Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2463: Good guess, don’t guess next time

Yuena's archangel wings are dazzlingly golden, but unlike other six-winged archangels, she only has one pair of wide wings.

The little chick lay lying flat in the Great Cathedral. Her archangel Metazo's representation had four pairs of eight wings in total, as many as the Eagle Brother.

Facts have proved that angel wings have nothing to do with responsibility~

After absorbing part of the power of the end, Yuena's aura became much stronger, and her wings also underwent earth-shaking changes. The bright golden feathers were covered with a dark red layer of destruction, like burning clouds, and lost part of their sacred and noble charm. .

"What's going on? My faith in God has never changed!" Yuena's heart jumped in panic. She hurriedly chanted a prayer and checked her own condition to see if she had accidentally been contaminated by something strange.

However, her overall condition is excellent now, her realm is slightly elevated, her thinking is clear, her body is slim, her face is radiant, her appearance is refined and unworldly, and she has an indescribable charm.

"There have been incidents of angels falling, such as Lucifer, the famous angel of chaos, and Agamemnon in the Valley of the Dead, but their wings are all black, and Agamemnon's wings are gone." Mavis He frowned and looked at the dark red wings, waving them gently, as if they could set off a storm that would destroy the world, much like the wings of Isis.

Lucifer was once a devout angel who believed in light. However, due to a series of changes, he fell to the earth. His golden wings turned into a depressed gray. He covered his eyes with an eyepatch, symbolizing that he no longer sees the false truth in the world, and will no longer go. Bask in the divine light.

It is said that if someone is in despair, anger, dissatisfaction with the light of God, and has to pray to God in pain, Lucifer, the angel of chaos, will descend in front of him.

There are also folk legends that when the angel who symbolizes light and vitality falls to the earth, he will embrace the goddess of death, change his belief, and become a fallen angel who summons endless destruction.

However, the two goddesses are actually best friends who poke fun at each other. They talk about everything and are as close as sisters... which may make the fallen angels very embarrassed.

There is a way of scolding the boss angrily, then jumping to another company, only to find out that the two companies have the same boss.

Ye Lin came back, carefully checked the dark red wings, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong, and said: "It should be just the influence of the terminal power. Glossy people are not necessarily good, and people with fierce faces are not necessarily evil. No. The question of how big it is, whether the power is good or evil, depends on the will of the user.”

Moreover, Yuena has also changed her mind a little now. She believes that blind compassion and compassion cannot save everyone. Some heinous people should be tied up and burned with fire. The burning sound will be sizzling. If there is no oil, it will not be enough for the people to be angry.

No wonder Lord Remidios has a holy book in one hand and a holy flame in the other. Yuena instantly realized it, and is now approaching this state.

She has both the cross of healing and mercy, and the holy spear of punishment. She can save those who can be saved, and kill those who can't be saved, Sinai.

After absorbing part of the energy of the second-in-command at the end, Yuena's golden angel wings seem to have taken on a new form, which is similar to the squinting holy flame in a sense, and the overall combat effectiveness is therefore a bit higher.

As Yuena sang the prayer devoutly, the red wings of apocalyptic destruction gradually turned into pure and soft white, and the sacred meaning bloomed again, filling the sky with brilliance.

"Wait a minute, yellow-faced woman, let me pluck out the hair." Yimi Wu was in high spirits, and the wings containing the will to destroy were so cool.

It's written in the story that the black transformation is three points stronger, similar to a super transformation.

Unfortunately, there is no final · little witch state yet.

"No, what are you thinking about?" Yuena replied casually, still feeling a little uneasy and unfocused.

If Sir Remi sees the strange behavior of Fei Yi, will he reprimand him and expel him from the school?

Yimiwu stretched out his hand and touched the broad wings and said: "Nonsense, don't you have them?"

The feel of the feathers on the palm seems to be the same as that of ordinary flying birds, but in fact it is extremely strong and cannot be removed by brute force alone.

"You said this." Yuena shook her wings slightly and dropped a doomsday feather. Let it be played with by you. Who told me to be your sister and pamper you.

Yuena is in good condition, and a new terminal state has been born. Her combat power has soared, and everyone is naturally happy. However, it is almost impossible to continue fishing. The disappearance of the second in command will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Lord of the End.

"Speaking of which, what if the Lord of the End destroys the Chaos Dimension?" Mo Mei asked.

The end is the end of time, everything loses its original meaning, and what will happen after that.

Held thought and said slowly: "The seemingly meaningless world corresponds to the ancient divine law... The universe was originally empty and chaotic, and the abyss was dark."

Therefore, a bold idea emerged in everyone's mind. Once the universe is destroyed, it will create a new chaotic environment, and the Lords of the End who still have the will will have the opportunity to compete for the supreme position of creation.

Destruction is creation, death is another new life.

Things must be reversed when they are extreme, and a certain extreme state is likely to give rise to the opposite.

Just like the yin-yang fish pattern, the two different-colored eyes are the essence of the yin-yang pattern.

Siatt suddenly had an idea, and said: "So to put it this way, Celia, who we call the dark side master's will, has been given destruction and despair in various civilizations, but may have unlimited vitality hidden there. ?”

Light does not save the world, and darkness does not destroy.

"I don't know." Ye Lin shook his head slightly and said seriously: "I started drinking her water before I got married. It tastes sweet and slightly sticky like honey. It tastes good, but I didn't notice it was like water of life. It works, how about I try it now?"

The girls were deep in thought, and then they all glared at Sugar Cane. Let's get down to business. Don't think about the color of pineapple pulp.

"Destroy the Lord of the End, and you may be able to find new information from the fragments of his spiritual consciousness." Siatt said.

At present, the destruction of a parallel dimension cannot give birth to the chaotic environment of the beginning.

If the Lord of the End wants to counterattack the river of time, destroy the dimension of chaos and then collide with the main river, the main dimension, they will definitely not agree.

"Wait for him to show up, then rob and kill him!" Ye Lin said loudly. The energy of the divine realm must be of great benefit to him.

"Well, I also have a new idea..." You Xia raised her hand weakly. She often showed an indifferent face to Ye Lin, looked at her with disgust, and rewarded Ye Lin in various ways.

But for the sisters who care about her and take care of her, Youxia is a lovely sister, and she never shows any expression.

"That is to say, the Lord of the End is so powerful because it is the product of the depletion of time, the collapse of elements, and the void of space. Do you think the most powerful Lord of the End has quietly entered a certain dimension? "

Youxia's inspiration came from the Demon World. When the Demon World was still traveling in the universe, whenever it approached a living planet, there would be powerful alien creatures trying to climb into the sky and fall into the Demon World.

Most of them were coldly killed by the first apostle Karn, and only a few who were afraid survived.

For example, Hiero, a monster from the planet Aiken with the ability to manipulate water, is actually a stowaway.


You Xia's guess made everyone change slightly. Although the aura of the final encroachment is very conspicuous and cannot be tolerated by the passage of time, it cannot be ruled out that they have special means to hide the aura.

Then look for Celia in the dimension, or other ways to become stronger, so that the "end" becomes unstoppable and a foregone conclusion.

"You Xia, you guessed well, don't guess again next time." Ye Lin took a breath of air, and the future that should not exist will become a reality.

The end that Memet saw seemed to be one revelation after another.

"This sounds incredible." Yimi Wu muttered, obviously the end has not come yet, but it seems that everything in the future has been determined.

Ye Lin said: "Perhaps in the eyes of Elena and the others, our appearance is also so incredible. Maybe the tragedy has already happened, and we are a variable that restarts time."



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