Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2663 Die in front of her

Some people get seasick, some get motion sickness, and a few people get needle-sick. In short, it’s normal to feel dizzy when your body and mind are not used to something.

Gancan also has a weakness of being dizzy. He gets dizzy when he sees the Mailu sisters running, jumping and making large movements...

For Xiao Su, if it was just a normal bump, it would be nothing. Her physical and mental strength were not that bad. She was a powerful elementalist who could enter the Holy Spirit state.

But when she stood on the bow of the ship and looked up, all she could see was the boundless deep blue sea, with cascading waves, and her focus was nowhere to be found. Looking around, she couldn't see half an inch of familiar land.

A sense of loneliness and insignificance arose spontaneously, floating in the sky and earth, just a drop in the ocean. As his thoughts flashed, Xiao Su began to feel slightly seasick.

Her condition is similar to snow blindness. Her eyes suddenly cannot find a clear landing point and become confused. In addition, the slight bumps of the ship make her easily dizzy.

Xiao Su raised his hand and threw "Jack's Coming" on the sea. The huge fireball burned violently on the sea due to the powerful magic power. The red and boiling flames were very conspicuous, which immediately made Xiao Su feel much better.

The perverted teacher behind her was still eating her tofu, pinching her soft waist and refusing to let go, and yelling about you dancing, I dancing~

Live a good life, but I will jump into the sea with you only when my brain is exhausted.

The waists of all the people in the demon world are super thin, but Xiao Su's waist is not bad. The magic uniform she wears, which costs nearly seven figures, has some bows and lace decorations on the waist, which makes the waist slightly "thicker".

As for Youxia, who is used to wearing sleeveless tights and hot pants, her small waist is tightly tied up. In comparison, Yujie's legs, which don't seem to be as thick as Qianying's, are literally not tight enough.

However, it has been verified by the little witch that the waist of the devil is very thin, but when twisted, the flexibility is also very good.

With an expressionless expression, Xiao Su forcefully opened the perverted teacher's dishonest palm, walked behind Ye Lin, pinched his waist, and switched positions.

"Eh? Xiao Su, do you like to be in the back? This is not possible. Girls can only be in the front and not in the back for some reasons, but it is not absolutely impossible. You must have finger skills..."

Xiao Suquan pretended that he didn't hear the perverted teacher's nagging, took a few steps back, and then kicked the sugar cane out of the ship with a beautiful falling flower palm (sole), and fell into the sea with a thud. Then he was crushed by the bottom of the ship, and the waves Overwhelmed with perversion.

Phew~ I feel much more comfortable all of a sudden, very refreshed.

Although the waters on the east coast are not as prosperous as those on the west coast and have many large ports, courageous navigators have also explored most of the waters on the east coast. The area about 300 nautical miles away from the coastline has been explored and detailed navigation charts have been drawn.

Sadomai cherished the great navigators in history and said with great admiration: "Think about it, navigators with little ability have explored the sea area of ​​300 nautical miles with only compasses and speedometers."

"Yeah, I know, but you need to calm down first and meditate." Yelin crawled back from the sea and held Satumai's shoulders, and brought back a plump tuna for everyone.

Satomai blinked her purple grape-like eyes, not quite understanding, but since Ye Lin asked for it, it must make sense.

She used the mental power and magic power in her body to enter a profound and mysterious state of meditation, where she could ignore the noise of external objects and be keenly aware of the incoming malice.

There is no doubt that Satomai's talent was able to graduate as the chief graduate, but today was different from the past. She could not enter that special state of tranquility and sensitivity.

"Keeping calm at all times is one of the skills that a powerful magician must master. Chaotic emotions will make your perception of magic unbalanced and manipulate it, thus affecting your true power."

Ye Lin was in an extremely serious state at the moment, analyzing her current problems in detail to Sadumai. It doesn't matter if you completely devote yourself to the navigation industry in the future. The Awakened One is already very strong.

But if you still have the slightest desire to be stronger, you must pay attention to your own state at all times and examine yourself three times a day.

Satomai gasped for air, her beautiful face showing some uncontrollable panic. She had been too obsessed with sailing and neglected to practice in the past six months.

Ye Lin hasn't told Satomai yet that you may be the first person to set foot on the Eternal Continent, but three dragon tribesmen have already set off, so the time should have arrived long ago.

Xiao Su, who came back from the deck after having enough of the sea breeze, looked at Sugar Cane talking eloquently. At this moment, she really had the temperament of a teacher who teaches and educates people.

"What does it mean that I examine myself three times every day?" Xiao Su asked involuntarily, feeling that it was very meaningful.

"This sentence has different meanings for different people. For you, it means that you should reflect on whether your moral character is sincere and noble every day."

"What about you?"

Xiao Su Bingxue is smart and knows that different people must be referring to him with just one thought.

"I hang out with three girls every day and never save my body."


Xiao Su raised Bai Shengsheng's middle finger, knowing that this guy was always talking about running a train and was not serious. She must have been dazzled just now because she thought he was handsome, so she shouldn't have any expectations for him.

"Dear, haven't we already established a loving relationship? We understand and tolerate each other." Ganzhe was even aggrieved, and seemed to think Xiao Su was cold and ruthless.

"Break up!" Xiao Su spoke clearly.

Hey, she is not the gentle-tempered, maternally doting curator or Xiaoyu, and she would never pamper such an unscrupulous pervert.

"Girls should not talk about breaking up. It will affect the intimate relationship."

Xiao Su frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about the possibilities, and then let out a sigh...

She applied a layer of cloud-like magic to her seat. The effect was balance. Even if the waves were roaring outside and the ship was bumping, her seat would not feel any discomfort at all.

Being teased by Ye Lin as a big cock magic must have been inspired by it from above.

Beside the stairs to the upper deck, Yimi Wu had a strange smile, hiding a hint of teasing, and said: "Xiao Su has always been quite arrogant, but she didn't realize it. I have a strategy suggestion, do you want to hear it?"

"Of course, I'm all ears."

"Find an opportunity to die directly in front of her. In this way, Xiao Su will be stunned on the spot. Then he will know the pain of losing you. Maybe he will hold your body and cry, and say he loves you with tears streaming down his face."

It was really a good suggestion, very evil in the style of the little witch. Ye Lin regretfully spread his hands. It seemed feasible, but in fact it was not.

He used this trick to deceive the Instant Noodle Saint Alexandra before, so the trick is old-fashioned~

"Unless he is beaten to death, the underworld will not accept him." Mavis said lightly as she passed by.

ship bridge

Mo Mei waved from above and informed that all navigation information had been recorded and everything went well.

Arad's navigation is far inferior to that of the Celestial Realm, and various sophisticated equipment and even satellite positioning are enough to find any ship with a signal.

Therefore, the methods used by navigators here to determine safe passages are the sun, starry sky, compass, and time.

For example, a certain ship sets off from the port at a certain speed, heads in a certain direction, and returns safely.

When another ship travels, you can compare the speed of your own ship with the original ship, and then determine the safe route and sea area based on the position of the navigation mark.

The ship "Sell Everything" recorded in detail the time, speed, direction, and the position of the sun at this moment, which is a valuable piece of information.

The knowledge of navigation is written in a thick pile of books. Without relevant knowledge and only relying on courage to sail, you can only feed the fish.

Mo Mei had just discovered a red beacon. The rope coated with anti-corrosion paint was about 500 meters long. The heavy end fell to the bottom of the sea and would not drift with the movement of the ocean currents.

Seeing this red navigation beacon means that you are about to leave the safe sea.

It was Satomai's first voyage and she also saw this beacon from a distance. The place where she died was still dozens of nautical miles away.

Siatt waved his hand and threw a conspicuous red and yellow navigation beacon into the sea, indicating that the ship had arrived here and everything in the sea was safe.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Lin stepped up and jumped onto the old cylindrical red navigation beacon. The navigation beacon was about two meters high and made of a corrosion-resistant wood with red paint on the outside.

In the middle of the navigation mark, there is a sentence...

"Ningpa, Brona, Puff + Little Toni, come here"

Still written in human words!

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