gone against the current, as well as the time that he has spent, are both incalculable. Every time Ye Lin reaches the fire of civilization, he will talk to the beings who can see him there. There are brief encounters, and there are also toasts that he has been sitting for several days.

Among them, Ye Lin tried to tell some powerful people about the terminal cannibalization and dimensional merging. They all promised that if the war of destruction will definitely affect their hometown, as long as this body and soul are not destroyed in the future, they are bound to shoulder the responsibility. I am willing to listen to Ye Lin’s call.

They all realized that Ye Lin might be a strong man who had entered another realm.

"Gods, adventurers, heroes, and guardians in all dimensions have tried to prevent the destruction, but to no avail..." Yelin recalled Mailu's eldest sister, Yanis, and said in a sad tone.

"How can I say that we are not alone in this? We are not the only ones in the world who are worried about the world." Ye Lin smiled, then his expression became serious, staring at the white mist that suddenly thickened in front of him.

Even the fire of civilization from the fragments of wisdom can only shine so far and is limited.

Arriving at the bottleneck, the divine battle of Ancient Terra was a battle that tore apart the long river of time.

Pushya told me that the tearing point in the long river of time cannot be accurately traced.

Because the divine war is too terrifying, the supreme power surges beyond the limits of time and tears apart the most powerful time power.

Therefore, even if the aborigines and Held, who experienced it firsthand, can tell clearly that the battle took place on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, the real tearing point may be further away.

It's like a sharp ax cracking open a neat piece of firewood. If you find the right position and apply a little force, the wood fibers will quickly tear to both sides.



There were dull collisions and footsteps in the mist, as if a dozen behemoths were fighting. The mysterious sound was like stepping on the depths of the heart. Ye Lin looked straight at it, as if he was about to enter the battlefield.

I don’t know how much time passed, but my vision suddenly became clear.

Ye Lin looked at the blazing fire of civilization, and for the first time he could not hide his surprise. It no longer looked like a bonfire, but a mountain of red and fierce flames. The heat wave was overwhelming, and the prosperity of civilization was obvious.

In Ancient Terra, after the development of science and technology reached its peak, scientists headed by Held began to try to get involved in the realm of God!

In addition to the famous Glorious Biana, which caused the subsequent collapse of the universe, the ancient Terran civilization also tried many times to condense the divine power of the elements in the universe, and directly conducted human experiments in an attempt to create the elemental Biana.

Therefore, in a sense, they want to evolve collectively, ascend collectively, and become gods in an alternative way.

Of course, their becoming gods refers to becoming living beings similar to Beyana, the goddess of light and justice. Their powerful blood and vitality make their bodies emit dazzling golden light, which is not the true state of gods.

The bloodline of the demons contains ancient power, but it is limited to that mythical era that even Held was not clear about. It has been completely silent in the Terran Age of Technology.

Until the genius battle mage Niwu developed the power of dazzling patterns.

The fragments of wisdom and power shimmered slightly, seeming to remind him to look... The flames of the Flame Mountain were shrinking, and the civilization was retreating until it became scattered pieces... and then burned blazingly again.

He was in a special field and had temporarily skipped Terra's technological era. After hesitating for a moment, Yelin took the initiative to walk into the Flame Mountain.

Ye Lin suddenly frowned and raised his hand to blast in a certain direction. A golden light flowed from the armor all over her body. The beautiful woman was slightly surprised. She had exerted the power of Terra's bloodline to the extreme and was named "Biana" The name of the Valkyrie.

"You have a very different aura about you. You are not an aborigine of Terra and do not have our bloodline." The woman spoke, showing great interest in him. She was very beautiful, with shining golden hair and tall and perfect curves. , the armor can't conceal its peerless elegance.

And... the facial features unexpectedly look a bit like Pushia's.

Ye Lin shook his head in his heart, it wasn't Pushia, God's power is enough to run through the past, present and future, so he would definitely recognize him.

The Valkyrie raised her eyebrows. It was incredible that her power was comparable to hers, but her brilliance was restrained, without a trace of golden light shining.

"I come from another starry sky." Ye Lin admitted that he should now be in the mythical age of Ancient Terra, a civilization earlier than technology.

He has always wondered what was the reason for the silence of Terra's bloodline and the end of civilization.

All that was left to Tech Terra were the sealed Lord of Eclipse, the escaped ancient demon Bellator, and some legends about "Biana, the goddess of light and justice."

"You are very strong, are you interested in leaving your bloodline?" Valkyrie was very interested and wanted to reach out and squeeze his body, but was avoided.

"Uh... is it too sudden? I have three daughters." Ye Lin scratched his head. We had just met and we didn't even know each other's names.

Valkyrie's eyes became very strange, she smiled sweetly, and waved her hands: "Where are you thinking? We have a very powerful embryo culture method. We can give birth to future generations without that process. A strong bloodline is an excellent basic raw material. "

"What's the point of that?" Ye Lin asked, not really understanding. Without the foreshadowing and warmth of love, it's like a test-tube baby... or even worse than a test-tube baby. What's the point of a child born like this?

"Natural reproduction is random. Even if a strong person like you and I combine, there may be children who are not as talented as us, and this process will waste a lot of time." Valkyrie Noerla waved and invited him to Terra. Zuo Zai seems to have not given up yet and is confident that he will not pose a threat.

"Furthermore, love, love, and the union of men and women are no longer necessary for us who have begun to jump out of time to pursue eternity, and are even somewhat useless. How can there be a transcendent strong man who is still obsessed with the desire for original sin, you say right?"

Ye Lin glanced wildly, pretending to be distracted, "What did you say, I'm sorry I didn't hear it."

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