Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2662 You jump and I jump

"The wind is blowing in the right direction, the crew is ready, let's set sail!"

Satomai, who was wearing a bright dress, stood at the bow of the ship. Following her order, the heavy anchor was slowly dragged up the hull by a mechanical winch. There was a sailor on the shore with bare arms, raising a hammer and knocking open the fixed rope buckle.

The giant ship named "Everything for Sale" rode the wind and waves under the spotlight, hung its sails, and slowly sailed away from the east coast.

The strange name of the ship was given by Celia, which means that our chamber of commerce is outstanding. Our chamber of commerce can sell everything except prohibited items.

Satomai strongly refused and asked you to change your name. I can sign the deed of sale for another ten years, as long as you change your name.

But this boat was lent to her by a rich woman, and the rich woman had the final say on what to call it.

Yesterday's newspaper news had a wide impact. Today, many sailors gathered on the shore of the port. The atmosphere was lively and grand. Many fireworks were set off when the ship left.

About six or seven nautical miles away after leaving the coast, many strange ships appeared in Ye Lin's sight. They were of different models and sizes, including cargo ships and passenger ships. They filled up their sails, and their bows were all pointed toward anything.

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows and said casually: "It can't be a pirate, it's very courageous."

This ship trip indeed carried a lot of precious materials on board. The total value was high, and it was normal for people to covet them.

After observing, Siatt judged: "Probably not. The pirates cannot be of such a grand scale, and their people are standing at the bow of the ship, looking majestic, more like they are welcoming us."

"Sadoumai, have a safe journey and wish you success." Standing on the bow of a certain giant ship was a man with a powerful figure and a mustache, and his voice was deafening.

Then the gathered ships sounded rhythmic flutes one after another, first short, then long, then twice short, and finally a long and loud flute, and then slowly ended in peace.

"This is the language of navigators at sea. The captains came to see us off. The sound of the flute means calm seas ahead and wish us good luck." Satomai was excited and quickly ran to the bridge and blew a flute in response. .

Siatt and the others were slightly startled, with a slightly different look in their eyes, and then they all fell silent to watch, listen, and appreciate a certain rhythm.

Yesterday, Sadumai said that the stars in the sky are gorgeous, mysterious and attractive, but the sea under our feet is equally magnificent and also hides unknown stories.

Mo Mei thought thoughtfully and smiled, "This is a corner of our wisdom, the fire of our civilization, our present and future."

"Yes." Feng Ying agreed, with a smile on her lips.

As the chief graduate next to Luo Lian, Sadomai also has the strength of a high-level awakener in magic. Naturally, he has extraordinary knowledge and outstanding talent, but at this moment, he has no idea what secret they suddenly realized.

It's really strange, maybe this is the strong one.

port land

Many sailors who had not yet left the port, as well as Joan Fereno, also heard the continuous sound of whistles on the sea, and they were in a trance for a moment.

The latter sighed deeply and murmured: "Whether another continent exists or not depends on the dreams and persistence of countless navigators."

Sailors could laugh at Sadomai for being overestimated at his young age, but they would pay the highest respect and courtesy to every ship and captain who actually took action to find another continent.

If Satoumai returns in a few days with a disgraced face, then there will be another joke in the sailing circle. You can laugh at her however you want, no matter how ugly the words are.

But during the period after Sadumai's departure and before his return, no matter how bad-mouthed he is, he must keep his mouth shut. This is a rule in the great sailing circle.

Guys standing on land have no right to laugh at navigators who set sail for their ideals.

If she really finds another continent and a safe route, at least in the sailing circle, Sadomai's status will soar infinitely. She has realized the ultimate ideal of all navigators.

Suddenly, a tall, thin man carrying a cane and wearing a gentleman's hat approached Joan Fereno. The lowered brim of his hat concealed his eyes, which seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, giving outsiders a shrewd image that he would never suffer a loss.

"Qiao An, I have inquired. It seems that Sadomai did not recruit sailors for her trip. Did you provide her with the manpower?"

"Producer Roger, it's you. I didn't provide any help. Maybe it's her own friend." Qiao An glanced at the other party and then laughed.

Qiao An is a businessman who likes treasures but still has an adventurous spirit in his heart. He has opened up many safe sea routes, made many friends, and has a high status in the navigation circle.

Roger is completely different. This guy with a gold watch on his hand appears to be a gentleman, but in fact he is an extremely pure businessman. Everything he does is for profit. The business he intervenes in always wants to monopolize everything. I don’t want to give it to anyone else.

Roger made a fortune from the Sky City Restaurant at first, but then the lease expired. Roger wanted to bypass the principality and talk directly to the owner of the City of Light, but the other party ignored him at all. Now the Sky City Restaurant has become famous in Saifupo Down.

As the business of the Celia Chamber of Commerce has grown, Roger's business has shrunk by at least half compared to five years ago.

Seeing that they had some friendship with each other in the past, Qiao An sincerely gave her advice and said: "Roger, business is not just about monopoly. The Celia Chamber of Commerce has business all over the world, but no industry is completely monopolized." Monopoly."

Seeing Roger's face slowly darkening, Qiao An shrugged his shoulders to his assistant friend who came with him, and did not continue to expose Roger's scars.

Not long ago, Daphne, Roger's most effective assistant, was under great pressure from working overtime all day long and suffered various hair loss.

However, remembering that Roger had shown her kindness in times of need, she left a mineral location for colorful salt blocks for Roger and then changed jobs.

Hutton Mar

Tana, Dalfi, Penosio, and several professional designers gathered together to discuss that summer has mostly passed, and new clothing such as long-sleeved and single jackets suitable for early autumn should be put on the agenda immediately.

"Patterns, styles, colors, and small clothes are all three things that can depict infinite creativity." Tana is the leader here, holding a stack of design drafts in her hand, saying that she can also submit designs to private designers. Call for papers.

Dalfi nodded and suggested: "We should also consider the different social cultures of Xuzu, Vanes, and Dros. For example, Xuzu is used to wearing long clothes, and the same is true in summer."

"That's absolutely right. There are wind chimes over there at Xuzu, Reni at Empire, and Alicia at Vanes. I've asked them to pay attention." Tana smiled, then threw a ring to Dalfi and said : "Ye Lin asked me to give it to you, and he went to sea."

Delphi rubbed the ring in his hand. It was made of platinum and inlaid with a mysterious black gemstone, flowing with mysterious magic power.

"This is?"

Tana smiled and raised her hand. There was also a ring on her ring finger, which was even more beautiful than the one on Dalfi.

Ring finger?

Wedding ring?

Dalfi was stunned and dumbfounded. A battle maid had never encountered such a situation before, and no one would like a lady with a large number of weapons hidden under her skirt.

Tana shook the design draft in her hand, and it suddenly disappeared. Then she snapped her fingers, and the design draft reappeared out of thin air.

"It's a space prop!" Delfi was immediately pleasantly surprised. This was something she had dreamed of.

"Yes." Tana nodded and smiled: "He said, don't stuff those weapons under your skirt in the future. You can't even see your legs."

The second half of the sentence was added by Tana herself, but it fits Gancan’s character very well.

"Miss Tana, I have compiled all the design drafts." Daphne opened the door and came in.


Away from the coastline and the farewell fleet, Ye Lin was unpredictable and magnanimous. He took the initiative and said: "Sadoumai, the sea is calm now. I will teach you some magic knowledge. If you can break through as soon as possible, Xiao Su... hahahaha~ Why are you seasick?"

Ganzhe laughed rudely. The ship was relatively stable overall, but it was not as good as land. Xiao Su felt a little dizzy after standing at the bow of the ship for a while.

Immediately, Ganzhe walked up to Xiao Su and held her slender waist. Facing the wind and waves, he said affectionately: "You jump, I jump~"

Daphne's setting: "Others lamented that Roger treated her too harshly, but I had no complaints and just worked silently."

Except for Kelly, Krent, and Roger, they are the capitalists hidden in the Arad continent.

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