Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2665 This bear doesn’t cost five yuan to take photos with

"I think it is necessary to give some advice to latecomers, or warnings that must be followed for the sake of life safety."

The curator wrote carefully in her notebook. After detailed data analysis and environmental calculations, she believed that ordinary ships might not be able to withstand the current extremely terrifying wind and waves.

If it encounters a storm of today's level, an ordinary ship will be ruthlessly torn apart by the disaster and broken into pieces, which is almost equivalent to being buried in the sea.

Life is extremely precious. If we brainstorm more now and provide some necessary experience and advice to those who come after us, fewer tragedies will occur.

It is unrealistic to go to Heaven to learn mechanical shipbuilding. After discussion, everyone agreed that the local knowledge and ability of Arad should be fully utilized.

First, optimize the materials and structure of the ship, such as inserting more reinforced rivets into the details and using stronger wood and metal.

Then consider the power of magic. The ancient reinforcement magic from Dark Elf Vanness has been applied to Magadha, allowing navigators to cooperate with Dark Elf.

In this way, the overall strength of the ship will be greatly optimized, and the safety rate of navigation will skyrocket. While reducing the risk of life, it means that the future shipbuilding industry needs to be reformed and upgraded to adapt to ocean navigation.

Siatt took some photos and videos of the storm and sent a message to Celia, along with the results of the discussion and today's findings. Business is all about seizing the opportunity and fighting information warfare.

Satomai was holding a glass of wheat juice with ice, thinking and nodding throughout. She liked the beer produced in the Moonlight Tavern. It was refreshing and delicious, and girls could drink it.

And she has a pretty good drinking capacity, at least better than Feng Ying.

It's amazing. Everyone seems to be sure that they will find the Eternal Continent. Their attention is obviously no longer on this, and they have already begun to study what will happen after arriving on the continent.

The unreachable myth in the great sailing circle seems to be just an insignificant challenge to them.

Sadomai began to respect the curator more and more. He was not only mature, intellectual and charming, but also a knowledgeable and knowledgeable person who considered all details very carefully.

She and Principal Shalan have very similar temperaments and charms. They are both a dose of charming poison that men cannot resist.

The bright moon was covered by rain clouds, and when it burst out with a huge sound, it was like a mountain collapsing and the earth was cracking. The whole world was roaring with wind and sea, and the huge waves rolled up were as high as the terrifying abyss, and like a demonic hand coming from the darkness. It could easily be slapped. Submerge huge ships.

Even those extremely ferocious sea beasts hide deep in the seabed and dare not move rashly.

"By the way, the wind and waves outside are still roaring. Why did they get out?" Satomai put down the finished cup and immediately hugged Crazy Bear in his arms after seeking Yimiwu's consent.

Knead, knead, knead, good boy, good boy, you are a unique and cute bear, I really want one~

Yimi Wu said that the bear is not for sale, but it costs five yuan to take a photo, thank you.

After dinner, Crazy Bear wore leather gloves to help mop the floor and arrange the tables and chairs.

But Astra, the cub, was already lying on his belly, and Mi Gao had transformed back into a unicorn first, snuggled comfortably in the warm mushroom-shaped cat's nest and dozed off~ he was drunk.

Yuena opened the holy book she carried with her, prepared the necessary daily prayers, and said calmly: "The entire ship was protected by Mo Mei's mind energy, like a lighthouse fixed on the coast, so there was no light on the deck at all. Affected by the environment, they probably went out to watch the sea."

When there is a huge storm outside, lying next to the safe and warm window, you can still feel the thrill of the stormy waves hitting your face.

Before you know it, your whole body is cold and your spirit is tense. For many people, this is a good way to find excitement in a safe environment.

The stronger the environmental hedge, the more comfortable the sense of security will be afterwards.

In other words, it is recommended that people who are timid and not courageous enough, but are restless and dishonest, can give it a try.

But Yuena had ten thousand reasons, and at the risk of Lord Remy's noble reputation, the two of them were definitely not just going to see the sea.

"The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish." Feng Ying leaned on the armrest of the sofa, bent her legs, and placed a large bag of barbecue-flavored potato chips in front of her.

"I'll go take a look, too." Satumei was inspired by her emotions. A will called courage arose in her heart and chest, and she had the urge to face the wind and rain.

Opening the door leading to the upper deck, the deafening roar of the waves crashed into Sadumai's ears. Thunder flashed in the sky, dancing like a silver snake. The rumbling sound was like the galloping iron hooves of thousands of troops, a fierce charge. .

The entire sea area was pitch black, with only the light of the mental energy mask illuminating the area. Whenever a ray of lightning illuminated the sea area, it highlighted the depth and mystery of the sea.

For ordinary fishermen living on the coast, the sea is a bountiful gift and a gentle and beautiful mother.

However, navigators have always maintained a sense of awe. The sea is actually a moody devil and a devouring butcher.

If it weren't for the powerful mental energy shield that blocked the harsh external environment and remained unmoved in the wind, rain and tsunami, Sadumai believed that such a natural disaster could easily kill the awakened ones and exhaust the physical strength of the legendary realm.

Ye Lin and Mo Mei were standing at the edge of the deck. They held hands and raised their heads slightly together. They did not change their composure in the face of the rough waves.

"They are so powerful, they slipped away." Satomai shrank back. She neither wanted to face the loud noise of landslides and ground cracks, nor did she want to be a light bulb for other people's old couples.

And it's very cold on the deck.

"I think seasonal climate issues should also be taken into consideration when flying routes." Satomai said that he was not frightened by the outside environment, but suddenly had new inspiration and new suggestions.

The frequency of storms and waves in the sea is inseparable from the seasons. If you choose to sail in the quieter months from October to November, you should reduce the probability of encountering natural disasters at sea.

"Well, that's a good suggestion. I'll write it down." The curator smiled and picked up the pen.


"Boss, you..." Mo Mei looked at her boss with a slightly helpless expression.

There are obviously warm and bright rooms in the cabin, and soft and comfortable beds.


Ye Lin smiled and pointed at the undulating waves outside the mind mask, the meaning is self-evident.


Mo Mei rolled her eyes at him, then raised a white index finger.

There are several small boats on the deck of the ship. When the ship approaches the coast, they are used to allow sailors to quickly disembark to explore the land. Large ships are easy to run aground when there is no deep-water port.

Ye Lin untied a small boat and put it into the rough sea. Mo Mei used his mind energy to stabilize it, and then the two of them jumped to the boat together, leaving the range of the huge mind energy shield.

The boat was fixed in the roaring waves, like an eternal light.

Suddenly, the boat was thrown into the sky by the waves, and then hit the sea heavily. The bumps and undulations were very intense.

Satomai and others were still awake, and they were extremely excited today.

"Caught a fish?" Xiaoyu didn't sleep either, so she teased and marveled.

Both people's legs were shaking and they were in a bit of a state of despair.

Aren't Sugar Cane's only natural enemies Shilok and Naiyali? Everyone else will be defeated by him when fighting alone. Is Mo Mei so powerful?

Ye Lin just nodded and gave a thumbs up.

? ? ? ?

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