Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2664 Please don’t lose weight

Sure enough, it was the three dragon street sluts, the three "pets" that he, Yimi Wu, and Sophie raised respectively, that sailed along this sea route to the distant Eternal Continent.

The writing was engraved with human words, and the calligraphy was crooked and unsightly, like a sentence crawled out by a few earthworms.

They probably felt that the dragon characters were meaningless if no one could understand them, so they worked hard to write down the human characters. It was really hard work for them who never went to school.

This kind of souvenir is actually quite common. Whenever humans conquer some desperate situation in nature, such as mountains, seas, and deserts, they will have the urge to leave some traces to prove that I have been there.

The last time Satomai passed by, he lost a stack of letter paper with names written on it.

Sophie also saw the names left by the "pets", smiled, and complained: "I bet a cow thigh that those three idiots, especially Puff, really swam here. "

Ye Lin Ying bet, then reversed the time here and saw ships appearing and disappearing nearby. When the projection stopped, Ningpa with beautiful wings was flying in the sky. He couldn't fly, so he was still vomiting while squatting on the ship. of bronna.

And Puff, she rode the enlarged electric dragon Little Toni and happily circled the navigation mark three times, with water splashing everywhere.


Ye Lin lost a beef thigh to Sophie, emptied his empty pockets, and sighed quietly: "There is no beef thigh, should I use other legs? They are all for the entrance anyway."


The crisp sound of the sword being unsheathed sounded, and the bright red original dragon blade seemed to come alive in the sunlight. The heart-stopping dragon power began to fill the air, and the blade flashed with blood, shocking the seas in all directions, and the people on the bottom of the sea were frightened. swimming fish.

If you dare to show your "Trial Blade" without any seriousness, I will cut you up and feed you to the fish.

"Ahem, in exchange, how about I provide you with a secret method that makes beef thigh twice as delicious?"

"Oh?" Sophie was slightly interested.

Delicious food comes from three aspects. One is the texture of the ingredients themselves. No matter how much you chew a green vegetable, it will not smell like meat.

The second is the chef's cooking ability. He can use cooking techniques and appropriate seasonings based on the characteristics of the ingredients to maximize the deliciousness of the ingredients.

The last thing is the needs of the diners themselves.

"As long as you don't eat until dusk and are slightly hungry but not terribly hungry, the beef thigh will taste twice as delicious."


Sophie rolled her eyes with disdain. After talking for a long time, I thought it was some kind of secret method of profit and loss. When people are hungry, eating hard steamed buns is happiness. I have also been vegetarian before.

The "Everything for Sale" ship has moved away from the east coast and has also found the navigation beacon on the border. It took Satomai two days to arrive here last time.

But the power of this ship is not only the wind, but also...

The giant dragon Astra emerged from the ocean. Its obsidian-like scales hid a mysterious dark gold color. Its dragon wings stirred up fierce water waves. It shook off a few magic chains on its body and quickly shrunk into miniature, then fluttered its small wings around it. Swirling around Siatt.

The conditions were agreed, and dinner would be a whole fat cow from the Snowy Land of Ston.

"Okay, you're so good." Siatt scratched Astra's chin. She did a good job today by not running around chasing underwater creatures.

As for the speed data, just calculate it after halving it.

It was a little after seven o'clock in the evening, and Ye Lin was called by Mo Mei to the bridge to watch the sunset and sea view.

Looking at the distant skyline, the sun that is about to set into the sea shines its afterglow through the huge glass windows, and the whole room is dyed with a charming orange glow, which also illuminates Mo Mei's dignified and delicate face.

"The sunset on the sea makes the never-ending waves coated with a layer of golden light, which is as beautiful as the golden thought energy."

Mavis on the side nodded, then suddenly shook her head slightly, and her cold lips deliberately said something shocking: "I feel like the sea has revealed the true face of the devil, swallowing up the shining sun in the sky. There may be darkness in the sea. the ruler of.”

"What ruler, I made bone soup today and came down to eat." Siatt directly called the people on the bridge through the communication device.

Sophie happily held a large bowl of broth with bones and meat piled up in a hill. No chopped green onions or coriander. No thanks for any vegetarian dishes, but you can have some shiny red chili oil.

The beef tendon ham sausage from the Snowy Land of Ston is a new product of the Bantu people. It has a high meat content. The product is extremely popular and is in hot demand. If you want to buy it, hurry up.

The Bantu people's minds couldn't come up with such a brilliant idea. It was Celia's professional advice.

You Bantu people sell very few types of products to the outside world, basically kumis, beef, mutton and animal skins, cheese, totem pillars without magic effects, etc. You can consider more primary processing.

For example, the teeth of ice tigers and snow mandrills can be made into necklaces and other handicrafts, and the tiger bones can be soaked in wine. The profits from selling the less delicious parts of beef and mutton directly are limited. If they are processed into cans and hams, the profits will definitely increase. a lot of.

If it weren't for the fact that Mintai and she were already a family, Ganzhe's god-sister became a god-sister, Saifupo wouldn't have revealed these easy money-making ideas.

The family’s household registration book is thicker again!

"I think the starch sausage is quite delicious." Qianying held a piece of cheap starch sausage that had been cut with a flower knife. The small ones cost one yuan each, and the big ones cost three.

During the day, Ye Lin used her meaty legs to compare with You Xia's slender waist. Qianying wanted to lose weight and didn't want to eat too much meat.

Although it doesn't really have much to do with her, the waists of people from the demon world are thin, and she did it on purpose.

"Please, don't reduce the legs, I was wrong." Ganzhiliang burst into tears, hugging Qianying's beautiful legs and not letting go. If you reduce the legs, they won't feel sensual to me when I lick them.

After the meal, Astra opened its fangs and mouth, and even leftover food was thrown into its bottomless throat.

Its digestive ability is very powerful, and it can swallow bones whole without any problem, and it can also chew up ores.

Xiaoyu raised her hand and threw out a row of green bamboo sticks, took one and read the information on it, raised her eyebrows and said: "At around eleven o'clock tonight, there will probably be thunderstorms, hurricanes, and heavy rain. "

Satomai, who took a sip of wheat juice, was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and a trace of fear immediately appeared in the depths of her eyes. The last time she went out to sea with all her blood, she fell in the storm and heavy rain.

People who have never experienced weather disasters in the sea have no idea that these disasters occur in the sea and are a hundred times more terrifying than on land.

That would turn the whole world upside down and awaken the most instinctive fear of the ocean in human beings.

Siatt looked around the warmly lit cabin, shrugged and said, "Momei, please protect the ship. The whole ship will be very bumpy at night."

This incident will also be faithfully written in the navigation record by the curator. Weather disasters are barely foreseeable, but unavoidable.

There is no always smooth sea lane in the world. I wish the ships in the future good luck.

Of course, they have the power to eliminate weather disasters with a single thought, but it's not necessary.

Unless there are special circumstances, everyone will respect the order of nature.

Ye Lin muttered "very bumpy", it should be more violent than the shaking of an automatic chair. He had a new idea.


At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, the dense thunderclouds flashed with dazzling lightning. A sudden burst could illuminate the entire sky and sea. The roaring waves rolled up by the strong wind could break the mast deck and submerge the giant ship. Now it is beating the motionless ship. Mind the Qi Mask.

The curator estimated that ordinary ships would be torn apart easily in the storm. Even the best and largest merchant ships on the east coast could not be said to be 100% undamaged in this storm.

Thanks to the protection of the mind mask, the cabin was calm and warm, and the milk tea that Mailu placed on the table did not have any ripples.

Satomai sat like a lady with great flexibility. The hem of her skirt could cover half of her smooth and white thighs. She was a good boy who didn’t wear safety pants. She smiled and said, “Whenever the wind blows and the rain blows outside, the thunder roars. At that time, I felt that the sense of security in the room skyrocketed.”

The room does not need to be too big, but as long as there are no gaps that leak out the wind and rain, there is light, and it is warm enough, you will feel more at ease when you stay in it.

If I have a lover who embraces me again, I will feel like I am the king of the world.

Sadomai became more and more familiar with everyone. It turned out that the world-famous adventurer team was not so close to strangers, and everyone was very friendly.

When Satomai wasn't paying attention, the teacher Ye Lin bowed respectfully and knelt down in front of Miss Mo Mei. The latter's cheeks were slightly red and she hesitated for a while before taking his hand.

"Let's go outside and take a look." Ye Lin pointed to the nail plate.

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