Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2637 Shall I leave?

next day

A sunny day should be a sunny day, a rainy day should be a rainy day, with bursts of rain and bursts of sunshine. The frequent changes back and forth make people who like one kind of weather feel particularly uncomfortable.

Luo Lian walked slowly, wearing a blue pleated long skirt that was slim and demure. She slowly sat down at the dining table covered with a white tablecloth and slowly spread a little blueberry jam on the freshly baked soft bread.

The blue dress was handmade by herself in the Green Witch Forest. The cutting and stitching were all exquisite.

Sometimes the green witch Ingrid goes out and doesn't want to stay in the forest. She will use magic to create a cold substitute, put on this blue witch dress, and guard the witch forest for her.

The process of Luo Lian enjoying breakfast showed the quiet temperament and elegant etiquette of a lady, which was very pleasing to the eye.

Bayana, who was devouring the food, blinked, clicked her tongue a few times, and mocked: "Lorian, will this kind of action make the bread you eat turn into two pieces in your stomach?"

"It's an adult's etiquette, so don't nag a kid if you don't understand it." Luo Lian rolled her eyes in return, "You think I want to keep moving in slow motion, it's not because I'm feeling unwell."

Yesterday she received one of the seven virtues, humility, from Venus, the goddess of beauty, but in the evening she lost one of the seven virtues, chastity.

Biana immediately stared back with wide eyes and said, "I'm an adult."


Luo Lian's narcissism and beauty problem recurred again. She raised her hand and brushed her hip-length golden hair. She puffed up her chest and said with pride, "You're a sure little brat. The best you can do in this school." junior high school."

On the board... nails?

Beyana tilted her head and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean? I hate people who tell lies."

Ye Lin raised his hand to create a wooden board and stroked the smooth surface with his palm.

Then the two iron nails were hammered in, leaving only two nails slightly protruding from the surface of the smooth wooden board. The symbolism is vivid and suitable for most people in the demon world.

So that's it. Bayana was slightly annoyed. She grabbed a bun and threw it at Luo Lian. What's the use of being so big? You're just giving others an advantage.

Halfway through the flight of the bun, Astra swooped down and swallowed it into his stomach with satisfaction.

"Don't waste food." Niwu hit her on the head. Next time you throw food around, I will throw you out.

Siatt and the others raised their eyebrows slightly, thinking that Luo Lian would be depressed. Now they look good in all aspects, and they even put on very beautiful and delicate makeup early in the morning.

Luo Lian made an appointment with Ye Lin last night to meet her parents today.

Yuena said: "We are going to visit the western fortress of the old city."

Previously, the Demon Realm team said that there were still many wandering undead there, all of which retained the iron-blooded murderous aura of those on the battlefield, and were extremely fierce.

Although there are clergy churches in the western area of ​​Hutton Mar, such as the second-level Remedian Bell Tower, they have not purified the western fortress.

Yuena guessed that this might be done deliberately. The souls of those who died in the battle would not leave the western fortress on their own initiative. In other words, they were basically harmless to the common people and were within a controllable range.

It is also possible that the bell tower did not take it into consideration. After all, the second-tier bell tower is notoriously poor and has to rely on the support of churches in other parishes every year to barely survive.

Cleaning a city of undead requires a lot of manpower and consumables.


The Conaro family's mansion is very close to the school, dozens of miles away, and it is the city after passing through a small town.

The mansion is located in the best part of the country. It has a gorgeous architectural style and imitates Hutton Mar's pure white color style.

"I want to play a game. Don't show up first. Wash the car. Then I want to see the family's reaction."

Luo Lian stood up, smoothed the messy blue skirt, frowned, and vomited directly into the flower bed next to her. After being cured by Yuena, she was now alive and well, and her combat power was now nine.

Cornaro Manor is located in the center of the city. Count Cornaro is the mayor here and the governor of many nearby regional lords. He is a veritable dignitary of the principality.

Some people were envious and jealous of the Earl, but they also admired him.

When the principality became a puppet state of Dros and the queen's rights were divided between three members, Count Cornaro was a staunch supporter of the queen. Who would have thought that the principality would one day rise to power.

Luo Lian calculated silently, when was the last time I went home? It was a week ago, and the last time was probably two or three years ago. I have always been in the devil world.

She was actually not excited about going home, because the Conaro family's family tradition was very strict, and she was an only child. Growing up, she had been placed on too high expectations, and all kinds of rules and regulations made her irritating.

Later, Luo Lian couldn't bear it anymore and heard that there was a magic school run by dark elves on the west coast.

Luo Lian found an opportunity and ran away directly to learn her favorite magic, and successfully entered and graduated with high talent.

Luo Lian walked towards the castle of the Cornaro family proudly. My choice of sneaking away to learn magic now seems to be extremely correct.

Now this lady is an origin-level powerhouse, one of the few in the continent of Arad, not to mention that I still have the opportunity to go one step further, a transcendent person that many practitioners cannot touch and know in their lifetime.

"Lorian, you are back, but your friends were not invited to visit." Mrs. Cornaro smiled from the bottom of her heart in a gentle and maternal way, and touched her daughter's face.

When Luo Lian left a week ago, she only used the excuse that a friend came to hang out with her. She didn't say who the friend was at all. She was full of rebellion.

"They still have important things to deal with, so they didn't come over. Where is our powerful Count Cornaro, not at home today?" Luo Lian joked, hearing that there was a place that was noisy.

When she came back last week, the earl, her father, happened to be on a tour of the territory.

"At home. Luo Lian, you came back just in time. Today is an academic seminar, and there are many high-class nobles and celebrities as guests."

Mrs. Cornaro is not only a noble lady with elegant etiquette, but also a knowledgeable scholar with extraordinary conversation and considerable attainments in history and Chinese.

In order to improve the literacy rate of civilians, Mrs. Cornaro discussed and researched with a group of scholars and created a more convenient literacy method, which was praised and commended by Queen Skadi.

"There are many guests at home? I am not a scholar who studies academics. I am a magician." Luo Lian raised her eyebrows as she followed, and an intuition arose in her heart.

"There are many young, promising and handsome young people here too."

Although my Luo Lian is not very old, only in her twenties, she takes this opportunity to meet everyone first and leave an impression, so that if there is a suitable person in the future, we can get along slowly and slowly.

Mrs. Cornaro also secretly blamed you. You ran away when you were a teenager. You ran away for many years without looking back. Many people are not familiar with you.

Everyone knew that the Conaro family had a beautiful daughter, but they had only seen her when she was a child, but they had no idea what she would look like when she grew up.

"Huh? You just want to go on a blind date with me." Luo Lian flipped up her beautiful golden hair, her arrogant and arrogant character came back, and said disdainfully: "How can those people be worthy of my current beauty and strength? If I don't go, I won't go."

I am a red/blue witch in the demon world. I usually communicate with officials and leaders of big forces, and those I interact with are all strong people.

"You kid, how can you talk?" Mrs. Cornaro thought that Luo Lian had an old habit and frowned slightly.

Luo Lian waved and was about to leave, but she bumped into a thirty-year-old man on the road, wearing an exquisite little dress and a small round hat, and with a rather handsome face.

"Hey, Collector Uncle Lu, you are not taking care of Aunt Lu at home." Luo Lian started to mock directly, and this hateful elder used his compassion to cut off half of his blond hair.

If it weren't for Ye Lin's help, her beauty would have been damaged.

"Ah haha, Luo Lian, I'll treat you to dinner when I have time to make amends." Lu smiled bitterly, knowing that he was in the wrong, and he was too embarrassed to shout loudly.

But Luo Lian's blond hair did have extraordinary miraculous effects. After being made into a wig and worn on his "wife"'s head, it indeed gave off a noble and elegant temperament, and he couldn't help but like it.

The countess became more and more surprised that Luo Lian had changed so much.

The weather cleared up slightly and the sun shone brightly. The celebrities and nobles gathering at the Count's residence, headed by Count Cornaro, were about to go to another venue when they bumped into Luo Lian who was trying to escape.

"Lorian, you still know how to come back!" the Count scolded in a majestic manner. During the years when you didn't return home, I could only use the excuse that you went to the capital to study to cover you.

I have been criticized by outsiders for my lax upbringing and my inability to raise a well-known lady.

"If you're not welcome, then I'll leave?" Luo Lian didn't care. Her ladylike and narcissistic character was rebellious.

It was also because of this that she and Biana fell in love at first sight and got along.

Thanks to the boss "Justisa" for the 100-point reward.

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