Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2450 If you are on the same level, it will be ruined

"In the past three months, nutrients have been lost and I seem to have lost a lot of weight."

Ye Lin shook his head, sighed, and then pinched his arms and cheeks, as if he had really lost several pounds.

Especially when he put his hands on his waist, he immediately looked like he was suffering from lumbar muscle strain.

"It's all you group of deadly fairies who ruined my Taoist heart and devoured my heart. If I hadn't been highly cultivated, I would have been almost possessed by you." Ye Lin scolded him coldly, speaking righteously and displeased. His eyes swept over Xiao Su and others one by one.

Each of them has rosy cheeks, visibly white and shiny skin, and strong energy. They have all made very obvious progress in strength.

And not only that, Muse and Heavenly Bow Saint also discussed a new song, with lyrics written by He-Man and music composed by them.

Although Pipiman's singing voice is often off-key, her ability to write poetry is absolutely top-notch.

The Muse longs to use the melody of music to eliminate the barriers between the five races in the divine world and call for gentle wind and peace.

Alexandra also likes the peaceful and tranquil Tabors best after the "Wither" reconciliation.

Since they are both archers, there are many topics to talk about, and Muse now calls Alexandra "sister".

Bayana put her little hands on her hips. She was already very proficient in Yinsta's secret method. Her red twin ponytails were very impressive, and she said: "You red mouth and white teeth, please don't slander us. Who knows that there is something shaking on the flower swing every day?" Who are you with, hum."

The flower swing she was talking about was the place where Ningpa, the dragon fairy, used to like to stay. There were many strange and colorful plants growing nearby.

Some flowers are as bright as the sun, and some leaves are as magnificent as stars. There are also many tall and spiritual trees bearing many fruits with strange effects. There is a rickety swing among the flowers.

Ningpa has the characteristic of absorbing the vitality of plants to evolve itself. For a certain period of time, Ningpa has been absorbing experience from sugar cane to meet the needs of its own evolution, and its level has been going up↑up↑.

"You said the curator, Skadi, Meiya, Aska...ah, we were just sitting together on the swing and playing." Ye Lin named a string of people's names, and then said that he was upright and open-minded. swing.

Pai Yin held a cup of fruit tea and whispered in a soft voice: "There is only one swing, how can we swing together?"

"Oh, Pai Yin, try this meat floss bread quickly. It's delicious." Bibi hurriedly fed Pai Yin with a red face, but she couldn't think about it anymore. The rest was all adults' business.

In the real world right now, the ancient wall clock on the wall pointed to ten o'clock in the morning, ticking, ticking, and it was only a few hours before they left for the secret realm to practice.

Sisters Hiatt and Penosio prepared a sumptuous supper for everyone, including soft and delicious desserts and breads, as well as various barbecue and fried skewers, a plate of fried snails that was spicy and satisfying, and a bowl of fruity sweet porridge that made Muse and Mai Lu happy. They all say that the world is worth living.

Ye Lin rubbed his hands and asked, "Ah Liao, do you have any special private dishes for me? For example, I want to be your son."

A piece of bread smeared with mustard and Hiatt stuffing it directly into his mouth means you have a lot to do.

Xiaoyu smiled and walked lightly past everyone with a special purpose. She leaned over the necks of Muse, Xiaosu, and Bibi and sniffed lightly.

Then he gradually frowned, and a strange look appeared. Something's not right. Why are you still so perfect? ​​This doesn't look like sugar cane.

You Xia has a sensitive constitution and subconsciously tightened her neck, "Sister Xiaoyu, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. Did you take baths often in the secret world?"

"Yes, there is a hot spring inside and there are high walls on all sides."

Ye Lin, who was so spicy that his mouth twitched from the mustard, was in urgent need of water. He stared at several water drinkers one after another, but they all waved their hands and refused.

If you come to drink water with a mouthful of mustard, we will die.

Ye Lin held a glass of ice juice, and Xiaoyu raised three slender white fingers and waved them in front of his eyes.

In an incredible and exaggerated tone, he asked: "After three months of guidance, do you know that I have already acquiesced that Xiao Su and the others will be wiped out and become useless?"

However, now everyone has green eyebrows, pure temperament, fair and delicate skin, moist and flawless, and there are no abnormal changes.

What it is like when you go in, it will be like when you come out.

"As a gentleman, I should be quiet to cultivate my character, and be frugal to cultivate my virtue. If I am not indifferent, I will not be able to clarify my ambitions. If I am not tranquil, I will not be able to achieve great goals..."

Xiaoyu immediately raised her hand and made a stop gesture. I have lived in your household for many years, and I know all about your frivolous nature. If I use the oracle to draw a bamboo stick for you, it will probably split on the spot. Turn into bamboo filaments.


"I can tell the difference. They are all practicing. How can I take advantage of others' danger?"

But he reluctantly told the truth.

Ye Lin brought up the idea of ​​the final journey, including the taking away of Ozma's remaining soul, the encounter between Brother Wither and Archangel Michelle, etc.

While telling the story, Ye Lin also took a special look at Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping on Mai Lu's lap and drooling. Unexpectedly, he didn't react at all, and his saliva rubbed onto Mai Lu's legs.

Xiaoxiao's sleep has always been very deep and sweet, and the quality of her sleep is enviable. It has reached a level that you wouldn't even know if you were poked.

The last time I was talked about by Sugar Cane, I drank a few sips of the sweet and thirst-quenching water. I scratched my head afterwards and had no impression at all.

Anyway, the brother-in-law won't harm her, and he can do whatever he likes, so there's no need to think about it.

Only when others mention "Archangel Michael" does Xiao Hina suddenly wake up.

Obers and Grandis often use this gesture to call Xiao Hina up for dinner.

In the angel dimension of the parallel universe, Michelle is her immediate boss. She has mysterious eyes and can see through Xiao Hina's well-established background at a glance.

Michelle believed that Xiao Chu had an extraordinary background and had a noble mission. She would definitely be a great person in the future and had a bright future, so she took good care of her and trained her very strictly.

Mailu happily enjoyed the honey cake, biting the spoon, and said: "Xiaochu is now the successor of the holy name of Archangel Medanzuo. In terms of rank, he is on the same level as Archangel Michel, but he has no power. "

In other words, in the past, Michelle was Xiaoxiao's immediate boss. When her boss inspected her work, Xiaoxiao could barely cheer up.

But now that we are on the same level, you can't control me anymore, so we can sleep however we want.

Mentioning Michelle's name again had no effect on Xiao Hina.

"Speaking of which, Sister Mailu, what is power?" Muse was a little curious.

When she was studying with Ye Lin, the previous master of Tianzhi Seal, he often mentioned words such as "Taichu Wuxuan" and "Time Power".

"That is, well, if you hold a certain kind of power, all the attributes belonging to this power in the universe will be under your use and jurisdiction."

Mailu explained the situation of most powers. Strength, life, death, time, etc. are basically the same. Chaos and purification are not the specific embodiment of certain attributes.

In fact, since the age of the girl is kept secret and the age of the muse is unknown, Mailu is not necessarily older than the muse, but she is indeed older than the muse in some aspects.

The Muse was fascinated and murmured: "There is a legend in the divine world. There is a goddess with extremely beautiful appearance and unparalleled grace, named Venus, the goddess of beauty. She is in charge of marriage, beauty, music, and all other things that symbolize beauty in the world. "

As a member of the beautiful girl idols and a musician, Muse has a very passionate admiration for the goddess Venus.

"Venus, I know her very well." Ye Lin calmly showed off his deep connections.

Quietly, in the front yard of the manor, a purple cat with three tails fell lightly. It was almost the size of an adult cheetah. It looked very cute and not fierce.

Riding on the back was a queen who was about three years old, a cute little girl with black eyes and sky-blue hair.


Ye Lin was surprised and pleasantly surprised. Held was so precious to Akko that he had no chance to steal her.

"Mao Mao, run quickly, we have been discovered." Yako whispered in the lucky three-tailed cat's ear, and peeked into the room with his big bright eyes.

Intimidated by Ye Lin's momentum, the lucky three-tailed cat not only did not run away, but also took the initiative to walk into the house and sent Ya Ke to Ye Lin.

"Yake, where's your mother?" Ye Lin picked up Yake and rubbed his little face.

"Which mother are you asking about?"



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