Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2449 What I love is also what I love


Alexandra loosened the bowstring at her fingertips, and one of them broke the airflow. The extremely sharp arrows fell into the air and instantly split into nine arrows. They accurately hit the nine ice disks thrown by Ye Lin, and the ice fragments turned into one piece. The water vapor disappears into thin air.

"Miss Tiangong is so amazing~" Miya and Ganlin clapped together, cheering for the Holy Lady Tiangong.

As an archery opponent, Muse was not to be outdone. Nine ice discs also flew into the air. She raised her hand and shot an arrow. The arrow lost the power of the music notes, and the notes turned into beautiful musical butterfly butterflies, which also hit the ice discs. broken.

"Muse, μs forever!"

Even though he was not assigned any training tasks, the cheerful Wanzi was also cheering, and the shadowy night cat on his shoulder was also meowing and wagging his tail.

What if one person's voice is not as good as two people's? Wanzi had an idea and slightly modified Shu Lulu, the provocative doll.

"Muse~Muse μs forever..."

Shu Lulu kept shouting.

Wanzi was so enthusiastic that Muse's cheeks turned a little red, and she had to admit that when it came to archery skills, she seemed to be inferior to the beautiful and tall Heavenly Bow Saint in front of her.

She definitely has the basic skills, and she can penetrate the Yang with a hundred steps, and her strings are flawless.

But her main ability is still the note attached to the missing arrow, and the ultimate destructiveness has nothing to do with archery.

Just like Wanzi complained before, it is recommended to use the heavy firearm Gatling with a breath of 3600 revolutions. Regardless of whether it is accurate or not, the firepower should be suppressed first.

The archery of the Heavenly Bow Saint is more focused on strengthening the ability of arrow missing, adding various exquisite elemental magics, which can be divided into one hundred points, at least the attack form is still arrow missing.

"I have a friend who is very similar to you, Miss Tian Gong. Her archery skills are exquisite and her skills can be divided into millions." Muse mentioned her traveler friend who was separated in the storm. She was a relatively determined researcher of archery.

"I'm looking forward to meeting her. I feel that we will have a common language." Alexandra smiled freshly and shook hands with the muse in a friendly way.

She was also very happy. It was rare to see someone who loved bows and arrows as much as she did. This was a dedication to tradition and a pure hobby.

"Muse, I heard that you still like to sing, right? In our world of Tabors, everyone likes to sing on the floating island in the sky at sunset or around the sacred tree Zema Kure."

The Heavenly Gong Saint, the Queen of Flowers, and Brother Wither have the most beautiful singing voices.

But after Ye Lin used his mobile phone to record Brother Tuo singing, Brother Tuo was embarrassed to speak...

"Yes, yes, music is my second life." Muse nodded quickly, with a smile on his face.

When it comes to music, this is her strongest area, her hobby, and her lofty desire for peace.

Ye Lin temporarily closed the secret realm for Xiao Su and the others to practice. As the saying goes, haste makes waste... Everyone sat down and enjoyed the music.

"Look, I've prepared a creamy fruit parfait for you as a treat." Sugarcane was full of thoughtfulness, and most girls couldn't resist desserts.

"Thank you~!" Bibi's eyes were shining, and the dessert after hard work was sweet in her mouth and in her heart.

After the muse finished eating the parfait, she quickly arranged the necessary musical instruments. For an excellent concert, various related equipment must be prepared.

A beautiful and active music performance requires a guitar to lead the main melody, a bass to give a bass sound, a drum set to play a bright and crisp rhythm, and coupled with the charming singing voice of Muse, this is the beautiful girl band that is popular in Hutton Mar.

Because Seaman's voice is prone to going out of tune, he would only sing familiar and easy-to-control parts for her.

"Ye Lin, what are they doing?" Alexandra raised her eyebrows, approached Ye Lin and asked quietly.

Isn't it rapping? How can I tinker with a bunch of heavy-looking things? Muse is already holding the piano in his hand.

A bow can be used as a weapon or a musical instrument.

The bow of the Heavenly Gong Saint is a standard wooden bow. The material comes from the holy tree. After being disassembled, it becomes the bow body and the bow string.

Muse's bow is a technological product of the gods, and can be disassembled into a pile of metal parts that can be assembled.

"Hi, good afternoon everyone, I am Muse, who comes from the divine world and is now the lead singer of the band."

Brilliant musical notes illuminated the entire audience, and when the musical notes materialized and floated, they were like festive fireworks. As soon as Muse stepped onto the makeshift stage, her temperament suddenly became much more mature. This is her home court.

Muse's beautiful and trendy singing clothes have a unique starry sky blue gradient color, and her beautiful legs are tied with mature and charming white fishnet stockings. In the words of Xiao Pai Yin, every corner of Muse's body is sparkling.

Several Holy Spirit crystals exude brilliant brilliance, supporting the stage of the muse and lighting it, which is of course the work of Xiao Su.

Muse sang the famous song of her former "Harmony Band" alone, the special Harmony, which can also be called the only Harmony.

"Oh~ it sounds so good."

Maruko and the others clapped together. Although they didn't quite understand the meaning behind the lyrics of the song, it was enough to feel comfortable in their ears.

Alexandra coughed dryly after applauding. She didn't need these technical instruments. A single string piano was enough.

Her favorite instrument is her old bow, a musical bow made from Zema Kure branches, Prai's nails, and her hair.

The Virgin of Heavenly Bow sings a cappella, singing a song praising the harvest by Tabors. The monochord plays a simple and elegant tone, which is always appropriately interspersed in the lyrics, giving people the charm of returning to nature and running in the natural wilderness.

Xiao Su and others clapped softly, fearing that using too much force would disturb the harmony, saying: "It's like the interweaving of pop songs and traditional folk songs, each with its own unique flavor."

"Yes, yes." Ye Lin nodded fiercely at the side and expressed his thoughts, saying: "Lori is what I love, Sister Yu is also what I love, beautiful women are what I love, Dragon Girl , Elf..."

"Shut up, you're just so astringent, and your heart is a little bit weak." Xiao Su complained, already used to the perverted teacher.

"Xiao Su, I like you."

"Thank you, I will consider it." Xiao Su calmly sent him a good guy card.

You Xia held a big parfait and asked curiously: "Are you and Gan Lin brother and sister?"

Sugarcane, Ganlin, the names match well.

"That's not true. She is an innocent fool. The ancient rain elf of Tabors has a lot of water."

Immediately, Ye Lin rolled his eyes in hindsight. Did You Xia subconsciously forget his real name and use "Gancane" instead?

The secret realm he constructed is full of various supreme laws, and the flow of time is different from the outside world. Wuxuan's power alone has great benefits for Muse, Miya, and the Heavenly Bow Saint.

The secret time is about half a month later.

"I haven't seen Maisel for a long time. She will be surprised when she sees my changes." Miya's smile bloomed like a white flower, fresh and beautiful. There were two hairs on her forehead that looked like ant tentacles. They were her The characteristics of supernatural powers, like Mailu's silly hair, cannot be suppressed no matter what.

After studying with the Queen of Flowers, she is now able to control her supernatural powers very well, and her realm is stable at the legendary high-level realm. She is also wearing two holy leaf hairpins given by Ye Lin in her hair.

Miya doesn't have much competitive mentality. Her personality has always been quiet and peaceful. She just wants to have a little strength to protect her little happiness.

"Then I'll go back first." Miya bowed to everyone and couldn't wait to be the first to leave the secret realm.

"I'll go too, Miya wait for me." Gan Lin followed. There was a passage between Hedunmar and Tabors, so she came over to play.

Xiao Su is slowly able to stand proudly in the secret realm of elements. Bi Bi's resistance to illusions is increasing, and she can tell the real from the fake at a glance. Yin Mi Wu Zha's kung fu is also obviously good.

"I want to see the end with my own eyes, the time when the last star explodes." Ye Lin mentioned business and asked who would go with him.

"Me, me, me! I have mastered the Yinsta Secret Technique." Beyana raised her hands high, but Ye Lin ignored her and said, "You have to go to school."


Ye Lin has special thoughts. The creator Xiaodou and the dark dancer Xuan Wu have seen the end, and the dead universe where time has stopped in an instant. Can he break through a new future with one sword?



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