Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2674 The street kid is indeed here

Powerful magic filled the secret world, and then whipped up violent winds. Tall trees shook violently, and spiritual grasses and flowers were crushed to their waists.

Since she was at a critical juncture about to break through, Ye Lin was not in a hurry and adjusted the time flow rate of the secret world to increase the difference with the outside world even higher.

Satomai slowly flew up under the support of a whirlpool of colorful magic power, and her soft hair and skirt were flying fiercely.

In the center of the magic vortex, a vague Holy Spirit rune loomed, which was her realm transformation.


The Holy Spirit runes in the vortex suddenly took shape in a sudden earthquake, as if they had a crystal-like entity.

Sadomai's slowly opened eyes lit up with two beams of purple light, as if treasures causing strange phenomena appeared in two lakes.

After several years of silence and stagnation, she finally reached the next realm, the legendary realm where she broke the limits of life for the first time.

Her magic talent is inferior to Luo Lian and Xiao Su, but compared to the "idiot" race of humans, she is already at the top level, even among the dark elves, she is outstanding.

Satomai was extremely intoxicated at the moment and felt that many positive changes had taken place in him.

First of all, her mental power is stronger, and her perception of the details of the world is extremely clear. She can see the magic content of some exotic flowers and plants at a glance.

The second is the transformation of oneself. Both physical and mental power have undergone incredible evolution. His eyes are brighter and his skin is whiter. He feels as relaxed and comfortable as if he had been reborn.

"Sadoumai, we have arrived at the coast, and we have had a collision and communication with the humans here." Ye Lin said.

Satomai was still immersed in his own state, unable to extricate himself, and did not hear what Ye Lin said at all.

She entered a powerful state of the Holy Spirit. Almost no magician can refuse this most powerful secret of meditation. It is like writing the secrets of nature in the world into a book and then placing it in front of you for you to read at will.

Once you understand this book, you will understand the whole world.

The strong desire for mysterious knowledge makes every magician obsessed. However, in the history of the devil world, there are many magicians who have suffered mental damage due to entering the holy state for a long time, and even went crazy and self-destructed.

How strange, Satomai wondered, why I could clearly see the surrounding area where I was, but the land and sky further away seemed like a thick and obscure fog...

Sadumai unconsciously took a few steps forward, but hit an invisible wall of air, and then his waist was entangled by an invisible existence, like the tentacles of a siren squid, but there seemed to be something similar to a human being at the tip. fingers.

But she couldn't see anything in her sight, even the beginner's secret method of the Holy Spirit had no effect.

She suddenly recalled Ye Lin's previous warning in her mind. You should practice on this site and don't use your three-legged cat's level to peek into more places, including the sky and the earth.

In fact, Ye Lin was too strong, even in the Holy Spirit state, he couldn't understand him at all.

The mysterious thing locked her body, completely unable to make an effective counterattack, and then the most embarrassing thing happened for Satou Mai. The mysterious thing actually bypassed the bottom of her skirt and grabbed the elastic fat.

"Sadoumai, wake up, I'm Ye Lin!"

The confused vision gradually cleared up. Looking at Ye Lin's worried expression in front of him, Satomai was startled, and then gasped for air, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare.

In the dream, she was raped in various ways...

"What's wrong with me……"

"Are you peeping into the laws of the secret world? Your state just now was very wrong." Ye Lin interrupted her and asked first, his tone clearly a bit unhappy.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry." Satume apologized repeatedly with a look of regret on her face. She had a clear memory of this part.

After being promoted to the legendary realm, she got a little carried away, completely forgetting Ye Lin's warning, and peeked further into the secret world in her spiritual state.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. You must pay attention next time. There are some things that you really can't see now. We have arrived at the shore. Come ashore quickly. You will be the first one to land."

"Well, thank you." Satomai was even more moved.

Ye Lin did not blame her, but comforted her, and still remembered what made her the first to land.

But whatever the hell that invisible tentacled creature was, it got into her underwear.

Satomai was dragged out with his head half confused, and some questions in his mind were quickly dispelled by the joy of arriving in the Eternal Continent.

Antana Port, located in the northeast corner of the Eternal Continent, is also one of the refuges. There are many large and small ships moored in the port.

Now the port dock is bustling with people, including local residents watching the excitement and soldiers maintaining order, all of whom are casting curious and wary glances at this strange ship.

It’s amazing. Not only is this ship huge and intact, with a beautiful structure, but more importantly, dozens of notorious pirates are fished on a rope at the stern of the ship, which is like walking a dog.

It is not known where the ship came from, but the hunt for pirates has won the favor of the residents of the port of Antana.

Among the crowded crowd, a tall and thin middle-aged man in blue uniform frowned slightly when he looked at the ship and asked the young girl next to him: "Xirui, do you have any information about this ship?"

"No, there is no information about this ship in the history of Antana Port. It may be from other ports."

The total area of ​​the Eternal Continent is roughly equal to the Principality of Belmare plus the Snowy Land of Stone, and is surrounded by sea on all sides, so shipbuilding technology is particularly developed.

"I think it's impossible. Those port cities are barely surviving. It's unlikely that they have the strength to build such gorgeous ships and even capture notorious pirates."

The name of the middle-aged man in uniform is Ribek. He is the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Antana Port and nearby areas. He is brave, wise, and thoughtful. His family has been fighting evil dragons for generations, and he has a very high reputation in the local area.

He is equivalent to the person in charge of Antana Port and the leader of the local residents.

"President Riback, let's wait until the people on the ship get off."

Ciri, the administrator of the History Library, is also an awakener-level magician.

She has a voice as gentle as water, wears myopia glasses, has soft facial features and delicate eyebrows. The white magician uniform is embroidered with blue magic lines on the edge, which outlines Ciri's slender figure, giving people the impression of Xiaojiabiyu. beautiful temperament.

Liebeck secretly signaled the soldiers to be alert, and at the same time he stepped forward and stood at a safe distance waiting for people to come down from above.

Stairs hung down from the side of the deck where "everything is for sale". Ye Lin jumped into the boat first, followed closely by Captain Sadumai, who slowly walked down the stairs.

Because of the angle of view, Ye Lin subconsciously, or instinctively, raised his head to see... huh? !

Just now in the secret world, Sadumai was a good boy with no bad civilized habits. His curves were exposed and his chins were considerable. How could he suddenly become a bad boy in just a few minutes?

Could it be that someone taught Sadumai bad things? ?

No one reminded Satomai, she went back to her room and put it on herself.

Sadomai has always had a subtle intuition, and it should be said that he knows Ye Lin's character well.

Even Sugar Cane can't see clearly into a girl's little thoughts.

Satomai was the first to set foot in the port of the Eternal Continent. His face was smiling, but he was also very nervous and stiff. After a while, he said: "Well, hello, I am the captain of this ship, Satomai. What should I do with those pirates? What should I do with them? Tried to rob our ship."

Keeping the pirates was indeed the right thing to do, and there was a topic for quick communication with the locals.

Yimiwu and Sophie, who had not yet gotten off the boat, used their own secret methods to call their "pets".

Those three guys are indeed here, and they are very capable of wandering around.


Puff and Little Toni were lying lazily on the Starlight Coast of the Eternal Continent, both wearing sunglasses on their faces. There were piles of coconut shells beside them, all of which were empty.

I rubbed my belly and burped, and when I was hungry, I caught seafood and birds. Life was still very comfortable.

Puff suddenly got excited and jumped up from the beach as if he was electrocuted. Then he quickly looked towards the port and murmured: "The boss is calling me, and the distance is very close. Little Toni, there is a beef thigh to eat."

Nine-tailed Brona, who was fishing in other places, and Ninpa, the dragon fairy, also had feelings one after another.

Ningpa was okay, she had a greater demand for Ye Lin's energy, and her little face showed joy.

Brona numbed her paws, muttering and wanting to run away. She didn't want to go back to being a servant to the little witch.

I'm probably being targeted again.

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