Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2589 The final prank

Biana used to skip classes, bet on horses, and indulge in all kinds of bad things, which got her into all sorts of troubles. She was as skinny as a mosquito at midnight in the summer, buzzing, but unable to catch her.

Lily secretly ran away to practice in the Wannian Snow Mountain. At that time, the Bantu tribe was still very exclusive and dangerous. She was trapped in the Liku patio and almost froze to death. However, Ye Lin "fished" her back with a pot of fragrant broth. .

Natya used to be one of Shallan's proud disciples. A few years ago, Shallan asked Natya to investigate a mysterious material "Signs of Disaster." However, Natya squatted in the Tower of Death and was unwilling to come back. .

Many adventurers who have practiced through the two towers of delusion and despair complained about a girl who drank a blood halberd with a broken soul, which was very painful and very strong. Later, she was dragged back by Ye Lin.

Wanzi blasted through the school laboratory gorgeously and skipped school. Bailey was doing better. Apart from sleeping in class, there were no other problems... He was very energetic as soon as get out of class was over.

Principal Shalan looked at Mintai with extremely tender and loving eyes. Mintai was her sweetheart. She was gentle, hard-working and well-behaved. She was afraid of melting it when she held it in her mouth, and she was afraid of falling when she held it in her hand.

"Tch~ partial, huh."

Natya made a grimace to the teacher, and then took Bayana to the examination room. Let's go. Today is the magic level test, and tomorrow is the written test.

There is definitely some partiality among teachers. Adults all like good children, but teachers are not the kind who lose their basic principles.

The specific manifestation is that he often praises Mintai, and then scolds their team for doing nothing, wrong, causing all kinds of troubles, and being restless.

Well, it doesn't matter, after all, they cause trouble every day.

"Mintai, why did you come here? Didn't you give me a guarantee?" Natya asked curiously.

"I want to test my results and then send them back to the Bantu tribe, so that the results of my several years of study can be expressed more intuitively to the tribesmen."

"Hmm, we may not be as good as you in writing papers, but that's not necessarily the case in magic tests."

"Mintai, after the exam, how about we go to the Wannian Snow Mountain to play together during the summer vacation? Hedunmar is so hot."

"It's no problem, it's just..."

Mintai recalled that in the twelfth lunar month of last year, Natya and the others were wrapped in quilts like silkworm chrysalis, refusing to get up. At that time, they said deeply that summer was great, with cold drinks, ice cream, and air conditioning.

It is a very classic saying: think about winter in summer, miss summer in winter, and wish it was spring all year round.


The scorching hot weather is an uncomfortable restriction for the dark elves who are accustomed to living in the cool underground, especially their sexy and beautiful dark wheat-colored skin, which has a unique charm, but they also hate the sun.

Principal Shalan pushed open the door to the principal's office. The cool air that hit her face was pleasant and refreshing. She smiled at Ye Lin who was following behind her and said, "I came to Bellemare to open a school and establish a magic association under Meia's instructions. It's almost time. It’s been ten years, and then, almost every year, we’re sending off our graduating class.”

The principal has a graceful figure and a magnetic and warm voice. As a West Coast high-collared flower of age who is as famous as Alice, the days she spent in Belle Mare can only be regarded as a fraction of her age of more than 500 years.

In other words, these yellow-haired girls, whose combined age is almost not as big as her hips, how can they be so sad about parting.

"Look at what you said. You describe yourself as having a heart of stone." Ye Lin teased. It is obviously soft but also very warm. It is an ancient hot heart.

"Life is about saying goodbye constantly, not just to people, but also to things, and I don't mean anything in particular."

Principal Sha Lan has rich experience and outstanding knowledge. She has said goodbye to graduates several times and her psychological quality is still very good.

Although I don't want to let go of those lively girls, and I can't bear it, people have to look forward, and those naughty girls will not be happy to squat in the school all the time.


On her usual office desk were a bouquet of delicate and beautiful flowers, a large gift box wrapped in red silk, and a postcard on the side.

"To dear teacher Shalan!" 』

There are also simple portraits of several people drawn below, drawn by Bailey. She has quite a talent for drawing.

Ye Lin smiled and said, "I took them to a place not long ago and made some money. It should be a gift they bought for you together."

"West Coast Racecourse?"

"Where is it? Goblin Planet. If you want to know, we... will talk about it later~"

Principal Shalan held up the flowers, her beautiful eyes were one part charming and one part angry. I have to invigilate the exam later, so I don’t have time to do all those things with you.

It's not easy for these little guys to still remember how good she is.

With her slender fingers, she untied the red ribbon that bound the gift. As soon as she took off the lid, a GBL totem mask rushed over, slightly startling Shalan. She patted her chest and took a deep breath.

These ghost girls are playing pranks one after another.

After the initial fright, there was a postcard behind the mask that said... "This is the last prank~"

At the bottom of the box, there is a necklace set with large celestial pearls, and an evening dress made of high-end-looking fabrics.

Principal Shalan pursed her sexy plump lips, and there was a faint glimmer of light in her eyes...

"I was touched. Otherwise, let them repeat the grade."


"What about you, don't you want to give the teacher a gift?" Principal Shalan sat lazily on the principal's chair, with charming curly hair and charming little movements.

"But I'm not your student." Ye Lin pretended to be naive.

"Nonsense, I haven't given you enough oral education?"

Ye Lin pondered, it was indeed a good thing. The principal was very sincere about his education, and his lip gloss was often worn away. It was a hard work, so how could he not repay him in return?

So Sugarcane raised his hand and conjured up a cold popsicle. Well, it's hot outside, so I'd like to eat a popsicle to cool down.

"It's cool in the principal's office, who's going to eat your popsicles?" Shalan rolled her eyes at him. The exam time is coming soon, and I won't talk to you anymore.

“If you don’t want to eat cold food, there are also hot ones!”

"Senior, come on!"

Among the younger students who were watching, Lingling, who was newly admitted last year, was waving from the stands.

Although the senior students are about to graduate, Sister Mintai is still in school, and she has also made some new friends in the same grade.

Lingling wore pink twintails and wore a student uniform. She was young, youthful, and righteous, but she was really proud and complacent. Many little boys nearby blushed and their hearts beat.

Bayana + Lily + Natya + Bailey + Wanzi... together, they are probably not as good as the new Ling Ling.

Natya waved his hand to Ling Ling in the stands to show his understanding, then clenched his fists and said unwillingly: "Taking risks, traveling light, winning with speed, useless fat will only add to the burden of life."

"Yes, yes." Beyana nodded fiercely, and out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly spotted two familiar figures on the stands.

Aunt Katie, the eldest sister of Niwu.

And it's not just them. If you look carefully, you can see Xiao Su, Yimi Wu, Siatt sisters, the proprietress of the Moonlight Tavern... they are all here to watch the fun.

The stands were bustling with people, including people from various organizations. The magic test was open to the public and was also the thought of Principal Shalan.

Students who perform well may receive an invitation letter from an organization as soon as the two-day exam is over.

Magicians are still quite rare in the human race on the continent of Arad.

Bayana's mouth twitched slightly, and then she immediately put her hands on her hips. I may not be good at writing papers, but in actual combat, there is no problem at all.

Principal Shalan arrived with a touch of lip gloss, her figure under the dress was graceful and graceful, and the already hot temperature seemed to suddenly have an extra layer of mental heat.

With a magnetic voice, Principal Sha Lan delivered an opening speech, recognizing and encouraging the students for their efforts and future, and then announced the start of the exam.

The elegant and beautiful flower of the dark elf high mountains, mature and charming from top to bottom, with lotus steps, attracted the warm attention of many people.

Principal Shalan kept a decent and charming smile on her face, but secretly scolded Ye Lin bloody.

Is that band-aid really waterproof? Can it last until the end of the exam? Why does it feel like it won't seal? She doesn't dare to walk fast at all.

Popsicles cost one yuan each, they are cheap and affordable, and they are sold in every store.

Principal Shalan's eyes were as charming as silk, the heat between her lips gradually melted the ice cubes, and her lips and tongue were sharp. I ate the popsicle and felt astringent.

"Principal~" Sugar Cane begged, please stop torturing Popsicle.

Shalan bit down a piece of crushed ice with her teeth, making a squeaking sound that made Sugar Cane tremble. Then she knelt down and sat down on her knees. When she raised her head, she was surprised and praised her.

This is much bigger than a one-dollar popsicle, so it should cost at least five yuan.

The charming and sexy lip gloss and the cold crushed ice make Gan Cane's scalp numb and unable to control himself.

After receiving some verbal education from Principal Sha Lan, Ganzhi gasped for air and felt that his bone marrow had been drained out.

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