Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2602 Floating

In the last half hour of the last exam, Beyana and the others, who finally seized the opportunity to cheat, appeared calm and composed on the surface, but secretly they were chatting enthusiastically and answering each other's questions.

The sisters have a deep love, learn from each other's strengths, and support each other's team spirit, which they vividly demonstrated in the examination room.

The answers to multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions should be answered correctly first. If you are confident about the big questions that cannot be written later, read them out bit by bit. Regardless of whether they are correct or not, at least fill up the answer area first.

Even if you make a mistake, there may still be steps.

Biana looked at her filled-in test paper, and a proud sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously, and she lamented in a low voice: "It's a pity. It would be great if I could master the more profound secrets of spiritual projection."

They can now only use voice to communicate spiritually, and higher-level secret techniques can project the scene they are looking at into another person's mind.

In that case, cheating will be faster, which is equivalent to taking someone else's test paper and copying it directly.

Natya's anxious mood was now as calm as a salted fish. All the questions were filled up, and the exam was almost over. Digu said: "It's a pity that Bayana didn't learn the ability to refract."

The maker, Luke, used the optical power on the Silent City to refract light to form visual deception, hiding a huge city reaching the sky, almost perfectly.

Even the bad woman Held didn't notice.

Later, after being learned by Ye Lin, he openly used it to peek at Mai Lu and others' thighs and short skirts, promoting the bad culture of safety pants.

Beyana and Mintai are candidates in the same classroom. If she knew a little about refraction, she could easily copy the answers of top students, and her accuracy would be much higher.

What a pity, what a pity~

In fact, if Beyana and the others were more pious before the exam, toasted a glass of wine, and worshiped Mintai as their adoptive mother~ Mintai was a soft-hearted person, so there was a high probability that he would secretly help them.

But Beyana still has some conscience and consciousness in her heart. Cheating is not a good thing, so she shouldn't affect Mintai, who has been designated as the chief graduate.

In the last few minutes of the examination room, Mintai carefully checked his test paper. His ethereal and bright face was as beautiful as water roses. Beyana and the others were already chatting enthusiastically.

They agreed to go back and pack their luggage later, go out to have a meal, and then think about planning the adventure team.

Natya said: "Lily, Bailey, and I are going to move to the North Campus first. You two should live with your brother and sister-in-law, or live with us."

Beyana was stunned for a moment, then was shocked: "North campus? Isn't that still a school? You three are going to continue your studies like Mintai? ... Leave two beds for us."

Something is wrong, something is very wrong.

The results of the three of them are not that good, and their active minds don't seem to be able to endure loneliness.

"We will definitely continue our studies and practice. After we graduate, we need to find a place to live. It happens that there is a vacant house in the school, and the rent is cheaper than renting outside. We will pay the rent later."

Natya sighed, as if she had suddenly matured by ten years, and said that just because she graduated, she could have fun as much as she wanted.

An adventurous life does not mean wandering around outside all the time. There are many things that will cost you money in the future.

Although I made a small fortune on the Goblin Planet, this kind of opportunity to get rich suddenly is rare, and I still have to be careful in life.

"Moreover, we were just too excited. The exam results haven't been released yet, and we haven't planned the route for our adventure. Then..."

"Master, I understand. It's because I'm not prepared enough. Stop reading it~" Biana rolled her eyes, her hair drooping.

Jingle bell bell~

The end-of-exam bell sounded throughout the campus, and Biana's hair stood up the moment she heard the sound, and her excitement was beyond words.

Oh yeah, it's finally over!

The teacher collected the test papers and sealed them, announced the end of the exam, and then told each class to go back to their respective classes and there were still some last things to arrange.

The head teacher of Bayana's class was Principal Shalan. Later, due to Shalan's busy schedule, she changed her teacher.

The class teacher informed me that the time to receive the results would be the same day as the graduation ceremony. Graduation photos would then be taken, and this year's best graduate would be born.

The photos of the top graduates will be hung on the school's wall of honor, and they will always be commended.

A few years ago, there were no cameras in the Arad continent, and the chief graduate of each class had his or her portrait printed using magical abilities.

When Luo Lian came back for a visit, Principal Shalan specially took a supplementary photo.

Luo Lian said at that time that she would give me half a day to put on makeup. Her photos were for future junior students to admire and appreciate, so they had to be carefully prepared.

Among all the chief graduates, I was also the most beautiful one.

Then the impatient Principal Shalan held her down and took a photo without makeup. If you keep showing off your beauty here, believe it or not, I will mosaic it for you and note that the student is disfigured.

"So, you are already on vacation completely!" The head teacher made the final announcement and breathed a sigh of relief.


There was a moment of cheering, and then everyone packed up their things.

Some classmates reluctantly hugged each other, and then distributed classmate books and wrote down each other's detailed addresses. If there is a chance in the future, we will see each other again.

"Why don't I feel so uncomfortable? I'm too cold-blooded." Beiana said.

In fact, my best friends can form a team after graduation, which dilutes the sadness of parting.

Maybe one night in the future, I will suddenly recall this time in my dream, and wake up feeling extremely disappointed and uncomfortable for a while.


Parents who already had students couldn't wait to enter the campus, asking about their children's exams and physical conditions with concern, and helping to pack their luggage, all with happy and bright smiles on their faces.

Bayana suggested: "Let's go eat seafood fried noodles again?"

"The seafood fried noodle shop is closed for business today. If you're not busy, come and help us move to the dormitory." Natya shook his head. Although the space props given by Ye Lin are super convenient, cleaning and decorating the room still take a lot of time. of.

The temperature in Hetton Mar was very hot, and the sunlight was like red-hot iron. Biana said we would talk about it in the evening. She was just about to sit down and rest for a while, but she was burned by the marble flower bed and flew up with a "ouch".

"Biana, balls, this way, this way."

At the school gate, Elf Katie waved with a smile, and Monica from the library also came.

Although these two girls are as skinny as fleas and often make people angry and want to beat them up, they are still children of their own organization after all. At this important moment, it is natural to express condolences.

Bayana was full of energy and said with a smile: "Auntie wants to treat us to dinner. I will move with you later. Where is Mintai, call her."

Someone inviting me to dinner? !

Natya and others, who were originally feeling a little sad because of the farewell to their classmates, instantly became energetic and their eyes gleamed.

You can have sex for free!

With a gentle smile on her lips, Katie raised her hand and gave Biana a blow to her head. If she calls her aunt again, believe it or not, I will shave off your stupid hair.

Beyana called Mintai, who was still in the class, and her schoolmate Lingling's family's circus was performing in Xu Zu. Lingling wouldn't be able to go back for a while, so she planned to borrow the space of Ye Lin's family. The door was only for one use, so I didn't leave at school.

"Senior, how did you feel about the exam?" Lingling still admired the seniors.

"Oh, it's just so-so, it should be fine." Biana patted her flat chest with a proud face, which surprised Katie and Niu.

Oops, why is this girl so confident all of a sudden? She's so weird.

Biana's eyes fell on Ling Ling's face, then moved down to her plump and exaggerated chest, frowning and said: "Why do you have so much fat? It's okay if my brother sees it."

"Oh, sister Niwu, you are actually wearing a skirt, you are very beautiful."

"Director Monica, you look beautiful today."

After taking the exam, Beyana obviously seemed to be floating, and her ponytails were full of flying air~

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