Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2601 The exam will be meaningless without cheating

Watching Ophelia gently close the door and leave, the curator, who knew all about sugar cane, gave him a charming look helplessly and dotingly.

Her fingers coated with purple nail polish put down the pen that she had been writing on half a minute ago, and simply took care of the scattered hair around her neck. A seductive blush appeared on her cheeks.

The reason why the Curator ranks first in the combat power rankings is that he is temporarily ranked first when Naiyali and Pushya are not reflected.

In addition to companionship time, excessive pampering of him is also a very important reason.

Hiatt and the others will justly express that they are not interested for the time being, that they have something to do and don't want to wash the sheets, so you can find someone else to do it.

Basically, only the curator responded to his requests, and he met the standards anytime and anywhere.

Of course, the choice of venue cannot be too extreme. Balconies, libraries, and even picnics are all suitable. Shopping malls and streets where people come and go, even if there is invisibility and still time, are not allowed.

"What new discoveries have you made?" The curator is always so gentle, considerate and considerate.

She didn't act like a woman who wanted to improve her combat effectiveness, but rather an excellent listener and a virtuous wife... Although the curator knew very well that he couldn't run away, he still had to do what he had to do.

"Yes, but not many. The phenomenon of multiple personality splits is too rare. Brother Tuo only split into two."

"There is a psychiatric hospital in heaven."

"Then I might as well just go study bubbles~"

As he said that, Ye Lin sat next to the curator. Because the borrowed room was a classroom and facing the blackboard, the two of them felt like they were classmates.

Moreover, the hands of both of them were making sneaky little movements. Sugarcane was greedy for the plump and soft thighs of the curator, while the curator was "spurring the growth". The growth was gratifying, but it was also very hot.

On the other side, Ophelia stayed with Principal Shallan for about fifteen minutes before leaving. They all had a common and firm idea of ​​​​for the students' tomorrow, so the topic was interesting and the discussion was quick.

The lights had been turned off in the classroom where the multiple personality believers were being treated just now. Ophelia thought that the guardian and the curator had left, but the subtle whispers and the scraping of tables and chairs in the classroom still attracted Ophelia's attention. .

This class is for junior students who have already gone on vacation. Some careless student did not close the curtains, leaving a gap that can be stared at... Ophelia subconsciously took a look.

Oh my god, this is knowledge I have never seen before.

The bright moonlight is diluted by the curtains. When the lights are not turned on, the light in the classroom is dim and unclear, but it is still possible to barely see, and the outlines of tables and chairs can be distinguished.

The source of the creaking sound inside, the curator's snow-white skin is like a bright moon in the sky... This is forbidden knowledge that is not stored in the GBL teaching library, and it is just performed in front of him.

It turns out that when the curator knelt down, she was not necessarily praying for the Blue Truth, nor was she necessarily in rhythm when she sang~

It’s not necessarily a belt that tightens around Sugarcane’s waist.

All the relevant knowledge about Ophelia was told to her orally by female believers.

She also read the curator's travel notes about the demon world, and learned some knowledge of demonology. This process between the guardian and the curator can be called... the artificial human Homonkuluzi.


On the last day of exams at the magic school, Bayana's exam room was replaced by a new invigilator, a middle-aged and serious female teacher.

After the test papers were distributed, good student Mintai briefly glanced at the test papers. He was roughly confident and immediately picked up a pen and scratch paper to take the final test.

Mintai planned to wait until the exam was over and the results were announced, then go back to the Wannian Snow Mountain, and then come back to prepare for a higher level of magic learning.

While she is Principal Shallan's magical assistant, she is also a student and will conduct academic exchanges with schools in Vanness and the Dros Empire.

The ocean of magic is endless and the knowledge she has learned is just a glass of water.

Bayana held her forehead and gritted her teeth again. The subject she hated the most was here!

Geopolitics, Chinese and mathematics are important carriers for the continuation of civilization, but they are not the focus of magic schools.

In fact, Ye Lin has read all the graduation examination questions. They are not too difficult. The questions and answers on geography and politics are all in the textbooks. Basically, they will not beat around the bush to give you questions.

They all ask you clearly about something in a certain year, what kind of influence it had, etc.

There are many schools for intensive language training, but they have nothing to do with magic schools.

Ye Lin had also read the math questions in advance, and they were probably the first grade difficulty level at Tianjie School.

But it still stumped Beyana, Natya and others. Because of Wanzi's career as a magician, he was more sensitive to numbers, so his math scores were always passing.

A few guys were complained by Ye Lin. If you were given a copy of Advanced Mathematics from Heaven, or Dr. Gina's notes and manuscripts, it would be no different from reading a Heavenly Book, and it would be even harder than breaking through to a higher realm.

Biana is quite good at geometric figures and has talent. She carefully wrote the questions she could write, and then wrote "Solution: Known..." in the answers to some big questions.

He put down the pen and sighed deeply.

My life is at an end~!

This question is full of dazzling numbers, letters, and symbols. When piled together, it is harder to understand than a magic circle, and your head will explode.

Mathematics is sincere and honest, and everyone is treated equally. If you can’t do it, you can’t.

Unlike text questions, you can even cobble together a few sentences based on the meaning of the question, and you might even get some points.

Outside the school, a shy-looking Niu, Katie, and Mailu were eating desserts in a shop.

Aunt Katie's dressing sense has always been elegant and a little sexy. Her green top has long sleeves and is conservative. The hem of the dress is very long and falls to the subtle part of her thighs. She wears a pair of stockings.

The skirt on her lower body is very short, and the length of the skirt is not even as long as the hem of her top, giving people the illusion that she is wearing pants.

The tattoo artist Niwu is youthful and energetic, and her girl-next-door style is very relatable, but her clothing taste cannot be complimented. She wears her jack-o-lanterns all day long, tightly wrapped, and is often complained about that she doesn’t look like a girl at all.

Early this morning, under the strong recommendation of Mailu and Yin Miwu, Niwu changed into a knee-length silk floral skirt. Mailu picked it, which was youthful and elegant, and matched Niwu's personal temperament very well.

"I feel like my butt is so cold~" Niu clasped her legs together, her cheeks slightly red.

There is air conditioning in the store, but there is no wind, so it will be chilly.

Mailu sipped the dessert and asked in a low voice: "Niwu, are you not wearing safety pants?"

The first thing to know when living in a manor is to wear safety pants when wearing skirts.

Although Ganzhe said that tight safety pants can easily outline the curves of fat and are also super astringent~

"I'm wearing it, but it feels like I'm not wearing it."

Niwu rarely wears skirts, and she is particularly uncomfortable with it. She can't even think of wearing a miniskirt like Xiao Su's.

If it weren't for Beyana's exam, she wouldn't have taken to the streets.

Mailu said: "Just get used to it slowly. Besides, it's summer and you wear bloomers. Don't you feel hot?"

"No, I am a transcendent and ignore the temperature difference. I really want to go home and change it."

"Uh...your senior brother likes skirts very much."

Firstly, it looks good, and secondly, it is easier for him to lick the water.


"Beyana Beyana, I'm Lily, please answer if you hear me."

Beyana, who was holding her chin in a daze, suddenly became excited when Lily's voice came to her mind~

"I'm Maruko, where are Natya and Bailey."

"here I am."

"I am here."

"There's only half an hour left. Let's check which questions you are confident about and which questions you are not sure about."

Everyone has always learned the secret technique of sound transmission, but because they are not very proficient in it, they can only use it when the opponent is within sight.

Last night, there was finally new progress in the use of the secret technique of sound transmission. As long as you carry the magic mark made by Wanzi, you can transmit sound more accurately across the wall.

So, in the last half hour of intense excitement, a few students exchanged answers in a lively manner.

Except for good students like Mintai, who are excellent in subjects, they don't need it. If you don't experience this thrilling, surprising and exciting feeling of cheating during the exam, your student life will definitely be imperfect. a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and join Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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