Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2676 Gradually becoming arrogant

Liebeck is not deliberately belittling the investigation team who went out for help five times. They are all real warriors, and their voyages are absolutely heartwarming. Rather, it is a feeling of regret and strong unwillingness.

Another continent does exist, but no one can see it after five voyages, and no one can come back.

During the five voyages, there were senior members of the Liebeck family, including his father, but none of them came back, so how could Liebeck not feel regretful and unwilling.

It would be fine if Ye Lin and his party did not show up, then the five great voyages are the dedication to pursue dreams, voyages that praise courage, and have noble and romantic significance.

Therefore, out of personal emotions and the fact that all five voyages failed, Liebeck did not believe that Ye Lin and his party came from another continent.

He looked affectionately at the portrait of his father hanging on the wall. The smile on his face was always so gentle and confident, as if the sky, sea, and land were all included in his ambitious chest.

But the fifth and last voyage twenty years ago...

Liebeck frowned hard to regain consciousness, and then looked at Sadumai. The question flew back like a thrown boomerang. How do you prove that you are people from another world, and what is the purpose of your coming to Antana Port? What.

"Is it useful for us to show him Bellemare's identity certificate?" Satomai sent a suspicious look to Ye Lin. The matter of self-identification is simple and troublesome.

We've told the truth and people don't believe it, so the ID card should be useless.

It sounds quite childish to say that we know nothing about the Eternal Continent. We even know the name "Antana Port" for the first time.

If Ribek bites him to death and doesn’t believe it, there seems to be nothing he can do.

Ye Lin pondered deeply, and then took out the nautical chart drawn by the curator, which recorded the distance between the two continents, the sea areas passed through, dangers on the road, etc., including the Sirens.

"We are also the first ship from the Arad continent to reach the Eternal Continent, so this voyage is very meaningful, and various data are recorded."

If Liebeck is an excellent navigator, then he cannot fail to see the value and authenticity of this map. It is difficult to buy for a lot of money. It is the first transcontinental navigation map of the planet Arad.

If Liebek still didn't believe it, Ye Lin didn't care. He came here to catch the "three pets" and take a look at the believer who narrowed his eyes and named them.

The waterway Saifupo needs can be built even if Ribek doesn't believe it.

His consciousness briefly scanned the Eternal Continent. There were many places where ports could be built, so there was no need to stick to just one Antana port.

Liebek glanced at Ye Lin thoughtfully. Sure enough, his guess was correct. He was the real captain of the ship, and the girl next to him should be his sister or girlfriend.


His pupils shrank slightly, reflecting the very careful markings on the nautical chart. The numbers on the scale were very small, which meant that the route between the two continents was extremely long, in line with the distance predicted by the ancestors.

Among them, the label of Siren is particularly eye-catching. This terrifying guy also has terrifying legends in the Eternal Continent.

So far, he has already believed it.

"By the way, I still have this." Satomai took off the golden "clock" from his waist, which was actually a small navigation compass.

This compass was a gift to her from her uncle Joan Fereno. It was mysteriously said to be from another continent and found on a rotten ship.

Satomai didn't take it seriously, but the compass was quite beautiful, so he accepted it.

The cover and pointer of the compass were broken, so Satomai made a new one, but the base inside was still the original one.

"and this."

She took out the drifting bottle she had picked up earlier, which contained a letter asking for help. The curator analyzed it for her and guessed that the drifting bottle might not have drifted from the Eternal Continent.

Instead, the ship in the Eternal Continent was halfway through the voyage, and was thrown into the ocean by a certain crew member after knowing that there was no hope of reaching the shore.

"The base of the compass is indeed our craft style." Liebeck's expression became more and more serious. He read the letter word for word, and then let out a long sigh.

By now, he had believed it seventy-eight percent, and it was inevitable that he would feel regretful, but it soon turned into an uplifting spirit.

Because the navigation compass and letter paper successfully reached another continent, this proves that the five great voyages were valuable and that the travels of our ancestors at the cost of their lives were not useless and wasteful.

It is because of the five great voyages that we have today's port visitors. This is the reward for our hard work.

Although this return came a bit late, almost twenty years later, it is still much better than no feedback at all.

Liebeck sighed softly, as if he wanted to bury all the memories in the past. He raised his spirits and asked: "Since there is a mark of the Kraken on the map, it proves that you encountered it, so how did you escape the Kraken?" ? Just glanced at it from a distance? "

The squid sea monster is extremely powerful. It can easily defeat the largest ship with one tentacle. It has no fixed location, which means it may appear at any time. There is no way to detect it. It is a navigator's nightmare.

Fortunately, it seems to be a deep-sea creature and never goes near shallow sea areas.

"Hide?" Sadomai shook his head and said calmly and naturally: "We will kill it directly, why should we hide."

Ye Lin twitched his lips. It seemed that because he had been promoted to the legendary realm, Sadumai's confidence and courage had also soared to a higher level, and he spoke arrogantly.

He was completely different from the pale face and shivering that he had when he first saw the siren, and his mental strength was about to be controlled. He was once so fascinated by the siren's song that he was confused and confused.


Both Libek and Ciri couldn't help but take a long breath. They instinctively found it hard to believe that the Kraken had been killed.

But the other party's understatement and calm demeanor didn't seem to be a lie, and there was no need to lie.

It was difficult to prove what happened to the Kraken. Liebek smiled and didn't ask any more. Could it be possible that he should ask the other party to drag out the body and take a look at it?

According to rumors among sailors, the size of the Kraken is comparable to a mountain that reaches into the clouds. How can a ship possibly drag it?

"We are here to find Enix, where is she?" Ye Lin asked, squinting his eyes and asking not to forget what he said, otherwise he would be struck by lightning in the future.

"Enix?" Liebeck was startled, and then looked at the magician Ciri beside him. He had only heard Ciri mention this name.

It was said that the other party was the ancient patron saint of the Eternal Continent... Ribek didn't believe it. In addition to the previous reasons, part of the reason was that in the Antana Port, only Siri and Tarin believed this story.

Others, including grandfathers in their 70s and 80s, laughed and thought it was just a fairy tale to coax children.

"Really? You also believe Enix's story, don't you?" The quiet Siri was a little excited. Except for her and another girl, Taryn, no one believed that Enix existed.

Now that someone looking for Enix suddenly appeared, Ciri suddenly felt so pleasantly surprised, as if a lonely person suddenly met a confidant with whom he could whisper.

Yelin nodded and said, "Yes, we have some connection with Enix."

Liebeck opened the orange curtains, and from his office he could see the "everything for sale" at the port. Weiwei recalled: "Mr. Ye Lin, did you say before that you brought a lot of food and specialties?"

It's so timely. Recently, Antana Port is convening manpower to try to advance inland, because a monster siege broke out this year, and the damage was serious, resulting in a shortage of food.

Eating fish can certainly satisfy your hunger, but rice and noodles play an irreplaceable role.

"Obviously it was me who said it, I am the captain!" Satomai complained strongly in her heart, I signed a ten-year contract of renunciation.

"Mr. Liebeck, everyone on the ship has the right to decide the sale and purchase of goods. They are all people of noble character." Ye Lin nodded.

Satou Maichuan sighed and went back to discuss the deal with President Riback.

Ye Lin learned more about Enix from Ciri. (End of chapter)

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