Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2638 I am indeed a genius

Luo Lian and her father, Count Conaro, glared at each other, full of rebellious spirit.

What's the matter, if you don't welcome me back, then I'll just turn around and leave. It saves me the worry and you won't be an eyesore.

I continue to return to the devil world, be my red/blue witch, chatting and laughing with the top big shots, or simply follow the beauty goddess Venus.

The countess sighed slightly when she saw this. In the years after Luo Lian left home, she also reflected on whether her daughter's tutoring was too strict and she would resist under heavy pressure.

Her health has never been very good, and Count Cornaro has no intention of taking a concubine. Therefore, Luo Lian is the only one in such a large family, so naturally he has too high expectations.

"This is Miss Luo Lian." An elegant old man smoothed things over with a smile. He was a young man with fair hair and a strong spirit. He was a well-known writer with high attainments in calligraphy.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. The graceful and graceful person I came out of has disappeared."


Luo Lian thought quickly in her mind, and there was a vague shadow of the other person in her memory. She was an acquaintance, but she had no idea what to call him. She hated complicated and long-winded interpersonal relationships.

So she smiled, raised her skirt slightly and responded with a ladylike bow.

With her beautiful appearance and elegant etiquette, Luo Lian stood out at the scene, which made the unhappy count feel relieved.

"That is your Grandpa Mir, and the young man behind him is his grandson Feilun. He is a professional in the swordsmanship department and has quite a literary talent." The countess introduced softly. She was a delicate mother, and she guessed that Luo Lian might not recognize him fully.

The man named Feilun looked at Luo Lian's face for a moment and smiled slightly.


Luo Lian didn't care, she just responded politely, and there was no seat for the other party in her memory.

The countess pulled Luo Lian and introduced her daughter Luo Lian with a smile, as well as the visiting guests. She has been studying abroad in recent years, and everyone may not know her.

There are a few special guests who are not here for the time being, such as the Collector Road just now, and a famous swordsman named "Liet".

In fact, the countess did not want to urge Luo Lian to get married. Her daughter must be the best. She must not be careless in important matters in life. She must be a good match and have a matching personality.

Instead, take this opportunity to expand your circle of interpersonal relationships.

Luo Lian roughly guessed it, and Wei Wei wanted to complain, Mom, do you know who I usually communicate with, the leader of the first-class power, the origin level, the transcendent strong man, and the supreme and illusory god.

Just last night, I held a god down and rode him hard, making him surrender.

The countess informed that a team of scholars recently unearthed an ancient ruins, and after research, it was determined to be one of the princes of the Peruvian Empire.

The prince once stationed in the south of the present principality and was buried in a luxurious tomb. However, after hundreds of years, it also decayed and was buried in the years.

Some cultural relics have been unearthed and are quite valuable. The excavation team donated some of them to Count Cornaro free of charge and also notified many celebrities.

Of course, their little idea couldn't be hidden from the earl. First, they took the opportunity to promote it, and then they looked for interested buyers. This is why the collector's road is also here.

There is also a way of giving it away to show that it has been protected by the noble earl, so as to prevent interested people from coveting it.

But after all, the other party did not violate the laws of the principality and could collect additional taxes. After Earl Cornaro accepted it, he donated the cultural relics to the museum of the principality. Today is the last day for the cultural relics to be in the Earl's mansion.

The countess also took advantage of the opportunity to hold an academic exchange meeting and visit cultural relics. Celebrities and scholars also brought their masterpieces.

Luo Lian has no interest in participating in any exchange meetings, even though her grades in all subjects are high.

But there is a saying that parents often say... You young people should move around more often.

As the only daughter of an Earl's family, she may have deliberately cultivated relationships to flatter her because of her noble status.

Perhaps it was because Luo Lian's beauty was dazzling enough that many people gradually gathered around her, slowly becoming the focus of the audience.

"Lorian." A girl with some freckles on her face, blue eyes, a slim figure, and half a head lower than Lorian greeted with a smile. She was Lorian's good friend before she ran away.

"Brie, long time no see." Luo Lian was pleasantly surprised and laughed too. With sharp eyes, she noticed that Bree had a ring on her ring finger and said in surprise: "You are married."

Bree's family is in the silk business and has a small fortune. Her father is an old knight who has passed the Duchy's examination.

"Yeah, last year."

"I'm so sorry I'm not here." Luo Lian took out a necklace she made and put it in Bree's hand. It was inlaid with a sapphire, which was as beautiful as her eyes.


The young people present all came from extraordinary backgrounds and had extraordinary eyesight. They could identify at a glance that this was a real aquamarine, which was as big as a knuckle and was very expensive.

Bree was also stunned. She had a lot of jewelry, but none of them could compare to this aquamarine necklace.

"No, this is too precious."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry. We are friends." Luo Lian waved her hands indifferently.

Luo Lian really didn't care. She usually exploded countless gems, including bigger ones. If she didn't have any, she would ask Ye Lin for them.

Bree couldn't help wearing it on the spot, and then introduced her spouse to Luo Lian, an excellent knight who also held a position in an organization in the principality.

More and more young people are gathering around Luo Lian. Her beauty and talent, as well as her bright and refined temperament after receiving the virtue crystal, are destined to be the center of attention everywhere.


A light suddenly lit up in Luo Lian's ruby-like eyes. The people around her didn't see anything strange at all. Only Luo Lian noticed it, and her eyes entered a magical state.

Bree, Philon, lights up with different colors of light in her body, which is the light of the soul attribute. She sees that most of Bree's colors are red, and there is a small part of orange that is flattering.

Feilun appears to be a gentleman and has a warm smile, but the color of her soul is mixed with yellow of desire and blue of hypocrisy...

"This is the ability of the virtue crystal. Can I read minds? I can see the attributes of other people's souls." Luo Lian was proud. What, I am indeed a genius.

It's only the second day, and I've already got a glimpse of the door.

Yesterday, Venus said that whether you can comprehend the power of virtue crystals depends on fate and understanding. If you are not lucky, it may take decades and make no progress in your life.

With her new discovery, Luo Lian was no longer so repellent to communication, and began to actively communicate with others, mainly because she wanted to see the color of their souls.

The countess was also very happy when she saw this, thinking that her daughter had enlightened and understood interpersonal relationships.

Luo Lian discovered that not only could she see what others thought about her, but she could also see the color of other people's souls when they talked to them.

An accident happened. Looking at Count Cornaro's circle, those adults seemed gentle, friendly, and happy to talk on the surface, but most of them didn't have much sincerity in their souls.

"Tsk, tsk, adults' hypocritical world." Luo Lian complained in her heart.

At noon, during the break, Count Cornaro hosted a banquet. Luo Lian said that she was not hungry yet, so she only ate a piece of honey bread.

She hasn't forgotten Ye Lin yet, and she doesn't know where that guy has wandered off.

"Lorian, I see you had a good chat this morning. How do you feel?" The countess took her daughter's hand, the color of her soul was full of kindness and affection.

"They are all just average. There is no one who can match my beauty." Luo Lian's habitual narcissism is also explaining a fact.

She is the red/blue witch, an origin-level powerhouse, and the messenger of the God of Beauty.

Unexpectedly, the Countess also nodded and said: "I also think that, leaving aside Kenaro's family background, your awakening level strength alone is outstanding."

The countess loves her daughter very much. She investigated the magic school privately a few years ago and was surprised to find out that Queen Skadi and Queen Meia founded the magic school together. The principal is a very powerful dark elf named Saran who is in the high-level legendary realm. .

Humans' magical talent is close to scum, and Luo Lian is actually the top graduate of a certain class there.

"Awakening? Haha." Luo Lian smiled and waved her hands. That doesn't matter. Now I can bully the awakened Count Cornaro with one hand.

Because the color of her mother's soul was extremely sincere, her tone became much softer and she said affectionately: "Countess, I have a boyfriend."

Did I mention that there was originally a green witch in Witch Forest, so it was actually Green Witch Forest.

However, due to the transfer of breath, the Green Witch was eroded, became very weak, and later died.

When Rorian was transferred to the Demon Realm, she was taken care of by the Green Witch. After the Green Witch died, she took over the management of the forest, which is the Red Witch's Forest.

Later, Loriane moved to Central Park Street, and she became a stand-in to guard the forest, that is, the Blue Witch.

This is why the boss of the Red Witch Forest is a blue witch, and the pink card is also a blue witch.

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