Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2590: Approximately equal to two Yimiwu

When the magic school was still located on the west coast, the magic test consisted of a magic level test and a battle with spiritual creatures of similar strength.

The former, as the name suggests, is to test the students' realm.

As for spiritual creatures, they are basically bull-headed giant beasts, lions, tigers, leopards, wolves and other ferocious beasts. They are enemies created by Principal Shalan using magic.

The rapid changes in real battles are far from being described in textbooks. It is the so-called understanding on paper that it is only superficial.

Therefore, the goal of the assessment test is not to defeat the spirit creature, but to be able to hold on for a few minutes. If you meet the standard, you will pass and have a second chance to challenge.

A metaphor for learning a lesson.

Most of the graduates were beaten into disgrace at this level, thus putting aside the excitement and arrogance of the graduates and gaining valuable vigilance.

Learning to be vigilant and respect your enemies in future life will definitely bring you all the benefits and no harm.

There are very few students who can defeat spirit enemies, and it is even rarer for students to defeat spirit enemies forcefully.

Luo Lian, the former narcissistic chief graduate, was outstanding. Luo Lian's graduation exam challenged five spirits of the same level.

But this year's graduation exam is different from the past. The test environment will be more realistic, and the lifelike fantasy world was constructed by Ye Lin.

Because it was not his field of expertise, Principal Shalan went to great lengths to persuade Ye Lin to help. Her knees were red and her desk was covered with water.

The magic power test is very simple. It is to use your own magic power to bombard a forbidden magic stone, and determine the current tester's magic power level based on the color change of the stone.

The minimum requirement, red color, means professional.

All students who graduate from magic schools are professionals at the lowest level.

Shalan also hopes that the Summoning Lineage of the Demon Realm, the Demonology Lineage, the Battle Mage Lineage, and the Dark Moon Goddess Lineage can be turned into a subject that can be studied in school.

But these subjects must have excellent teachers, which is a more difficult problem. If there is no human connection, why would the superior leaders of the demon world give her face.

Principal Shalan held her forehead, and it seemed that she still had to find Ye Lin... But when she thought of that sugar cane, she became very angry, loving and angry at the same time.

The waterproof band-aid under the evening gown is no longer able to seal.

Forced in every sense of the word, the principal closed his eyes and quietly used magic to temporarily seal them.

If you only seal it for one day, you probably won't get pregnant.


A tall boy struck with all his strength, and his magic power surged, turning a huge forbidden magic stone in front of him into deep red. This meant that he had achieved some success in the professional realm and was expected to become a high-level professional.

The parents in the stands looked satisfied and applauded their children.

Many spectators in the stands also nodded secretly. Although they couldn't compare with the most perverted adventurer, this kind of talent was already good, and the future was promising.

Many old and powerful people occasionally sigh. The adventurer and his team are poking holes in the demon world and arresting the apostles. I am afraid they are already powerful people who have transcended their cognitive level.

This level of magic test basically gives you points. Being able to pass the test and enter the magic school already represents a good talent.

As long as you are not a bastard who has been ignorant and incompetent for several years, and you put a little effort into it, there will be no problem in breaking through to the realm of a professional.

One by one, the students, Bailey, Lily, and Natya, all lazily played the color of sky blue, which meant that they had broken through the realm of the awakened ones.

The audience in the stands became slightly commotion and began to talk. Their eyes were very fiery when they looked at them. Their faces were so young and they were actually strong men at the awakening level. The quality of this batch of graduates was a bit high.

Some organizations, big families, have already thought of throwing out invitations.

It was Biana's turn to stare at the forbidden magic stone in front of her that was taller than herself. The texture was very rough and could swallow up the magic power from outside.

The armor mixed with its stone powder can defend against some low-level magic.

Aunt Katie and Sister Niwu were all there, looking at her.

Oh hehe hehe... Today I will let you see the results of my cultivation. I am now super strong and you should be impressed by it.

"Come here, take my Fangtian Painted Halberd!"


Natya, who had already completed the test, was very cooperative and respectfully presented Biana's special weapon, the Gu-slaying Spear. The slender spear body and spear head were very conspicuous, and the total length was two meters and eighty-five meters, which was about the same as two little witches.

"Ah scared~"


The huge and solid Forbidden Demon Stone was directly torn into pieces by a smashing attack. Stone fragments flew into the air, and the violent destructive power shocked the entire audience.

Biana poked the Gu-killing spear into the ground, put her hands on her hips and looked proud. Was there any cheers from the audience?

"Girl, give me back the tears I shed because of the gift you gave me." Principal Shalan's expression remained unchanged, and she cursed in her heart.

It's for you to test the level of magic in your body. Who asked you to use a weapon to hit it? It's going to make your skin itchy again, right?

The teacher in charge of administering the test also rolled his eyes. He seemed to be familiar with Biana. He raised his hand and gave her a shudder on the head.

We teachers were quite sentimental at first, so we knew that you were a restless living treasure who could still leave some memories.

"Isn't it just the Forbidden Demon Stone? I'll pay for the price of this piece." Biana spent a lot of money, it was just a small amount of three melons and two dates, and we didn't care much about it anymore.

On the other side, Lily counted with her fingers, shrugged and said: "We share the goblin money equally. Beyana has not been conscious about spending money recently. At her rate, she will have to borrow money in two weeks at most. .”



"Does anyone want a cool and delicious ice cream or popsicle? Apple, orange, matcha, durian...there are many flavors."

Kanina, who is very sensitive to money-making opportunities, has a large white foam box suspended in the air in front of her, which contains her own homemade products and some wholesale cold products.

The reason why the foam box is suspended is Da Keer's enchantment technique.

There was a large magic spell above the audience stage to block the blazing sunshine, but because of the large number of spectators gathered, the temperature was still quite hot, and cold food was very popular.

Not only Kanina, but also some children were selling cold drinks, small boxes of cut fruits, etc.

"Adventurer, would you like one~" Kanina's smile was pure and bright, generous and generous. Many viewers were willing to take care of the business, and the price was only a little more expensive than outside.

Kanina's bubble box seems to have endless ice cream. She walked around the audience stand and it was still full.

"You should also take care of the business." Kanina squeezed directly next to Ye Lin, first gave Siatt and the others a piece of ice cream, and then sat down on the ice cream box, leaving no room for them.

Before Ye Lin could ask, Kanina nuzzled at the children selling cold goods and said, "They are the sewer princess, bah, the children found by Paris, the backstreet princess, and I provide business opportunities."

Kanina has the habit of making snacks and pastries in the coffee shop. Occasionally if they are not sold out on the same day and Da Keer can't finish them, she will package them and put them on the streets of the slums.

She accurately captured the business opportunity of the graduation exam, and then happened to meet Paris and Ke Linjie who were returning home after get off work, and shared it.

It is difficult to make a fortune by making a lot of money today, but by selling fruit ice cream cold drinks, it is still possible to earn a luxury pocket money for ordinary children, and even subsidize the family a little.

Corinjie had a silent epiphany in the Great Cathedral of Remedia, and after getting rid of Ozma's blood curse, she finally chose to return to the backstreets and bought her original home on the backstreets.

That rotten alcoholic father was buried long ago, and now Colinjie, Paris, and Louis live together in the backstreet area.

Lucille, the arson girl, once went to find Colin Jie with a cold face. After an afternoon, she left the back street with a slightly relieved expression.

Of course, according to a certain convention, Lucille left a cruel message, "If I know that you do evil again, I will definitely kill you."

"How about it, am I very kind? I originally planned to book the place." Kanina sipped a glass of juice with ice through a straw and tilted her head to look at Ye Lin.

"Yes, you are so kind and cute."

After Ye Lin praised her seriously, Kanina felt a little embarrassed.

"Kanina, did Da Keer give you something to drink..."

"Huh? She gave me a lot of things to drink." (End of Chapter)

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