Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2462 Safir’s wings are really red

There is no river or water in the final time and space, and there is lingering encroaching fog everywhere.

Even so, Ye Lin still wanted to tie up bait and throw two poles to try. Whether he could catch fish would purely depend on fate.

The other end of the fishing line is tied to the past time through the power of time, and then fishes for the future. It is very hidden, but it is easier to create the illusion that it is Caron fishing.

The fishing rod was given to Mavis by Karon. Later, Mavis gave it to her best friend Feng Ying, and now lends it to Ye Lin, so the source is still contaminated with part of Karon's cause and effect.

"Hiss, those restless guys, what are they fishing with my fishing rod?" The water of the underworld, the dilapidated wooden boat, and the lone man in the coir raincoat suddenly opened his old eyes, and the cold light was extremely sharp at this moment.

He usually appears as an old man and rarely uses his true form.

Karon's wrinkled fingertips twisted a line of cause and effect, and his deep gaze directly crossed the underworld, and then followed the thread to another dimension. He was almost blinded by the omnipresent encroaching fog of the end.

"Karon, there are a lot of fish, there is a big catch, the nest has been laid and protected, come quickly!" Ye Lin greeted warmly from the other end, calling friends, good resources must be shared... referring to fishing.

"You xx, what kind of place is that? You are actually at the end of fishing." Caron suppressed a "civilized term".

Caron himself held a fishing rod and fished for both humans and ghosts. He thought he was invincible and firmly established as the god of fishing in the universe.

Now you are stronger than me. You just went fishing to the end, and it seems that you have made a nest for yourself.

"Come on, are you coming? There's a good spot. You and I will catch the fish together..."

Charon waved his hand and revealed the sword of Charon, which could open the door to the underworld. He slashed out a huge dimensional slash with a cold face, cutting through cause and effect and time.

Just pretend that I have never given away a fishing rod and I have no time to go crazy with you.

Some time later, Caron whispered on the surface of the River Styx: "He has grown to the point where he dares to face the end, which means that another path has taken shape, and the main components of the Ring of Creation have also appeared, replacing Caroso to walk the universe. , it’s almost time to make a decision about the stance of our gods.”


Ye Lin didn't know that because the bait he used was too special, he immediately alerted the two big fish in the dark, and he was filled with depression at Kalon's unkindness.

Sighing silently, he took out a somewhat worn-out bamboo hat and put it on his head. The bamboo hat was bought by Celia and the others when they attended the Azure Dragon Conference in Xuzu a long time ago.

After being wiped out and decayed by the power of chaos, the killed terminal objects will turn into very pure and high-level energy, which will help those with low realms to overcome obstacles and those with high realms will increase their inherent combat power.

If he killed that unknown divine realm, he might also gain a lot, and he had strong expectations for this.

The bait on the hook is "live" and changes position at any time, just like a lure. The method of movement is very important.

Ye Lin is very serious, but...

Feng Ying, a senior fishing expert, withdrew from her training state. She gained some new insights and took a small step towards a higher level.

Only the snow-white and delicate skin showed a large area of ​​red, as if it had been shaken, whipped, or dripped with wax.

The power of cannibalization is indeed too terrifying, and it is difficult for the transcendent body to contend for a long time.

Mo Mei, Siatt and the others were all in a similar state. They quickly sat under the Wuxuan tree and meditated until their skin became smooth and bright again, and their face was radiant, and all the negative effects of the end were eliminated.

"It's so annoying to eat away at time." Yinmi Wu Digu.

Feng Ying shouted to the outside: "Hey, have you got any fish hooked?"

"Well, when I take the bait and catch two more, I will catch three, and I always feel that I have overlooked one guy." Ye Lin looked solemn.


"No, Endless Yin Mir, she gave me the information, but she was nowhere to be seen."

There are some traces of Rigel of Tomorrow in the end. It may be that there are special communication channels between time and space lords, and one is enough.

Damn it, am I not a time and space lord? Why don’t you tell me if there is news and treat me as an outsider?

"If you can't catch any fish, why don't you come and take a rest?" Mo Mei gently cared about her boss and complained, what you just said was really clever, wasn't it because one of them didn't take the bait?

"Then, I want a glass of sweet plum juice."

"Didn't eat pineapple."

"No, the original flavor of our plum is sweet."

Ye Lin suddenly made a silent gesture and raised his eyebrows. The fishing line in his hand finally moved, creating a strong drag force.

Someone is chasing the origin of darkness, and there is a lot of movement. From the depths of the end, there is an earth-shattering sound that shakes the eardrums.

"Although it is just a small fragment, it is not completely worthless." Deep in the depths, there was an ancient language whispering, and then a big hand with a rising breath grabbed the fragment.

In order to ensure that the origin of darkness is real enough, Ye Lin also gave the origin an appearance, but of course it was just a physical form.

The fragment is now in the shape of a human, with a slender body, a golden divine ring shining on its back, and a fur-collared coat that gives it a unique aura of a strong man.

The bait used by Ye Lin looks like Kahn...

"You are so casual with the apostles. The apostles are almost unable to stand on the stage of the universe." Ye Lin sighed, a little bit embarrassed.

Except for Kahn, Brother Wither, and Michelle who are still competing for the center of the stage, the other apostles are just barely staying on the edge of the stage. Master Di and Big Turtle have been completely ruined.

One lay down in Tabors to eat and drink well, while the other turned into a black and white bear, lazing around in the center of the subway, realizing the true meaning of life... This world is about appearance.

"Kahn" panicked, his body was corroded into tatters, and the aroma of his origin spread far away, attracting the jealousy of the final creature.

"Don't even think about running away!"

A huge eye suddenly opened, as if looking down at the world below at the mouth of a well. It is one of the top people in the end of time and space. The red demon body is as tall as a star, and has a realm beyond the peak, second only to the end of the world. The Lord is the second in command.

"You have a time and space thread on your body. Who is fishing for the end across time and space, using the apostles as bait." The terrifying red demonic body was stunned for an instant, and immediately a surge of anger and caution emerged at the same time.

Anyone who dares to fish for the future, and uses apostles as bait, must have a lot of background.

"What a waste of time. Is there any benefit to joining the terminal camp now? Are there any benefits?" Ye Lin spoke, holding the fishing rod, and using the divine power to isolate the red demon body from the outside world. , curiously asked: "Are you going to give me super powerful equipment? Is your Lord of the End a woman?"

Remember to join the Space Demon and get a set of colorful and powerful armor as a gift.


The red demonic body surged in an instant, and the head with eyes was as big as a planet, shooting out a stream of dead and decaying light. Each eye had terrifying power, causing the final time and space to tremble violently.

There is a mysterious being who sits unaffected in the end, places the fishing line in the past, and fishes across the distant time and space. Is it some god from the beginning?

Its name and shape are completely unknown and very unfamiliar.

Hiatt and the others were gearing up and leaving the secret world one after another. Without the blessing of space power, they might not be able to withstand the peak-level battle.

The war broke out fiercely and directly, with opposing natures and no nonsense words.

The second-in-command in the end is very strong, and it is estimated that his actual combat effectiveness should be slightly lower than that of his powerless brother, Michelle.

But with the blessing of a unique terminal environment, it can definitely give it a try.

Leiwodin gnawed across the breath, and the weapon tempered with the Chaos Magic Stone had a certain restraint effect on the end. He smashed the shoulder of the second-in-command and cut off a huge bloody piece of flesh.

Yuena's pretty face was cold, her murderous intent rose, and she wielded the holy spear Brionak with a slender figure. Behind her, Safir's image opened up a bright light and shouted: "Do malicious things and swallow the water of time." , cut off the vitality of the dimension, I can’t spare you.”

The teachings of the clergy are roughly divided into the holy light of mercy and mercy, and the holy flame of slaying evil.

Yuena now admits that sometimes something really doesn't deserve to be redeemed and deserves to die.

The holy spear Brionak has the ability to "definitely hit". Despite the overwhelming demonic power of the second-in-command at the end, he opened his mouth and swallowed the galaxy. He was suppressed by several strong attacks, and a big hole opened in the blood-red demonic body.

The number of high-level combat forces at the end is surprising, and messengers appear one after another, but it doesn’t matter much, there are more of us.

The second-in-command fought frantically for his life, changing his shape endlessly, affecting the long river of time, but all struggles were in vain. After joining forces, they smashed it to pieces.

Yuena took a deep breath, calmed down, and absorbed part of the purified energy.

Everyone had previously drawn lots to determine the order of who came first and who came last, and distributed them evenly.

The first one is Hiatt, the second one is Mo Mei, and the third one is her.

"Yue Na..." Mo Mei swallowed lightly, pointed behind her and said, "After absorbing the energy, your wings turned red."



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