Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2675 Sent all five times

Chapter 2676 Sent all five times

Pirates are the leader of the topic, and Sadomai's cheerful and generous personality makes people feel more friendly. She is introducing herself.

We came from another continent called "Arad". It took nearly ten days of stormy sailing to reach your land. We encountered many difficulties on the way, and now we feel very happy.

As for these pirates who were chained behind, Sadumai also told the story in detail, and he also quietly revealed that we are very strong. Appropriate disclosure of strength will help gain the respect of the locals.

Sadumai's introduction immediately plunged Antana Port into an uproar and suspicion. Really or not, another continent...! ?

Almost like the continent of Arad, the legends about another continent are also elusive in the Eternal Continent, and are considered to be illusory fairy tales made up by adults.

It seems the legends are mutual.

"Do you believe it, Ciri?" President Liebeck frowned, and then asked sideways. Although Ciri is not old, she is well respected by the locals because of her outstanding knowledge and ability.

"I believe it! There are records in ancient history books that there were exchanges between the two continents more than a thousand years ago. Our writing and languages ​​are very similar. Maybe the two continents were a whole before."

"Hahahaha~ I 90% don't believe it." President Liebeck smiled heartily, and then turned his eyes to Ye Lin with interest.

He had a keen intuition that this man who always smiled was the real captain.

The girl named Satomai looked obviously a little nervous and did not look like an experienced, mature and steady captain.

During a big voyage, the captain must play a reassuring role and be the core of the team.


Ciri didn't quite understand. President Riback was the most respected person in Antana Port and the surrounding area. He had strong decision-making ability and thoughtful thinking. He rarely gave such an almost final answer.

Liebeck was silent for a while as if he was remembering, then raised his head and said lightly: "Because several seniors of our Liebeck family took the sturdiest ships, carried the most sophisticated navigation props, and went to the east to sea to ask for help, but no one came back. Their ships were no better than our ships at the time.”


Xirui frowned slightly and then fell silent. A hint of doubt appeared on her delicate and gentle face. Is there really another continent?

She had heard of related things, but it had happened a long, long time ago.

The Eternal Continent sent warriors to the east several times to ask for help, but they never received a reply, and those who went there never came back.

The navigators at Antana Port believe that it is impossible for a ship to pass through the sea beasts in the deep sea, as well as those damn storms and rocks. Traveling is equivalent to losing your life.

Therefore, the plan to go out for help was completely shelved after it failed twenty years ago.

"Personally, I still prefer that they really came from the outer continent, just like the legend of the patron saint Enix. I believe she exists!" Ciri pursed her lips, and then her eyes were firm.

Patron Saint Enix...

Liebeck shook his head slightly and smiled again. If there is really a patron saint in the Eternal Continent, why does she not save the world when all life is in ruins? Can she still be called our patron saint?

Today, there are only two people in the entire Antana Port who believe in the legend of the patron saint Enix, one is Ciri from the library, and the other is Tarin, a member of the Inland Investigation Team. The others are listening to it as a fairy tale.

Out of courtesy to the locals, President Liebeck walked out of the crowd. He was curious about which port in the Eternal Continent Ye Lin came from and how he built such a gorgeous and huge ship.

Now, Antana Port and nearby cities are gathering capable people to advance inland and regain the lost territory. President Liebeck hopes to have a good talk with Ye Lin to see if we can cooperate.

"I'm Ribek... Thank you for taking care of the pirates. These guys were scared out of their wits by Keldrach, lost their humanity, and relied on special paint, which caused us a lot of trouble."

Satomai took a deep breath and smiled at President Liebeck who came over. Calm down, calm down, Satomai, you are the captain.

Great sailing is your hobby, and discovering another continent is your dream. Don’t be afraid of the stage.

"We just did it smoothly, as long as we didn't arrest the wrong person." Sadumai nodded.

Qianying cut the binding rope at the stern of the ship, indicating that the pirates are separated from us. It is up to you to decide how to deal with these people, and it is inconvenient for us to intervene.

President Liebeck immediately looked at the pirates with an angry and murderous look. When the race and the land are in danger, the rebellion of one's own people is far more malicious than the invasion of the enemy itself.

After waving his hand, soldiers immediately picked up the pirates from the sea and imprisoned them. What awaited them was the trial at Antana Port.

A guard whispered in Liebeck's ear that the number of pirates was small and different from what was reported in the intelligence.

Before the other party could ask, Ye Lin smiled and said: "We discovered them from fifty nautical miles away. It is inevitable that some people will be left behind along the way."

The people nearby were twitching and their eyelids were twitching. It was an understatement, but in fact, falling behind is like feeding the fish...

But these guys are all pirates, no matter how miserable they are, no one will sympathize with them.

Everything is for sale and it is temporarily anchored at the port of Antana. There are guards on it. Qiankage, Mavis, and the first mate of Crazy Bear, who don’t like the excitement, and the others are discussing to buy a local map to see if there are any. No food or scenery.

Several people from the demon world have sneaked out~

President Riback invited the two of them to sit in the port office and treated them like distinguished guests.

"Which port are you from, which tribe are you from, the Black Wind Forest, or the Blade Valley? How many more people are there? Please forgive my presumption. This is a necessary move."

He seemed to be asking the titular captain Sadomai, but his eyes were on Ye Lin from time to time. This man in his forties had mature experience in identifying people.

"We come from another continent!" Sadumai repeated while slightly emphasizing his tone.

It implies that I am the captain. This is what I signed with the Celia Chamber of Commerce in exchange for a ten-year selling contract. I will work for Saifupo and Yelin for ten years.

"Uh..." Liebek smiled apologetically, understanding, and turned his attention to Satomai.

If she encounters a question that she can't answer, the man next to her will definitely add it.

Sadumai said calmly: "We arrived here after nearly ten days of wandering. We have a lot of food and specialties from our continent on board."

It is irrational to directly display materials, but with strong strength and solid foundation, you don't care about these minutiae.

"With all due respect, are you really not joking?" President Liebeck looked slightly solemn, and his carefully groomed beard trembled slightly along with his cheeks.

"What evidence do you need us to produce, and can you introduce us to the current situation in the world." Satumei wanted to gain some initiative.

"Evidence, have you ever seen the people who set out from us?" Liebeck's voice suddenly became urgent. Then, he took a deep breath to calm down and looked up at the paintings on the wall.

There is a portrait hanging on the beautifully painted wall. The man in the painting is smiling and wearing a blue double-breasted gentleman's uniform. He is somewhat similar to the current Riback.

The magician Ciri also came. She was wearing a hood, covering her two thick red ponytails, and her slender figure was very soft.

She brought a pot of tea and said: "I have just investigated. There were five expeditions to the Antana Port to request help from the investigation team. In each case, members of the Liebeck family participated. The last time was twenty years ago. "

The navigator who led the team twenty years ago was Liebeck's father.

But all five voyages were fruitless, that is, none of them came back.

So Liebeck is suspicious of the other world, and even doesn't understand it at all.

If Sadumai and Yelin are from the Arad continent, then doesn’t it prove that the five investigation teams in the Eternal Continent are all waste...

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